With the whole north celestial state completely broken into powder, hundreds of billions of creatures were buried with them.

Yu Bo returned to Tianting with all the elders.

Come in a hurry, go in a hurry.

Everything seems to have been erased, and it seems that it has never existed.

The thick vermicelli was swallowed and absorbed by the vigorous wind in the universe.

The Tianyu that originally belonged to North Tianxian state was erased and replaced by nothingness.

Perhaps it will experience millions of reincarnations of the galaxy before it is possible to be born and breed a new realm of heaven.

In the starry universe, with the dust falling, there are faint smells.


"Brothers, we are developed now! Who has ever seen such a rich and pure derivative spar?"

"God, this is even richer than Tianjing. No, hundreds of times the derivative force!"

"I didn't expect that such a treasure could be found by our brothers in this kind of desert where birds don't shit. It's our development!"

"No, here, why do you still have legs?"

In the dark yellow sand that blots out the sun, there are nearly 50 men wrapped in thick clothes, facing the black crystal stone as high as the hill, swallowing their saliva.

And these men's cultivation is not weak, all of them are ancestor level top cultivation.

At this time, the two men closest to the black spar, after seeing the leg pressed under the spar, directly stretched out their hands and pulled it out.

"Hua la..."

With the collapse and flow of black spar, the owner of the legs finally appeared.

"Old, boss, it's a man!" The man with whiskers couldn't help shouting after seeing the figure.

"What's the noise? I haven't seen a man!" One of the white faced men glared at him unhappily, then fixed his eyes on the unconscious man, and immediately took a slight breath of air conditioning.

At this moment, the man who was unconscious in the black rock had all his clothes torn, revealing his symmetrical figure.

At the same time, his exposed skin was extremely red, as if he had been soaked in blood, and on his chest, there was a flaming Phoenix with wings outspread, which seemed to be able to break free and rush to the sky at any time.

At the first sight of this mysterious comatose man, a big crisis appeared in the bottom of the white faced man's heart.

Several times of survival intuition told him that this man was absolutely horrible.

"Boss, there are people here!"

The bearded man shouted again, pointing to the other leg buried in the black spar.

"Boss, what should we do?" The subordinate who also saw some clues asked in a deep voice, and his eyes also showed a touch of ruthlessness.

The white faced man was not the Lord of hesitation. Even if he narrowed his eyes slightly, he said, "while they are all unconscious, he will kill them on the ground and leave no one!"

All the top practitioners took orders, rushed forward eagerly, and manipulated their respective derivatives one after another, ready to kill.

But at this time, a sudden earth shaking noise rang through, followed by countless strong derivatives, turned into a secret net.

The white faced man's men didn't react, and more than a dozen Ding Xiu were hanged by Yan Li who fell from the sky on the spot.

"No, boss, it's those guys from the sand demon cave!" The bearded man shouted in surprise, but before he ran to the white faced man, he was pierced by Yan Li who fell from the sky.

Blood splashed on his face.

The violent sandstorm swept up from the ground, accompanied by the terrifying vigorous wind, with hundreds of lazy bodies, coming from far to near.

"Boss, get out of here. We are far from their rivals."

The white faced man's eyes slightly jumped, obviously unwilling.

This black spar, which is far more precious than Tianjing. It was already in the bag, but now it's given away. How can he do it?

But it was not until those who rode on the yellow sand got closer and closer that the white faced man finally waved reluctantly, "withdraw!"

When he was about to retreat, he reached out again and swallowed nearly a thousand pieces of black rock, before he fled quickly.

"It's really unlucky that these bastards dare to find food in our territory. It's really boring!"

After the yellow sand dissipated, hundreds of body shapes gradually emerged.

At the front of these figures, a young man in civilian clothes, who was a little dissolute, looked at those figures who fled quickly and spat disdainfully on the ground.

"Brothers, hurry to move it for me. If anyone leaves a piece, hang it on the gate for ten days!" With a wave of his hand, the hundred and ten men behind him all rushed to the crystal stones piled into a hill and began to carry them.

Waving a black spar, the dissolute young man raised his eyebrows and smiled, "it's really good. Now I'll bring it all to the eldest sister. It's another great achievement!"

"Cui Tongling, there are several people under these spars." A man reflected that at the same time, these bodies, either buried under the spar or in the yellow sand, were dragged out.

There are six figures in total, five men and one woman.

When the dissolute young man called Cui Tongling saw the unconscious woman, he couldn't help but brighten his eyes.

Although the figure is very embarrassed, Huang Sha can't hide his gentle posture.

"Cui Tongling, they are unidentified. It's better to have less contact." The middle-aged man on the side of the dissolute youth grabbed him in time and reminded him in a low voice.

"I need you to remind me? The commander just wants to detect whether they are pretending to be dizzy, in case of unnecessary situations." The dissolute youth shook off the palm of the middle-aged man and stepped forward to explore the fake model.

At this look, he also saw some clues.

At present, these five men and one woman, six figures, are all severely traumatized, and it can be said that there is only one breath left.

In particular, a tall, middle-aged man in a broken black gold suit was torn to pieces by some terrible force on his chest.

And from the clothing of these people, they all have a faint sense of authority of superiors.

The most important thing is that he can't see through the strength of these people.

"Where do these suspicious guys come from? Why can they give me a sense of deterrence?" The rogue youth rubbed his chin with his palm and was thinking.

"Cui Tongling, what about these comatose people?" The middle-aged man timely reminded.

The dissolute youth heard the speech, and no longer thought, and directly waved his hand, "whatever it is, as long as we find it, it belongs to us. Carry it all to the city for me, and don't let a hair fall!"

Between the ups and downs of heaven and earth, the vast Yellow sand has become the only main color.

Due to too much shaking and bumping, he was forced to slowly open his eyes from pain.

A wisp of pure red light flickered in the depths of the pupils, and the stars between the eyebrows began to flow slowly.