The black robed Yan Xian's eyes coagulated and showed his murderous intent, "old man, today you will die!"

"If you're brave enough, come and take it. Although I'm in decline, crushing you is just like crushing a group of bedbugs."

Without speaking, there were still twelve Yan immortals left. At this moment, all of them were out, and all the terrible Yan forces that were enough to control one side of the sky poured out.

Jian Wushuang frowned. With his current strength, it was not a big deal to crush three or five ordinary Yan immortals. But now there are twelve Yan immortals working together. Unless the three emperors were summoned, none of them could escape!

But now the three emperors are his last cards to protect his life. In this treacherous Dayan Huan, before the last moment of his life, the sword is unparalleled and will never show anyone.

He was confident that even under the siege of so many Yan immortals, he could escape, but Xiao Dijun and others were afraid that there was no possibility of escaping.

With one palm out, the more powerful Yan force directly pushed back the nearly 100 ancestors in front of him, led by Wushuang sword, and began to flee to the gate of heaven!

At this time, the spring and autumn also aroused eight arm anger. Under each wave of suppression, there were several ancestor level elites who could not dodge!

At the moment, the little emperor, a pair of cold eyes, such as blood, pale as tuberculosis, his face became more and more red.

The number and level of the siege were so high that it was obvious that they were really rushing to kill him!

Death is inevitable, but his fate seems doomed.

Accompanied by a dark purple terror, the thin black robe was full of purple robes to hunt. Between the two palms, countless purple mans were linked with each other and turned into the most slender and straight long knife.

The most common straight cut and swing made the earth crack instantly, and the awn pillars that shook the sky and the earth gushed out, bursting out in those top practices with the smell of destruction.

There was no sound, even with each of the top cultivation of the body, no one made a sound, there was only the tragic situation of fighting.

This is a team with clear goals and strict discipline. Even the sword is unparalleled. It is hard to imagine who can have so much energy to organize such a team led by nearly 20 Yan immortals and more than 1000 ancestors.

Is it emperor?!

There is no answer. The sword at this moment is unparalleled, just like a Ranger swordsman without emotion. Every time the invisible sword is waved, it will easily harvest several ancestral lives.

After the spring and Autumn period had eight arms and angry eyes, his strength soared, and he was barely able to swim in the encirclement.

As for the little emperor, as his face became scarlet, his strength decreased at a visible speed. If it weren't for the close protection of his thin purple robe, I'm afraid he would have fallen in the surrounding circle.

At this moment, all the twelve Yan immortals surrounded the little emperor, and it was obvious that they came as long as he was human.

The sword not far away was unparalleled, and subconsciously glanced back at the first stall. The mysterious stall keeper didn't know when he had disappeared, and didn't even leave a trace.

He quickly rubbed the Tianzi tattooed bone armor with his hand, and the sword peerless quickly stuffed it into the bowl Yang bottle.

At the same time, the voice of the tall and thin old man came into his ears from the bowl of Yang, "little friend, what trouble is it? We feel that the outside world has a strong murderous spirit."

The sword peerless smelled the words and turned into a voice into the bottle with divine consciousness. "It's OK for now. I'm confident that I can leave here."

Hearing the words, the three emperors answered, and then everything returned to calm.

The Tiancheng in Jingchuan Tianyu began to collapse in a large area. Such a terrible fight has already attracted law enforcers in this Tianyu.

Nearly a hundred Qiang Jue figures in embroidered robes came from all directions.

The first middle-aged man in the realm of immortals galloped forward, but then he was stopped by more than ten ancestors.

One of the ancestors faintly showed a golden seal, and the urn said, "idlers retreat."

At first, the middle-aged man's eyes were gentle, and then without warning, he burst into murder. A column of diffractive light suddenly roared in front of him, directly smashing the ancestor level into powder.

"Idle people retreat? What I came here today is your life!"

The heavy voice fell, and hundreds of embroidered robes fell into the sky, abruptly joining the war.

A total of five Yanxian, in the moment of joining the war, made everyone feel relieved.

"Xiaodijun, Chen Qing is late. Please forgive me." The middle-aged man held a fairy wind long sword, tore open the surrounding forcibly, and came to the little emperor.

The little emperor smiled miserably, "well, it's not too late. Jingchuan is so big that only you are willing to save me."

A sword stabbed several ancestors, and Chen Qing's face was also a little dignified, "they may also have difficulties."

Without opening his mouth again, the little emperor looked not far away, and the sword that was struggling to tear a hole in the surrounding was unparalleled.

He had been silent for a long time. It seemed that he had already made a choice in his heart and did not choose to leave.

From the bottom of his heart suddenly surged a touch of fierceness, the small emperor's frown suddenly fiercely, looking at the top cultivators who were surrounded like the sea, he smiled darkly, and his palms quietly surged a touch of dark purple fire.

A dark field sprang up around him, quickly and crazily devouring every inch of the earth.

Countless pavilions turned into powder in this strange field. At the same time, the rest of the black robes in this field were only aware of the darkness in front of them. The divine body seemed to be in a mire, and the action began to be a little unnatural.

Seeing this scene, the thin purple robe with blood dripping all over his body flashed a touch of regret in his eyes.

In his own field, the little emperor seemed to have recovered to his original appearance, and the realm of Yan Xian peak still seemed to be climbing.

Jian Wushuang saw it clearly, and his eyes also coagulated. He could feel that the realm of the little emperor seemed to break through the shackles and reach another unimaginable level.

The long hair cut to the shoulders danced in the wind, and the extravagant hunting of mountains and rivers was depicted by gold and silver threads.

With a touch of understatement, the space was fragmented. Before the nearest Yan Xian even reacted, his chest suddenly shrunk into a ball, and then disappeared with the source in his body.

One finger kill!

So people are all open their eyes, unbelievable, just with a finger, let a Yan Xian disappear, how terrible will it be?

Spring and autumn farewell, he thought back to some of the past.

In the past, the heavenly court, the elder who has been serving him, is also the same as this scene now, shattered the immortal source, and perished with the heavenly court.

With one finger killing Yan Xian, little emperor Sen stared at all the top repairs in front of him with cold eyes.

PS: ask for recommendation and monthly ticket!