How strong is the Kendo that can destroy the immortal source of a six turn Da Yan immortal?

And how strong is the guy who can use this Kendo?

"In other words, it was this young man who caused the vibration on the white bone road?" The middle-aged man asked slowly.

The heroic woman nodded immediately, "yes, I just witnessed that battle, which was wonderful enough."

"If it's really him, it seems that it's time for me to wake up." The middle-aged man looked at Jian Wushuang, and a smile slowly appeared at the corners of his mouth.

Jian Wushuang unconsciously felt a chill behind him. He could feel that these two sword lovers, although they did not show any strength, were definitely more terrible than liuzhuan dayanxian.

Thinking of this, he suddenly realized something.

The dead fairy skeleton said before he died that there was a Sword Fairy on the white bone road. Are these two swordsmen Sword Fairy?!

"That big guy had barely enough strength before he died. Now his strength after death is no more than three turns. It's not impossible to be killed by a powerful swordsman, but what makes me curious is,"

The heroic woman paused here and looked at the sword with great interest, "junior, is that sword your own Kendo?"

Jian Wushuang heard the words, nodded after a little thought, "yes."

"If you really created it yourself, your future achievements will be immeasurable." The heroic woman said, and then stretched out her palm and brushed it in the air.

In an instant, a painting appeared in this chaotic and nihilistic space.

Jian Wushuang saw this scene, and his pupils suddenly contracted.

That picture is actually the battle between him and the dead immortal skeleton!

In the picture, the Tianhe flows, and the dead immortal bones are finally penetrated by the Tianhe into the Xianyuan, kneeling on the white bone road.

Jian Wushuang never thought that the picture of their fight would be completely rubbed out.

This heroic woman is by no means an ordinary swordsman!

When the picture finally dissipated, the middle-aged man looked at Jian Wushuang with bright eyes.

"Really strong, I like this young man!"

"Come on, young man, fight with me for three rounds, but I haven't seen such a good billet for a long time."

Jian Wushuang twitched slightly in the corners of his eyes, looked at the middle-aged man who was extremely excited, and then said, "I'm afraid I can't. I entered here by mistake, and I need to leave here as soon as possible. If I consume too much, I'm afraid I will fall into passivity on the next journey."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man raised his eyebrows and said, "it's easier for you to hurry. If you go on three rounds under my hand, we'll let you leave completely. If you avoid fighting, I'm afraid it's hard to say."

He said, patting the six long swords around his waist.

Jian Wushuang felt that his head was big. He could feel that these two sword lovers who were not exposed to the mountains and rivers were absolutely more terrible than what they showed.

It seems that it is not a simple thing to hold out for three rounds.

"How are you thinking?" The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows and said with a meaningful smile.

After a short thought, Jian Wushuang responded, "then come on, before you say anything, as long as I hold on for three rounds, you will let me leave."

"Happy!" The middle-aged man smiled and flew directly to jianwushuang.

The clothes of the black gold long gown fluttered with the wind, and his right hand was pressed on the hilt of the six long swords at his waist, unspeakably wanton.

And the sword unparalleled also did not hesitate at all, and the invisible sword was directly condensed between the palms.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man's eyes lit up again, "invisible, with Kendo as the sword, you have great courage, young man."

He then said, "I don't dare to say. I can only do this if my sword is destroyed."

Tai Luo divine sword was destroyed by Ding Beichun, which is the fundamental reason why sword peerless condenses into an invisible sword.

The middle-aged man smiled, said no more, nodded slightly, "my name is Yanhui, and the woman is my wife, named Jiang Li."

Sword unparalleled immediately arched, "sword unparalleled."

"Kendo is unparalleled. It's a good moral. Let's start."

As the words fell, the whole Wanggu battlefield was silent.

The middle-aged man named Yanhui didn't seem to plan to take the lead, but just looked at him with a smile.

Jianwushuang gathered his mind and competed purely in kendo. He was not afraid. What he was thinking about was how to draw the three moves in the next fight.

At the next moment, the sword moved like a thunderbolt, and the speed of wielding the sword reached the extreme. The sharp and unparalleled blade cut straight back to the swallow.

This ordinary sword, even Dayan fairy dare not underestimate.

But then, a shocking scene appeared.

Facing this sword, Yan Hui stood in place without dodging, and then raised the middle finger of his right hand to clamp the invisible sword that chopped down.

At this moment, the invisible sword symbolized by the non double sword prop was caught by two fingers!

The unparalleled pupil of the sword shrank, and he found that the invisible sword was no longer half an inch!

"It's powerful, but it's too impetuous, and it's easy to see flaws." Yan Hui said with a smile, and then pushed it away.

Back several feet, the sword unparalleled has been completely dignified. Yan Hui, who is not exposed at all, is now like a God peak of yuanyan Yuezhi, which makes people unable to guess what he will do next.

Yan Hui was still smiling, his right hand pressed on the hilt of the sword at his waist, and walked slowly to the face of the unparalleled sword.

"Come again."

Jianwushuang gathered his mind and was ready to fight again.

However, this time, he just raised the invisible sword in his hand and received a head-on blow.

Yan Hui's right hand, which pressed the hilt of the sword around his waist, suddenly picked up, and a long sword came out of its sheath directly. Led by the hilt, it carried infinite momentum, and instantly hit the unparalleled chest of the sword.


All this happened so fast that when Jian Wushuang reacted, everything was over.

He only felt that his chest was almost broken, and his body retreated dozens of feet before he could digest the huge force.

The long sword came back into the sheath, as if nothing had happened.

Yan Hui still looked at Jian Wushuang with a smile. He was never impatient.

Rubbing his aching chest, Jian Wushuang clenched his teeth secretly. Just these two fights, he fell into passivity and was almost suppressed by Yan Hui.

This made him depressed, but also had a certain understanding of Yan Hui.

"From the moment when I practiced the sword, I just practiced the action of getting out of the sheath for a whole Chinese year. During that Chinese year, I only tried to achieve the extreme speed of getting out of the sheath, so as to take a chance."

"So far, no Yan Xian can stop me from getting out of my sheath."

Yan Hui blinked, "how about it? Are you interested in learning to practice sword with me?"

The sword unparalleled smell words, can't help but secretly tongue.