Nearly hundreds of Jianqing monks, who showed their great power of invisibility, seemed to be no monks at all. Their fiery temperament was not even weaker than that of those irascible top monks in the sand devil cave.

With the waving of the Zen stick in his hand, each blow can hit the digital meditation hard.

"Elder martial brother, don't create too much karma." Jingmian monk waved his palm to crush the top monk who rushed forward. Looking at Xiang Jianqing, he hurriedly reminded him.

"Don't worry about it. I'm not afraid of such killing. If these evil animals are not destroyed, I'll be uneasy for a day!" Jian Qing said in a deep voice, waving his Scepter more vigorously.

Monk Jingmian couldn't help shaking his head. His elder martial brother, even the eldest martial brother, dared to disobey him. How could he listen to him.

The war situation is white hot.

The lives of the ancestors became the most worthless existence. Countless broken treasures and real swords fell into the collapsed and cracked ground with their respective masters.

Here, it has become their common burial ground.

The tragic war always resonates. Although it is Yan Xian, he can play little role in the war of nearly twenty or thirty thousand top practitioners.

Looking at Cui Jing with hot eyes, he directly stretched out his hand to tighten his belt, and then flew forward with an eight foot stick.

However, Cui Jing, who was at the top of the ancestral level, was able to fight ordinary Yan Xian with the blood and gas blessing in the field of the sand demon cave.

"Do you feel that guy's head is a little hard to use, two goods." Looking at Cui Jingyuan's back, Chen Qing commented.

Spring and autumn touched his chin and said, "it's a little unwise. It's estimated that he's used to running wild in this evil place and needs to be beaten."

Jian Wushuang still didn't speak. He was quietly watching the situation.

At the same time, he had a premonition that these top monks in the sand devil cave looked extremely vicious, but they could never hold the sand devil cave, and it was definitely a matter of time for the city to be destroyed.

At that time, it may be possible to wait for an opportunity to get close to those monks.

Although the cause and effect and the great killing and robbery carried by him seem to be OK and may never trigger, it is like a barb, and the sword unparalleled will surely try its best to pull it out.

If these monks can't do anything about it, they can only wait for their strength to recover, and then try to unite to clear up as much as possible, and completely wipe out the whole heaven.

Jian Wushuang has never been an excessively good person. The principle has been used since the beginning of the micro era, to the landing of the God of the universe, and then to entering the Dayan universe alone.

One side of heaven harmed him, which is the cause. Since there is a cause, it will result, and there is no end to destruction.

Monk Jianqing, with a series of thundering rhymes in his hands, drove back the emerging top practitioners in front of him.

Ten monks, all of whom are immortals, have a faint tendency to influence the war.

But one of the ten monks did not fight, or to be exact, he did not participate in the struggle.

He is like an ascetic monk, whose eyebrows have gone through vicissitudes. He moves forward slowly, as if he had no struggle with the world.

Occasionally, there was an attack on his top cultivation, but he was forced back by the Qinghui huamang shrouded in his body.

Ten Yan Xian monks, on the sand devil cave, where there is almost no Yan Xian, are crushed.

Originally arrogant and crazy, the top monks of the sand devil cave retreated, and their number was reduced from more than 20000 to more than half.

If it were not in the field of killing gas, the casualties would be even more serious than the current ones.

Jianqing is like a raging bull. As early as Cui Jing joined the war, he directly locked him, and then took up the black iron Zen stick to fight.

In a short ten breath time, Cui Jing declined and secretly complained at the bottom of his heart. The mouth of the palm holding the eight foot stick was a little cracked.

"Good evil, Grandpa will send you to death today!"

With a deep drink, Jianqing changed his position and carried the black iron Zen stick on his shoulder with the momentum of carrying mountains and catching the moon. Then a meteor fell and swung heavily on Cui Jing's stomach.

At this moment, he only felt that his eyes were dark, and the eight foot stick was bent to a strange point, and the whole person was like a loaded shell, flying backward heavily.


Jian Wushuang felt that the wall under him suddenly trembled, and then there were bursts of subtle collapses.

Cui Jing's whole body was completely embedded in the city wall for several meters, almost knocking out a big hole in the city wall.

"Er... Dead bald ass, I'm not finished with you." Cui Jing pulled his body out of the hole in the wall with difficulty, and his bones seemed to be scattered.

Just when the sect headed by Jianqing gathered and the top practitioners were unstoppable, a unique breath came to this battlefield again.

Crazy sand runs, and the sky is chaotic.

From the broken ground, a giant statue of crazy sand rose quietly.

Then, facing the top repair army led by Jianqing, the two sides covered the sky with big palms.

Jianqing suddenly raised his head. He was shocked and raised his Zen staff to stop.

But beyond the imagination of the giant force, directly pumped away more than 100 top practitioners, including him.

For a time, the inferior situation was contained.

Hundreds of feet of Jianqing flew backward, stood still in the air, and then couldn't bear to flow a wisp of divine blood from the corner of his mouth.

That momentum was so powerful that it was hard for him to resist with all his strength.

At this moment, all the top repair eyes focused on the ten thousand foot high statue of crazy sand.

Every top monk in the sand demon cave showed a fanatical expression in his eyes.

On the forehead of the giant statue of crazy sand, there sat a tall woman with a beautiful figure looming under the cloak.

Her face was cold, and when she waved, she killed more than a dozen top practitioners with the crazy sand colossus under her.

Seeing this scene from a distance, the sword was unparalleled, and his eyes could not help but freeze.

This sand lady, who is also not beyond the level of Yan Xian, shows him a sense of detachment at this moment.

If the previous lady Sha was at most the peak of Yan Xian like Chen Qing, then she seems to have taken that step at the moment.

However, the next scene is still shocking.

The giant statue of kuangsha waved its hands to cover the sky and press all incoming enemies, but the next moment, a huge, unobstructed Qinghui halo emerged.

There are a pair of thin palms emitting billions of wisps of light, in the shape of two hands folded, covering the palms of the giant statue of crazy sand.

The two collided, leaving endless sand and ashes.

On the withered palm, which was in a folded shape, every fine crack was easily visible, emitting a disturbing general trend.

The sword is unparalleled. This magnificent form is released by the bearded old monk who has never shot after the scuffle began.

On the black ring beads between the necks, a peculiar Chinese awn began to appear.