At this moment, all the nine monks at the top of the sect looked up at the scene above the rainbow shadow lotus peak.

Jian Wushuang and others naturally heard Kong Lun's oath, and their eyes showed different feelings.

Jian Wushuang's eyes are respectful, Chen Qing is confused, Chunqiu is confused, and di Qing is sneering.

As for that heroic woman, I also respect her.

It's extremely painful to make such a vow for preaching.

"Elder martial brother, you are stupid."

Jianqing's eyes were sad, but he didn't say anything, but his figure seemed to age in an instant.

"Good." The nine monks lowered their eyelids and folded their hands. The blessing consolidated the rainbow shadow lotus peak and prevented the blood from being stained.

Mrs. Sha's face still didn't fluctuate, and she didn't care about the four bitter words made by the empty wheel.

Finally, she said, "OK, I should go."

The empty wheel nodded, walked slowly, and his back was firm.

The blood blade in her hand was steep and became extremely narrow from the wind, almost as high as her body.

Empty wheel had nothing in her hands, but she held up the light of the breeze with her hands and looked at her with a light smile.

The two stopped talking. Lady Sha, holding a long and narrow blood blade, stepped forward and beheaded the empty wheel monk.

The empty wheel was like a mountain, standing still, but the clear light of the Buddha scattered around him directly shook her away.

Blood blade left a deep gully on the Hongqiao bridge, which barely stopped her body.

Kong Lun's eyes are clear and ethereal. With every step he takes, the Buddha light behind him will be strong.

At the same time, there are thick arms derived from his back.

"There is no phase, the heaven and earth are empty, the Tao thinks of reincarnation, and then it is death, suffering..."

The dense tone scriptures were recited from the mouth of the empty wheel, synthesized into a general trend, and dropped into the whole body.

Although his body was withered and thin, it was as tough as an old tree, and the surging derivatives in the meridians began to light up.

At the same time, there are countless arms behind him, in the shape of flowers, showing infinite pressure.

As the empty circle chanted the Scriptures, his back arms stretched out together, holding a hazy appearance together.

The long wind and the new moon are like help, making the empty wheel straight into the blue clouds.

Then the hazy appearance suddenly opened his eyes and burst out bright golden light.

The world is prosperous.

At this moment, the thousands of top repairs of the forced sand devil cave were unable to open their eyes.

Lady Sha's eyes were dark, and she didn't dodge in the face of the bright golden light sweeping in, but shook her arms and turned into thousands of blood gas illusions.

Every virtual image has the strength of her full blow, and then, like locusts, spread the sky and jumped on the empty wheel.


Ripples spread out one after another, and thousands of virtual images of blood and gas, like moths to the fire, disappeared rapidly in the brilliant golden light.

And this also gave her a chance. Her body was like a ghost, quietly turned into a blood mist and scattered.

"Empty wheel, this time, I will kill you!"

The cold voice of Lady Sha rang through the sky.

The next moment, her figure quietly condensed on the top of the hazy face.

A long and narrow blood blade with more than eight feet was held by her hands and fiercely thrown into the stove top of the hazy treasure.

Blood rose all over the sky, and two lines of blood and tears gushed from the eyes of the treasurer, and then burst.

The world trembled, and the empty wheel took a heavy step back, and there were not too many waves in his eyes.

The sand lady smashed the hazy appearance with a blow, and her body did not stop, but held the blood blade, and fought closely with the empty wheel, breaking out bursts of shocking force fluctuations.

The Hongying Lotus Bridge has opened fine cracks and has a tendency to break.

"You junior brothers, no one can slack off. Once elder martial brother Kong Lun is defeated, he will fall into darkness forever and be doomed." Jianqing's face is heavy, and he tries his best to repair the rainbow shadow lotus peak above his head.

The other eight monks were equally dignified. Naturally, they knew how terrible those bitter words made by elder martial brother Kong Lun were.

The empty chakra had an unimaginable enlightenment to Buddhism since its initial enlightenment.

And his path of practice is extremely difficult, which is very different from others.

He never sat under the bodhi tree to practice enlightenment for a day. Instead, he measured the earth with his feet and traveled through mountains, rivers, lakes and seas to practice penance.

Such an unswerving person with great perseverance will be a tragedy if his bitter words come true.

Therefore, this war cannot be defeated!

On the rainbow shadow lotus peak, the terrible Yan force tore the sky apart.

The empty wheel carries an invisible King Kong arm and fights fiercely with Lady Sha.

For a time, no one can do anything.

However, the empty wheel has the potential of horizontal pressure.

"Brother Jian, brother Chunqiu, who do you think will win?" Chen Qing inquired.

Chunqiu observed carefully for a moment and said, "I think the monk will win. The general trend on him is very strong, and he has a feeling of high mountains."

Chen Qing nodded, "I also think that the monk will win. He should still have moves that haven't been used. If you look back at the woman holding the knife, you've already caught the elbow. If you continue to fight, there's no suspense."

Jian Wushuang didn't speak, and his eyebrows were unconsciously wrinkled.

His views are diametrically opposed to those of the two men.

Somehow, he thought that lady Sha would win, but he couldn't tell any intuitive reasons.

At this time, di Qing, who had not spoken, suddenly said, "the monk will be defeated."

Jian Wushuang was moved in his heart, and then he glanced at Diqing. Their ideas actually coincided.

Chen Qing curled his mouth and looked forward intently.

The sword is unparalleled, but there is a bit of worry. If the result is true, it means that such a monk has fallen.

This is by no means a good result, and it is even worse for them who have been infected with cause and effect and bear the great slaughter.

Jian Wushuang has thought about changing the result, but now he is also unable to protect himself. He has only recovered 20% of his strength, and the impact is minimal.

"I hope my idea is wrong." He murmured, paying attention to the final result.

Above the sky, the struggle is white hot.

The empty wheel turned into eighteen treasures and joined forces to besiege the sand lady.

She is also not weak, a blood blade more than eight feet long, constantly harvesting his power.

Cui Jing, who was in the top repair scuffle, has been paying attention to the war on the sky, and his heart is extremely eager.

Later, he turned his attention to the monks who jointly released the derivative force and built the Hongying lotus peak.

With his mind turned sharply, Cui Jing raised his staff and led nearly a thousand top practitioners to fight forward!

The chief monk Jianqing saw it clearly and knew Cui Jing's purpose of running towards them, even if he was furious.

"Evil beast, I definitely want you to be destroyed today!"

"No, elder martial brother Jianqing," said the monk Jingmian urgently, "if we wait for Yanli to gather and disperse, elder martial brother konlun must be at a disadvantage."

"What about that? Do we have to wait for the killing?" Jian Qing shouted in a deep voice.