The sword that concealed its shape under the abyss of blood was unparalleled. After hearing the truth of monk Kong Lun, it was stunned.

The cause and effect he was infected with was originally unexplained, and there was no positive cause at all. Why would the empty wheel be cut off at once, and there was no unexplained cause and effect between all things in the universe?

This is too arbitrary and straightforward.

Thinking of this, Jian Wushuang looked at the empty wheel sitting on countless dead bones with dark eyes, "has he been completely eaten by the demons of his heart?"

"Are the good people still there?" Monk Kong Lun asked. He slowly folded his hands and saluted in the direction of the unparalleled sword. "I have a demon in my heart, and I can't enlighten and admonish all sentient beings. If good people don't dislike it, we'll just talk."

Jian Wushuang is not sure whether his mood has changed, but with the addition of cause and effect and great murder, he can only talk to Kong Lun with a try attitude.

He said, "master Xian, I don't agree with you. How can there be no cause and effect for nothing?"

If there is no unexplained cause and effect, is there an inevitable connection between everything in this world? I don't think so. If I saved a monk when I was traveling in the sky, for him, I was his cause and effect. Isn't there any cause and effect for me? This is just my whim. "

The empty wheel heard the words and smiled, "good man, in fact, when you say this sentence, you have already involved cause and effect. It is precisely because of your momentary cause that you have created the subsequent fruit."

"The reason is that in this cause and effect that should not exist, you have occupied the dominant position and created the cause."

"The size of everything in the world, all about their own cause and effect, in fact, the dominant power is not always in their own hands."

After saying these words, Kong Lun stopped talking and put his hands together.

The sword that can grow to the top of the road step by step, and has a terrible understanding of the road of heaven and earth, all kinds of methods, is unparalleled, how can you not understand the meaning of his words.

Jian Wushuang understood for a few minutes, and he asked, "immortal master, do you mean that everyone's dominant power of cause and effect has not been held in their own hands? It is connected with all creatures?"

"Yes, but not so." At this time, Kong Lun gave an ambiguous answer, but he did not answer, "everything is in the heart of a good man, in his hands, waiting for you to change."

Jian Wushuang didn't speak. He was combing the connection. If it was true, as monk Kong Lun said, the cause and effect he had been contaminated with since he entered the sand demon cave, in fact, the dominant power had always been in the hands of the so-called sand lady.

It was she who forced Jian Wushuang to be infected with these causes and effects, thus bearing the great murder.

"You don't provoke cause and effect, but cause and effect take the initiative to provoke..." he sighed helplessly.

Jian Wushuang seemed to be unwilling again. After a moment of silence, he told the cause and effect of the whole thing to Kong Lun.

Finally, the empty wheel folded his hands, "good man, this is both your cause and effect and your disaster."

"To be honest, I came here to seek a solution." Sword matchless slowly said, "immortal master, do you know how to solve?"

Kong Lun and Shang Dao, "everything is in the heart and hands of a good man, waiting for you to change. External forces are only external forces after all."


Jian Wushuang was very depressed and didn't know how to speak again.

This theory of cause and effect, empty wheel monk's meaning is extremely obvious, only he can change it.

The next time, he and his wife talked for several days before the end.

Jian Wushuang only felt that most of the doubts in his heart had been eliminated, and at the same time, he had more admiration for Kong Lun. Even though he had a mind demon, he was still able to stick to his original heart and not let resentment eat away.

Under the extremely dark sea of blood, he folded his hands and solemnly returned to monk Kong Lun.

His Bona mind, unique views on everything, and fearless spirit are enough to make the sword unparalleled in courtesy.

The empty wheel finally concluded, saying, "good men, just a few days together, old man also felt enlightened, and never felt comfortable at this moment. You give me the feeling that everything comes out of the dust, but it is not independent of things, just like carrying some kind of supreme truth, like a startling goose."

"The immortal master has been praised. Jian has been floating and sinking for thousands of years without stopping." Sword peerless wry smile.

The empty wheel looked up and asked, "are you tired?"

He was stunned. He didn't expect such a question.

After a while, Jian Wushuang shook his head, "I don't know."

"It's the old man who asked," Kong Lun's eyebrows stretched out, and then he slowly raised his palm and took down the largest ring bead with the meaning of Wu Ying from the string of fourteen ring beads between his neck.

"Good man, I know I can't enter reincarnation in this life. Now I'll give you this ring bead, which is also considered as leaving a thought."

"This ring bead is my origin. All my thoughts, thoughts and feelings in the first half of my life have been sealed here. I hope to provide a little help to the good people in the future. I will be honored to be old."

Jian Wushuang heard the words, directly and solemnly refused, and then he would take the empty wheel out of the sea of blood.

Empty wheel shook his head with a smile, "there is no prison in this world. Only painting the ground as a prison is the real prison. My heart and Tao have been seduced by the magic barrier. I will never see the past again. This will be my final destination."

"I have a good time talking with good people. At the end of this, I hope to meet."

"Can..." Jian Wushuang was a little ready to speak and stopped. The reason why he hid his body was precisely because the last of the four bitter words made by Kong Lun and Shang Li was that seeing creatures would suffer from knife frustration, axe chiseling.

"It doesn't matter. Even if you sit down when you finally see a good man, it's worth it."

Hearing this, Jian Wushuang no longer refused. His original body slowly emerged, and thousands of lights surged around him, setting him off like heaven and man.

The dark eyes of Kong Lun were clear for a moment, and then he nodded and sent the original ring bead in his hand to jianwushuang.

"Seeing a good man today, I can't help but sigh when I recall all my hard work."

"I was once a fruit on a dying worry free tree. I should not have given birth to wisdom, but a green bird used great perseverance to draw water and water every day. For 30000 years, as always, he saved the mother tree, plucked me from the tree, held me under the Buddha, listened to the Tao, and sat down for countless years. Only then did I have wisdom and got the Tao."

"Now the situation is also ashamed of the pity of the bluebird. I am old and shameless. I just want to fall into the extreme darkness and endure the cold, so as to make atonement."

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