The opening of billions of worlds and the countless cycles of destruction of the universe have long been beyond imagination.

But all roads are pure and simple from the beginning.

Naturally, Kendo is no exception. It also conforms to the principle of simplicity, and the later derived Kendo, sword meaning, and sword style are the principles of complexity.

Therefore, jianwushuang starts to understand the original meaning of Kendo from Ding Beichun's simplest action.

And the reason why Jian Wushuang did this, maybe only he knew it.

Kendo is his foundation and his Avenue. Going back to the origin and seeking the ultimate truth may open up a real road.

He sat in a repetitive and numb action, and rushed into the sky alone, completely disrupting the situation.

Di Qing followed closely, bursting out ten wings behind him, constantly shooting deadly golden feathers.

In the spring and Autumn period, Cui Jing also followed him, entering danger and rushing to kill.

Wei Liujia flashed a worried look between his eyebrows, and then rushed forward without hesitation.

Zhao Ting wanted to stop him, but she still withdrew her palm and looked at the extremely unequal situation in front of her. She sighed faintly, then ran Yanli, and joined in.

Five Yan immortals led by Jian Wushuang, and one nine turn big Yan immortals, forcibly tore a hole in the surrounding.

Under this rush, nearly 80 of the 400 Yanxian camp were instantly destroyed!

"Your Highness, the six day realm is all right." The thin purple robe leaned down and said, "we, too, need to do something for Jian Tianguan and them."

The little emperor looked at the figure like a God, and a touch of fatigue flashed across his eyes, "go."

"Order!" Chen Qing could not wait. He wanted to fight side by side with jianwushuang too much. Even if the immortal body only recovered slightly, he still rushed out in an instant.

"The rest of the Yan immortals in the six days realm, go and follow Jian Tianguan." The thin purple robe brushed his sleeve and said in a condensed voice.

Only the remaining ten immortals looked at each other, and then gritted their teeth and all attacked.

A sword cut off Yan Xian's head in front of him, and the sword unparalleled lowered a record of ancestral skill, the power world Tianmen.

The magnificent Tianmen cave opened, illuminating the entire void, and one side seemed to carry tens of thousands of rounds of the sun under the cover of the sky giant finger.

For a time, it hit digital Yanxian again.

This is the most mysterious ancestral skill given to him by the God of the universe. Making the sword unparalleled once invincible with half a step is enough to collide with the true Shadow of the virtual God without losing the wind.

But now, after entering the great Yan Huan, Zu Shu has shown fatigue. Especially in the face of Yan Xian, although it can still achieve the desired effect, if Yan Xian tries his best to avoid it, it can still offset the heavy damage brought by Zu Shu.

However, the sword unparalleled can feel that the two ancestral skills of the power world Tianmen and Tianmen Jiyi are definitely not the limit, and there should be the last two moves.

But I don't know whether it's the reason for entering the great Yan universe, or whether the perception of the God of the universe has completely dissipated, and the rising space of the ancestral skill has been completely blocked, and finally only these two types are left.

"Brother Jian, Chen Qing comes to help you!"

With a loud laugh, Chen Qing's peak like body soared to the unparalleled side of the sword.

"Pay attention." A sword cut Yan Xian who chased after him. After a smile, Jian Wushuang continued to fight.

The camp of man Tian Yan Xian began to chaos. They were not sent by one force, but at least by the combination of two forces, and naturally began to collapse.

But the 400 Yan immortals were too vast and terrible. Even under the joint efforts of jianwushuang and Diqing, they collapsed without chaos and began to fight back.

There are only more than 300 of the 400 immortals left at the moment.

If there is no pressure from Diqing, it will not kill nearly 100 Yan immortals in an instant.

Under the cover of Yuanjun's killing intention, jianwushuang completely opened the way of killing, and no fairy can get close to him for a time.

In the field of Yuan Jun's inheritance, it is also a mistake to understand the meaning of his killing in a short period of thousands of years.

This is because in the sand devil cave, Sha Qing, the Lord of the sand devil cave, designed to plant a causal Holocaust on jianwushuang.

It is for this reason that Yuanjun noticed the thick blood gas hidden in him, and directly turned the blood gas that could not be removed from jianwushuang into the intention of killing.

This enabled him to understand the way of killing in just a thousand years.

Now, jianwushuang bears three roads. The main road is Jiandao, and the other two roads are the road of protection and the road of killing obtained from Yuanjun!

The way of guarding is the road he gained when he ascended the Zeus God. Although it is now dusty, it still exists, providing a continuous stream of Qi and insight for jianwushuang.

He has gone beyond the scope of ordinary immortals, and even those who also master the immortal style can hardly take any advantage of him, and even the slightest carelessness will fall out.

No Yan Xian can stop the unparalleled attack of Jian, and even more than a dozen Yan Xian will only end in defeat.

Facing such a fantastic enemy, Yan Xian, who gathered, became a living target.

But this situation was reversed next.


A heavy drink sounded all over the void, with a disturbing momentum.

And with this deep drink resounding, even if you get rid of 60 Yan immortals, you will jointly release the vast Yan force.

Because the sword unparalleled and di Qing are too deep into the Yanxian camp, they bear the brunt.

The Jietian formation was magnificent, and a total of 60 Yan immortals formed a six sided formation.

The moment the formation was completed, everything seemed to be a foregone conclusion.

"Small skills, dare to block this seat?!" Di Qing's anger directly shook the ten wings behind him, and immediately thousands of golden feathers burst out, all of them shooting at the barrier of the big array.

"Zheng, Zheng!"

Jin Yu directly fell into the barrier. Instead of breaking the barrier, he was absorbed and made the formation grow again.

Di Qing frowned. "This array seems to absorb damage."

Jian Wushuang also frowned. He didn't like to break the formation. On the one hand, he wasted time and on the other hand, he wasted physical strength, especially in this critical node, which was almost fatal.

There are only two ways to break an array that can absorb damage and transform.

One is to break through the critical point of the array with its own strength, so as to get out of trouble. The second is to be involved by external forces to defeat the foot of the array.

However, each formation is composed of ten Yan immortals. It is almost impossible to break the formation from the outside with Chen Qing and Chunqiu.

Only from inside!

Jian Wushuang and di Qing looked at each other and made up their minds.

The true Shadow of no self condenses again and becomes a noble appearance.