Not long after reshaping the immortal body, the childe Yu, who was in the weakest state, was almost beaten to death again by this slap.

Then, Zhen Wuyang reached out again and directly pulled him back in front of him.

Covering the gushing divine blood from his nose with his hand, childe Yu timidly said, "emperor father, why do you want to hit the child?"

Take a deep breath, Zhen Wuyang pointed to the whole broken void and said in a deep voice, "here, did you do it?"

When he heard the speech, he suddenly wilted a little, "yes, not... Not just me..."

After hearing this, Zhen Wuyang wanted to smoke him again several times, but finally he withdrew his palm.

The magnificent and terrible breath on the void battlefield disappeared, and the sword peerless and others all gasped, and then all retreated.

The breath dropped by zhenwuyang is too vast. Even as a jiuzhuan Dayan immortal, Diqing has no way to compete, let alone them.

Jian Wushuang's temples are sweating like milk. If Zhen Wuyang hurts the killer next, he has no chance to escape.

Then, zhenwuyang slowly swept them, stayed on jianwushuang and Diqing for a moment, and soon looked at xiaodijun again.

"Yan'er, tell me about it." He murmured, "the whole void is broken like this, which is by no means as simple as a battle!"

The little emperor heard the words, and did not hesitate, when he even told Zhenwu Yang what had happened.

This war, which was attended by more than a thousand Yan immortals, was the largest since emperor zhenwuyang opened up a large division.

The complex forces involved and the wide range of immortals are all cut off from ancient and modern times.

So that when the little emperor described such a scene of tragic war, Zhen Wuyang, including Yan Xian, the leader of Zhongyuan behind him, was shocked.

A Yanxian, in the ordinary realm of heaven, is an absolute existence. They are beyond the Tao of heaven and the shackles of 99%. Even if you look at the great Yanhuan, they are absolutely supreme existence.

But at present, they have fallen into the void battlefield in batches.

Just because of this inexplicable war.

When Zhen Wuyang and Yan Xian, the leader of Zhongyuan, heard the equal forces on both sides, they were really shocked.

With less than 200 Yan immortals, he resisted the attack of nearly 2000 Yan immortals and three big Yan immortals, and completely preserved the six day territory.

How is this possible?

A situation of one dozen twenty?! Can you still keep the six day realm?

Finally, the little emperor looked at Jian Wushuang and Diqing and said, "if it weren't for their help, the six day realm would have been destroyed, and even I would fall into this scuffle."

"So damn him!" He pointed to the childe Yu who knelt in front of zhenwuyang and said angrily.

Childe Yu immediately collapsed and sat in the void, waving his hand repeatedly, "no, no, it's not just me, this matter has nothing to do with me..."

Zhenwuyang took a deep breath, and the emperor Hui emitted from him couldn't help but fluctuate.

It was so shocking that such a terrible war broke out only within a short time after he left the six day territory.

This war, if unchecked in any direction of the big division, will be a terrible destruction.

But fortunately, the war has completely subsided.

Zhenwuyang's eyes were as heavy as water, and he almost swallowed childe Yu alive.

"No, no, Emperor father, it has nothing to do with me at this time. It has nothing to do with me." He kept retreating with fear in his eyes.

But zhenwuyang didn't smoke him anymore, but said in a deep voice, "you alone can't muster so many Yan immortals. Now tell me, who else is there besides you!"

Childe Yu felt hesitant and struggling in his eyes when he heard the speech. He seemed to want to keep the secret.

But the struggle and hesitation in his heart only existed for a moment, and then he said, "return to the emperor's father, is the second brother, and there are six younger brothers..."

Hearing this sentence, zhenwuyang was angry, "good, good! You three have great courage to mobilize so many Yan Xian to kill your brother?!"

"Now kill brother, will you kill emperor in the future?"

His face was gloomy and terrible. It was obvious that he was really angry.

Childe Yu heard the words and immediately trembled like chaff. "Emperor father, it's not what you think. There's a reason for all this."

Trying to suppress the rising anger at the bottom of his heart, Zhen Wuyang glanced at him with disappointment.

"From now on, you can ban it for a full year."

Emperor's truth, the way of heaven was established, and countless emperor's ways of heaven were directly born at this moment!

Secret lines flowing in the void, each representing the emperor's way of heaven.

The whole void was shrouded by Emperor Hui, and Emperor heaven came one after another.

Childe Yu was extremely frightened.

It's unimaginable to be grounded for a whole year.

A Chinese year represents that even the horizon constructed by the way of heaven will disappear, turn into fragments of stars and disappear into the boundless void.

One Chinese year represents that a monk can grow to the terrible level of immortality.

The year of one China almost represents infinite years, which is the alternate node of the newly born way of heaven replacing the old way of heaven.

Childe Yu was banned for a year, which was the most severe punishment.

"No, no emperor father! Everything is childe's correction. Childe's correction made me do this. I'm innocent!"

Childe Yu cried out in a daze, but the emperor's way of heaven had covered him, like chains, instantly imprisoning him.

Then, the void collapsed to reveal the unknown space, and Emperor Tiandao directly dragged childe Yu in and sealed it.

The void is flattened, and the singularity unique to the emperor's way of heaven is slowly rhythmic. In that unknown space, Yu, the third prince under the emperor's seat, has been sealed for a year!

The void was silent, and all yuan's eldest brother Yan Xian shook his head and sighed, and then turned his eyes to jianwushuang and Hedi Qing.

Soon, Yan Xian, the eldest brother of the Yuan Dynasty, recognized the di Qing beside Jian Wushuang.

"Why, how could it be him?"

"That zumai Jinwu? Didn't he die at that time?"

Yan Xian, the eldest of the crowd, began to whisper to each other.

At this time, Emperor zhenwuyang noticed Diqing.

"Tell me, why are you here?"

Invisibly, the emperor's Majesty was covered, so that all immortals could not support it.

Di Qing secretly gritted his teeth, and he was fighting the emperor's pressure with all his strength.

At this time, the little emperor stepped forward and stood in front of jianwushuang and Diqing. Lang Sheng said, "if it weren't for their full resistance, I'm afraid that I and the six heaven realm would have already perished in the void. Emperor father, you can ask me anything you want to ask, and I'll answer for them!"

Zhenwuyang wanted to stop talking. He also knew that the war was too fierce and involved too many forces, and exactly the whole six days realm was a complete victim.