Jiang Libai glanced at him and didn't speak. After watching the unparalleled body of Jian leave completely, he said faintly.

"I can't see through his future, but now I'm sure that Jianxian won't be his end, but his starting point."

Yan Hui took a deep breath when he heard the speech. "It seems that our apprentice didn't receive it in vain."

"What, your apprentice, don't you see that he has resolutely refused?" Jiang Li glanced at him again and said unhappily.

He smiled and scratched his head. "So what? If you want to be a master, you have to be thick skinned and tangled up. It's very necessary. I've left a mark on him. Can you escape from our palms?"

Jiang Li looked at Yan Hui, and then looked at the endless dark space, "I'm afraid the limit of our life is here. Rather than continue to sleep under the sea of blood, we'd better leave now and pass all our swordsmanship to the little guy, so that we can unload the burden that master gave us."

Yan Hui nodded and stretched, "indeed, after staying under the sea of blood for too long, the bones are almost rusty. It's time to do something serious."

"Our Kendo is passed on to that boy and will not be buried. Maybe it will reach another realm."

"So, this little guy, can't let go!"


After leaving under the two sword immortals and traveling thousands of miles, Jian Wushuang breathed a sigh.

The Sword Fairy brought him too much pressure. If the two sword immortals were determined not to let him leave, he would never escape.

Raise your right hand and look at the sword shaped mark between your wrists. Jian Wushuang shook his head helplessly.

He collected his mind and moved on.

The white bone road under my feet seems endless. Although I have experienced many hardships, I still don't see the end.

This makes jianwushuang a little depressed at first. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid I'll sink into the boundless sea before I find Di Qing.

No matter what happens next, he will leave here as soon as possible, leave the so-called Tianlu and find Diqing.

The sword will protect the body, and the sword is unparalleled. It sweeps forward, millions of miles in a flash!

As he kept moving forward, he began to notice that the more the white bone road behind him, the less restless the breath, and all the fairy rhymes had dissipated. Even the fairy bone could not become a dead fairy, and the silence was to the extreme.

At the same time, instead, the pure and rich derivative force is flowing.

This shocked Jian Wushuang. He didn't expect that such a strong force would be dense under the blood river.

At the same time, it made him wary.

Next, the change of Baigu road also made him alert.

The flat white bone road originally paved by Yan Xian's bones began to appear an arc in the continuous progress, which was like an upward arc like a ladder.

Jian Wushuang stopped and looked at the sky ladder Baigu road in front of him, and his eyes began to focus.

There is a faint derivative force on the white bone road of the ladder, which stretches into the boundless void. In the dark clouds at the end, there is a very vague outline.

He murmured to himself in his heart again. At present, this scene seems to be somewhat similar to the heavenly palace on Tianlu.

If there are other branches of the white bone Road, jianwushuang will definitely not be suspected of moving forward, but now there is only one white bone Road, which can only move forward.

Take a deep breath, and jianwushuang stepped on the ladder.

The sole of his foot fell on the first step, and an invisible pressure immediately covered his whole body.

The pressure is invisible and qualitative, as if it were some kind of rule, which is directly covered and pressed down.

Jian Wushuang didn't hesitate too much. His feet flew and his body moved forward rapidly. In a moment, it was 10000 steps!

After 10000 steps, Jian Wushuang stopped, and there were fine beads of sweat at his temples.

The pressure on the ladder was far more terrible than he thought, and after climbing a certain number of floors, the pressure would double!

Tenthousand steps, the sword that had been forced unparalleled stopped, as if a million sacred mountain covers were pressing on him.

Looking at the endless road ahead, he gritted his teeth and then moved on again.

This time his speed slowed down a lot.

Tenthousand steps.

30000 steps.

50000 steps.


70000 steps!

At this moment, the sword unparalleled has been at the point of difficult progress, and the derivative force in his meridians has run to the extreme.

Every pore of his body steams out a lot of sweat.

80000 steps!

The true image without me was directly forced out.

With the blessing of the shadow without me, jianwushuang felt relaxed all over his body, and he could move forward quickly again.

When we reached 90000 steps, the huge palace, which was originally wrapped in dark clouds, finally appeared completely.

It was a magnificent heavenly palace built in the air, full of endless rigorous and cold breath.

Jian Wushuang has an inexplicable intuition that this heavenly palace is most likely the Imperial Palace preserved in the ancient times.


Is this another former Tianting site?!

At the thought of this, Jian Wushuang thought of the former heaven of emperor liuya.

In the past, the imperial court meant that opportunities coexisted with great crises.

But he has no interest in developing this heavenly court. You should know that even if the emperor is angry, he can't bear the pressure.

But now jianwushuang has no way to escape, so he can only go to this former heaven.

The last 10000 steps, almost the mixture of the first 90000 steps, all the pressures are unprecedented.

Even the shadow of Wui added to his body, so that jianwushuang almost couldn't hold it. He didn't even dare to breathe at will, for fear that he would be crushed into powder by the terrible pressure on his body during the breath.

Ninety five thousand steps.

96000 steps.


98000 steps!

So far, the three avenues of jianwushuang have been oppressed!

Unparalleled kendo.

The way of guarding.

The way of killing.

The addition of three roads allowed him to move forward!

99900 steps.

When he took the last step, he was at the end of his rope.

What flows out of every pore at this moment is no longer sweat, but scarlet divine blood!

God's blood dripped in front of the heaven along his robe and was soon absorbed.

Jian Wushuang trembled his hands, took out a di pin Dan pill and stuffed it into his mouth before stopping the injury.

Some broken immortal bodies recover quickly.

Slowly spit out a muddy breath, Jian Wushuang felt comfortable all over, and the previous fatigue flashed away.

He subconsciously looked back at his back, but was surprised to find that the white bone road had completely disappeared!

As if it had never existed, there was only endless void behind it.

Taking a deep breath, Jian Wushuang turned and walked towards the endless and magnificent heaven.

"Who dares to intrude into heaven!"

Outside the heavenly court, there was a sound ringing through the void in front of the dead gate.