The slovenly Taoist who called himself laodaojiang parade shook his body to the ground, and then trembled and lamented.

"The three immortals didn't know something, and the little Taoist priest was also forced to be helpless. He was really cut off by them and had no choice but to ask for talents to seek shelter. If the three immortals were still very angry in their hearts, they could kill the little Taoist priest at any time."

Jian Wushuang and Jiang Liyan looked at each other, and said coldly, "leave."

"Thank the three immortals for their kindness." The dirty Taoist bowed heavily, and then climbed up from the void with a grateful face.

Until then, Jian Wushuang could see the true face of the old Taoist.

A disheveled and withered hair was casually held behind his head by a bone hairpin, revealing a sunken and dry yellow face with sunken eyes, and the two skimmed mustaches added a bit of obscenity.

And under the open Taoist robe, a pair of thin ribs exposed makes Jian Wushuang have some doubts about how this guy lived to the present.

Yan Hui curled his lips, and then turned around first to leave.

Just as they all started to leave, the old Daojiang parade, who stood in the same place and did not intend to leave, suddenly said, "three Xianjun, what do you want to do?"

"If you don't want to die, leave by yourself." The sword left this sentence without double ends and did not return, and then set out to move forward.

The old Taoist Jiang Youxing seemed to be hesitating. After a moment, he clenched his teeth and said, "three Xianjun, the old Taoist has been traveling here for several years, and he knows every place well. If necessary, I am willing to follow."

Sword peerless quietly stopped.

At the next moment, 36000 sword thoughts burst out from his body and directly hanged him and marched towards the river.

Looking at the overwhelming horror of the sword, Lao Daojiang Youxing did not flee in a hurry, but closed his eyes and did not move.

Heaven and earth vibrate, and the boundless sea raises waves.

Time seemed to be at a standstill, and 36000 swords were intended to hover in front of him instead of marching towards the river at this moment.

Then thousands of swords came to one.

Jian Wushuang came to him, reached out and grabbed the collar of his Taoist robe and raised it.

"What is your purpose?"

Jiang Youxing even said something unwisely, "I, I have no purpose, just want to report the saving grace of the three immortals..."

"No, if you say more nonsense, the sword will cut you." Jian Wushuang said coldly, and then threw it away.

Jiang parade dumbfounded, and finally muttered, "but I..."

The sword that Ben turned to leave was unparalleled, but he stopped and said, "how sure are you to find a Dayan fairy in this boundless sea?"

He was stunned and quickly reacted and said, "it's difficult to return to Xianjun, but if the conditions are set in this area, it should not be a particularly difficult thing, because there are not many places for Yan Xian to settle here, and I happen to know it."

"Who is Xianjun looking for?"

Jian Wushuang ignored him. "Don't ask so much about what you shouldn't know. Come with us."


On the boundless sea, the sloppy old Daojiang parade followed closely behind jianwushuang.

At the same time, he waved and took something out of the ragged Taoist robe, and then threw it on the sea. In an instant, it rose hundreds of feet in the storm, forming a treasure ship.

"The three immortals also boarded the real boat. In order to avoid some unsightly Dayan immortals interrupting the trip, taking a boat is the best choice."

Jian Wushuang didn't hesitate too much, and then he carried Jiang Liyan back to the boat.

In an instant, the Zhibao real ship shuttled back and forth at a very fast speed.

Jiang Youxing sat in the bow of the boat and focused on controlling the direction. Jian Wushuang immediately walked forward and asked.

"Have you ever seen a traumatized jiuzhuan Dayan immortal with nine colorful feathers between the ends of his hair in this heaven?"

"Never seen it, but there should be the one Xianjun wants to find in the next sea area we reach." Jiang Youxing is very straightforward.

Jian Wushuang didn't feel too disappointed when he heard the words. After all, the news about Diqing is too small for the boundless sea.

"Don't worry. If your friend is going to suffer some trauma, he won't be too far away from here. Maybe he can find it in the next place." Yan Hui patted him on the shoulder and comforted him.

Jian Wushuang nodded. At this point, he could only go to find it under the guidance of Jiang parade.

However, after shuttling out of the vast sea level, Jiang Youxing, who was concentrating on controlling the real ship, suddenly changed his face.

"No, there are changes ahead."

As his voice fell, the vast sea level suddenly shook, as if there was a terrible existence under the sea!

Hundreds of millions of feet of dust surged up, like the gate of heaven rising from the sea, terrible and treacherous to the extreme.

An unimaginable force of oppression came, and the sea Tianmen composed of billions of feet of dust waves completely surrounded the zhibaozhen ship.

At this moment, even the sky darkened.

Standing in the bow, except for the unparalleled sword, Jiang Li and Yan Hui all looked dignified, and their palms had quietly clenched the hilt of the sword around their waists.

"How can such a strange phenomenon occur, and can Yan Xian manipulate this sea area?" Yan Hui murmured, looking at the river parade sitting in the bow of the boat.

But he soon denied that it was Jiang Youxing who was causing trouble. After all, it was just a six turn big Yanxian, and he couldn't turn over such a big spray.

At this time, Jiang parade trembled and said, "Dear Xianjun, what shall we do next?"

Yan Hui didn't pay attention to him, but looked at Jian Wushuang. "Later, you follow behind us, and remember not to get contaminated with the sea."

Sword unparalleled nodded, the whole body has quietly condensed an invisible trend.

At this moment, Jiang Li and Yan Hui were all ready to cut off the sea curtain.

The Tianmen sea curtain, which is hundreds of millions of feet high, has almost no possibility to avoid, and can only choose hard resistance.

When they were all dignified, only the old Daojiang Youxing who was lying on the bow of the boat showed an unusual calm look.

Around the front and back, hundreds of millions of feet high Tianmen sea curtain fell at this moment.

As the mountains and seas are about to fall, the terrible general trend is like facing the siege of thousands of Dayan immortals, so that the sword is unparalleled and does not dare to slack off.

But the next moment, there was an accident. Jiang Youxing, who was lying in the boat, suddenly swooped on him and shouted, "there is an accident in the boundless sea, and none of us can escape!"

Until this moment, Jian Wushuang suddenly noticed that this terrible and treacherous scene was not real, but a fantasy!

Such a wonderland deceived them all!

"You old dog, I can't spare you!" The sword was unparalleled in anger.