After all, except for the little emperor whose strength has not been announced, the other six sons had the terrible fighting power to draw three Yanxian with one war.

In addition, each childe can also carry a great companion with an ancient realm, who can basically erase it directly in the face of a single immortal.

Of course, erasure is not a direct killing, but a transmission out.

And in the end, only the CHILDES were left to fight for the peach.

Rao is so, Yan immortals who can participate in the feast of heaven are still flocking to it.

Although Xiantao is impossible to obtain, there are countless great opportunities in the celestial realm of this heaven. If you can obtain even a trace of immortal enlightenment somewhere, it will be a great transformation!

Therefore, except for a few CHILDES, most of those who participated in the peach competition ran for the chance.

Huge rivers and streams, condensing for thousands of years, plants and mayflies, accumulated by the sun and the moon.

Every plant, mountain and water in the heaven has already had spiritual luck, shuttling through it, and the derivative force in the body is sublimating at a delicate speed.

At the same time, there are also immortals who inherit the Qi of heaven and are very unfriendly to these disruptors.

Jian Wushuang and xiaodijun were very unlucky. When they were crossing the river with a reed in a huge water, they were thrown into the water by an unknown underwater fairy, causing a huge wave.

Fortunately, the fairy at the bottom of the water was harmless, but it disappeared after a slight adjustment.

"Damn, it's really impossible to prevent!" The sword that was embarrassed to the shore was unparalleled, and fell on his back on the shore.

After the last big voyage, he has more or less had some resistance to water, for fear of encountering giant sea and sky chapter in the water again, which is an unknown and terrifying creature.

The performance of xiaodijun was not better than that of jianwushuang. He was also slightly panting and helpless.

"Since the waterway is difficult to walk, let's take the mountain road next. One year seems sufficient, but in such a vast heaven, it's not enough." The sword unparalleled analyzed, and looked at the Canglin in the four fields at the same time.

The little emperor nodded, "according to you."

However, just as the two were preparing to plan the route, a fairy with a dragon's head, which looked like a giant ape, quietly poked out a huge head from the green forest directly in front.

The turbid breath from the nostrils like black holes is far more violent than that from hurricanes.

Jian Wushuang and xiaodijun looked at each other and saw a touch of bitterness from each other's eyes.



A palm smashed a Yan Xian's body. At the moment, the childe corrected that Yingwu's eyebrows and eyes were full of gloom.

Behind him, I don't know when dozens of Yan immortals gathered.

A moment later, the childe corrected his voice and said in a low voice, "you go to check in batches in turn. Try not to cause a big conflict with the card of Yan Xian who is next to childe Yan. However, if you can directly send them out, don't keep your hand."

The dozens of immortals promised at the same time, and then scattered all over the heaven in a flash.

"Mate, do you think it will be childe Yan who won Xiantao this time?"

The white robed Yan Xian's face showed a strange smile, "the second childe laughed. Do you think a little emperor who has no strength at all, or who is suffering from tuberculosis can become a climate?"

The childe frowned and twisted into Sichuan characters, and said in a deep voice, "partner, pay attention to your words and deeds. The childe is suffering from tuberculosis. You rot into my stomach, or it will be introduced into my emperor's father's ears, and even I will be implicated."

"Obey the second childe," Bai Pao Yanxian bowed his head and admitted, "on the other hand, he is by no means your opponent."

The childe didn't open his mouth, and his eyebrows slowly stretched out.

"Yes, if it weren't for the protection of the emperor and father, this disgraceful guy would have died before he was born."

With the true blood and Qi of the emperor flowing on their bodies, they are far beyond the top cultivation of the same realm, both from the level of life and the perception of the avenue, and even this advantage becomes more obvious after entering the realm of Yan Xian.

But there is a special case among their seven sons, which is childe Yan.

As the eldest son of the emperor, his life constitution has declined to the extreme since he was born, and he almost died prematurely, accompanied by various diseases, so he can't practice at all.

This is simply a disgrace. As an emperor who controls the road and waves to create the heaven, he actually suffered from such an unimaginable disease.

He really couldn't figure out how the emperor's father, who had a long history, could have a blood line suffering from tuberculosis?

Even any kind of natural materials and earth treasures in the heaven could not be cured, just like a curse, which accompanied him until his death.

And the little emperor who suffered from tuberculosis also became the forbidden land of emperor zhenwuyang, and no one knew it except their six CHILDES and their big friends around them.

"How can a guy who vomites blood against him after a little strenuous exercise deserve to compete with him?"

The childe's eyes gave birth to a touch of pleasure, and he secretly said, "since you can't stop coming to the heaven, this time, in front of the emperor's father and them, I'll severely step on the soles of your feet!"


"Where is the position of Xiantao now?"

"Huier childe, in the direction of Jiaozhou, has a special fluctuation. The fourth childe and the fifth childe are likely to converge there."

"Go to Jiaozhou, and release the news at the same time, so that Yan Xian along the way, and make every effort to eliminate childe Yan!"



A thunderous roar rang through the wild forest, and the ancient giant trees began to collapse.

I saw a huge strange ape running in the dark forest, and its strong body easily crushed the huge tree in front of it.

If you look carefully, on the broad silver back of the strange ape, the two Rangers seem to lie on their backs with satisfaction.

Jian Wushuang belched, and then extended a thumb to xiaodijun.

Just now, a big fish like a hill went into their strange stomach.

What jianwushuang didn't expect was that this guy, who was a emperor and had a gloomy face all day, seemed to be a guy who owed him 800 yuan. He was actually a good hand at grilling fish.

Just a piece of rock salt and a pile of towering Canglin simply roasted a beautiful roasted fish.

For food, sword peerless has long been out of pursuit.

The reason why I wanted to roast fish was simply that when I was fighting with the strange ape under my seat, a clever fish fairy came up from the bottom of the water. What a coincidence, the sword was unparalleled, and the sword awned an inch, sending it to the west without bias.

Adhering to the principle of not wasting, Jian Wushuang reluctantly lifted it out of the water and prepared to sacrifice to the five zang organs temple.

Xiaodijun then took over and baked a delicious roast fish.

"If you eat my roast fish, you will help me get Xiantao." The little emperor raised his eyebrows and looked at the satisfied sword on his face.