Yuanjun paused here, slowly stretched out his left palm, and a ray of pure derivative force condensed out.

"After the emperor zhenwuyang established a large division, the war and killing stopped, which made me feel tired. I destroyed my fairy source and just wanted to sleep forever."

"Whether external force destroys Xianyuan or self destroys Xianyuan, it is an irreversible wound. I successfully broke Xianyuan, and naturally I also fell irreversibly."

"My self destruction is very complete. Apart from leaving a legacy for you, I haven't even left a point of obsession. In this way, my divine consciousness also withers and falls into emptiness."

"But my fall seems a little different. Although my divine consciousness withers, it seems to be tirelessly awakened by some force."

"In this way, I don't know how many years have passed, and the original broken and withered divine consciousness has recovered. I woke up and was surprised to find that even Xianyuan has reconstituted."

"Then, I completely recovered, but because I was tired of the world, I simply stayed here until I saw you again today."

The speech stopped abruptly at this point.

The amount of information contained in such a statement is not much, but it is extremely mysterious. Even the sword is unparalleled, there is some doubt.

Self destructing immortal source, immortal body, this is an irreversible wound. Let alone ordinary Dayan immortals, even if they have nine true lives, they dare not play like this.

Except that there is no immortal source, and the sword with immortal immortal body dares to have a try like this. Other Dayan immortals will die if they try.

Moreover, it is obvious that the two special cases of Yuanjun do not exist, and it is naturally a little confusing to resurrect.

The little emperor flashed a loss in the bottom of his eyes, but then he laughed, "it seems that Yuanjun has endless luck. Live this time again, don't do stupid things again, and go to a higher realm."

Yuan Jun smiled and nodded, "listen to you, since my luck is endless, then I'll go to pursue the road."

After a long idle talk, xiaodijun was ready to leave.

"Yan boy, I can't leave here yet, but once you have a big crisis, I will definitely come to help." Yuanjun said solemnly.

Xiaodijun nodded, "well, if there is such a day at that time, the boy must come to invite Yuanjun."

The surety of a nine turn Dayan immortal is extremely heavy.

At this time, jianwushuang also understood that the real emperor Wuyang had arranged several Dayan immortals around each emperor.

There is a black robed Dayan fairy under the fallen Prince Mo, and there is also a clear meaning.

There is also a nine turn Dayan immortal around the childe Jiu.

And there is also a Yuanjun around the little emperor.

Then, the rest of the emperors must also be accompanied by Dayan Xian. Once there is a war between them, I'm afraid it will be extremely tragic.

After saying that, the two of them were ready to leave.

But at this time, Yuan Jun suddenly called Jian Wushuang, "that boy, you just left in such a hurry?"

Jian Wushuang stopped with some doubts in his eyes.

"Although my inheritance has disappeared, it does not hinder my hand-in-hand inheritance." As soon as he threw away the fishing rod in his hand, Yuanjun proudly said, "I have some eyes for you, so I'll leave it for my personal advice."

Hearing the words, the little emperor glanced a surprise in his eyes, "brother Jian, thank you, Yuanjun."

Unexpectedly, Jian Wushuang shook his head, "forget it, master. Although inheritance can make great changes in a very short time, it will also have some disadvantages. I'd better feel it by myself."

"Do you look down on me?" Yuan Jun's voice was frozen, and he danced in a black robe without wind, "since you are the best friend of Yan boy, then I will try my best to cultivate you. You have to agree if you agree, and you have to agree if you don't agree, so it's settled!"

After saying that, he reached out and grabbed the sword without any defense, and went to a Taoist temple.

The little emperor was so excited that he slapped his fist, as if he was happier than he had been inherited.

On the vast Taoist field like a chessboard, the sword's unparalleled body is standing, which obviously has accepted the reality. On his opposite side, Yuan Jun stands with his hand in his back, full of a sense of profound confrontation.

"Boy, let me ask you, how long have you been in the realm of Yanxian?"

Jian Wushuang raised his eyebrows. From the divine universe to Dayan Huan, it took him less than ten million years to ascend to the ancestral level and become the God of the universe, and then to today's Yan Xian.

For thousands of years, the supreme masters of Tao in the universe of divine power are just a few times of reclusive enlightenment, not to mention the immortals who have transcended the Tao of heaven and are measured by the year of China.

Time and years are meaningless for them, but it really takes time to demonstrate the qualification of a top practitioner or an immortal.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Jian Wushuang directly swallowed thousands of years into his stomach and casually spun a Chinese year that was about the same age as the little emperor.

Hearing the words, Yuan Jun nodded, "it's not bad. Reaching the top of Yan Xian at such an age is indeed a plastic talent. If you want to live in the same era with me, you must be a big Yan Xian now."

"I can give you very few things, and I can't even teach you anything," he said simply, "but because I promised Yan boy, I decided to bite my teeth and teach you."

"But you have to promise me one thing before that. I won't be with him in the future. You must protect him anyway."

Jian Wushuang heard his words, and slowly shook his head after a moment of silence, "sorry, I can't promise."

Xiaodijun, who was laughing outside the dojo and looking at this scene, was stunned, and his eyes were instantly cold with Yuanjun.


"Because the younger generation can't stay in the big company for a long time, I have many important things to solve, so I can't promise."

"What a arrogant boy, do you know who you are bargaining with?" Yuan Jun's hair danced wildly behind him, and the general trend of jiuzhuan Dayan immortal was instantly covered and pressed down.

"Keep your hand, Yuanjun!"

The little emperor outside the Taoist temple rushed to block the general trend of Yuan Jun.

"Don't stop me, let me first frustrate the spirit of this young generation." He shouted angrily.

"Yuanjun, there is nothing wrong with what he said. In fact, we had spoken before," xiaodijun reluctantly smiled, "it is unfair for him to protect me in the future."

Yuan Jun calmed down and frowned, "but if he leaves at any time and I'm not with you, you can be in a passive and dangerous situation at any time."

Xiaodijun smiled, then raised his eyebrows and looked at Jian Wushuang, "he won't leave at any time. You know, we have a word in advance and have protected me for 70 years. It seems that it's not half yet."