In the thirty-two years of scenery, the White House in Changping county gave birth to a strange son, who died without disease or disaster until he was five hundred and twenty-seven years old.

After thousands of disasters, sometimes it's a blessing to return to reincarnation.

Still maintaining the broken shape of the Luodu star domain, there are only two figures at the moment.

King Jiujie stood in the void from afar, looking at the thin but firm figure step by step.

He didn't know when he would see him again, but it was a foregone conclusion.

The immortal genius who amazed everyone left like this.

Jian Wushuang finally glanced back at the king of nine disasters, and the corners of his mouth slightly tilted up a radian, and he stepped into the vast sky gate like the Milky way behind.


Billions of wisps of divine light scattered in the sky like tassels, and finally completely disappeared in nothingness.

The king of nine robbers stood in the same place, disappointed, and did not seem to believe that jianwushuang had left.

But in the vast universe of divine power, there is no breath left by the unparalleled half sword.

He was like a passer-by who had never lived in the future, and no one knew where he would eventually go.

For a long time, the king of nine robbers whispered, "Dayan Huan? I have written it down."

Accompanied by the terrifying vigorous wind in the turbulent flow of time and space, jianwushuang felt the skin pain from his body almost instantly.

He completely cut off the past and stripped out the true Shadow of the clay foetus, and all his ancestral Qi returned to the divine universe.

While cutting off the past of Zu level, he also entered the realm of immortality.

That is a more mysterious realm, which is so mysterious that even the sword of successful promotion is unparalleled that it is difficult to say clearly.

But at present, the only thing he can be sure of is that Yanxian is a special existence beyond ancestral level.

Because the symbol of immortality, immortality is a kind of supreme energy that is not much higher than divine power, but has unique growth.

Yan Xian is also a sign of entering Da Yan Huan.

But Jian Wushuang's current situation is somewhat embarrassing. Although he has taken that step completely, his derivative force is still in a weak state, and it is simply difficult to effectively resist the turbulence of time and space.

You know, even with the realm of Sword Fairy Ding Baiyi, you will suffer from the turbulence of time and space if you are a little careless.

After carefully covering the whole body with Yan force, the sword moves forward cautiously.

He was no longer wandering in the turbulent flow of time and space like the headless fly before, and there was a weak force pulling him.

I don't know how many years I have been walking in the chaos and darkness. When Jian Wushuang felt that the oil was about to run out and the lamp was dry, a crack in the Tianmen gate emitting invisible white light appeared in front of him.

Jian Wushuang stepped directly into it without hesitation.

Almost at the same time, layers of supreme pressure enveloped him. The sword that was about to run out of oil and the lamp was unparalleled. Where was the power to fight back, he passed out directly.

History is always so similar. The sword that came to Dayan Huan for the second time is unparalleled, and it is as embarrassed as the first time

The sharp pain spread all over the body, and then doused it with cold water.

Jian Wushuang suddenly woke up from his coma. At first glance, he saw two young men looking at him with a smile.

"After waking up, dare you continue to pretend to be dead?" One of the bearded men smiled grimly, pulled out a black bone whip from his waist, and the terrible black purple Gang wind directly pulled it to the sword unparalleled.

Even if he woke up from a coma, his fighting instinct deep into his bones made him act almost instantly. With a big hand move, he directly clenched the whip tip, and at the same time, he slapped the man on his cheeks.

It is conceivable that the horrible form of sword unparalleled must be able to easily pull it to death.

But then, a strange scene appeared.

The chain iron plate engraved with dense patterns between the neck of Jian Wushuang suddenly released great power, walked directly through his limbs and bones, and imprisoned him.

"Er ah..." Jian Wushuang uttered a pain and knelt down directly.

But by the murderous intention that came to his face, the man with his legs shaking like chaff dared not be presumptuous, and directly screamed and retreated.

At the same time, on the low sky of dark clouds, suddenly there were thunder snakes writhing.

The flood and rain fell and washed the earth.

Jian Wushuang lay on his side, and the imprisonment made him unable to breathe.

On the earth full of black gray coarse soil particles, there are more than 100000 naked bodies. When the flood and rain fall from the sky, they all face up and let the rain wash their bodies.

Every person's neck is wrapped with a chain iron card, which imprisons their spirits and bodies.

In the flood and rain, a thin and incomparable figure slowly came to the face of jianwushuang, then stretched out an arm, directly carried him on his shoulder, and walked towards a huge cave.

The rainstorm stopped, and the more than 100000 bodies also slowly entered the cave.

I don't know how long it took, Jian Wushuang woke up and looked at all dark flames.

"I, where is this..." he sat up reluctantly.

When he saw nearly a thousand body shapes sitting around him, jianwushuang was stunned.

How can so many people gather in such a cave?

Everyone looked at him with numb and empty eyes without saying a word.

And the thin figure who carried him back to the cave looked at him up and down at the moment, and then said in a low voice, "sleep, there is still unfinished work tomorrow, and you're tired to death."

As his voice fell, everyone lay down directly, and the cave became more strange and silent.

Slowly pressed down the depression in his heart, Jian Wushuang asked, "here, where is it?"

"Your cemetery." The thin figure was concise and comprehensive.

Jian Wushuang stopped asking, but tried to peel the chain iron card between his neck with his hand.

However, he just touched it slightly, and the supreme power from the chain iron card instantly knocked him unconscious again.

Time passed quietly, and when the last light in this huge cave disappeared, everything was really silent.

"Wake up, get up and work."

With a slight push, Jian Wushuang woke up in a daze.

At this moment, the sky outside is already bright, and the people living in this cave began to march towards the exit.

The thin figure leaned over his head and strode away.

Jian Wushuang got up slowly and followed the team without knowing it.

Although the sky was bright, there was no trace of the sun, and the distant sky was still covered with thick dark clouds.

Dozens of Black Mountains almost bordering the sky, and more than 100000 prisoners wearing chain iron tags between their necks, are the main color here.

And jianwushuang has been very sure that the place he reached is Dayan Huan.

But the scene at present made him suspicious.

How did he come to this place and seem to have become a prisoner?