For nearly 20000 years, the rumors about Cui Jing, the third in command of the unparalleled auction house, have already overshadowed the other two.

Without him, everything is because he is bloodthirsty and belligerent.

After 20000 years, the unparalleled auction house has long become an existence above the universe, and even the details of some super universe are simply incomparable.

Because, supporting the unparalleled auction house is the emperor's heritage, the heritage of the six crow emperor.

An imperial pill is enough to motivate and mobilize a super heaven.

As the third leader of the unparalleled auction house, Cui Jing's bloodthirsty and belligerent have been proved in the bloody battle 10000 years ago.

In the face of several super regions and the attack of dozens of Yanxian, he fought hard until the last minute, until the reinforcements rushed to help.

And before he fully recovered from his injury, he was alone and rushed to the rescue in the starry night to destroy the two super realms on his own.

Among them, more than a dozen Yan immortals, as well as countless top practitioners and creatures, died miserably in the void, and none escaped.

He cut off the heads of the two masters of heaven and brought them back to the unparalleled world together with their immortal source for auction, with a piece of Tianjing as the base price.

That is to say, from that war, nearly 100 heavenly regions have known Cui Jing's taboo.

At present, he was standing in the center of the temple of heaven, his black and gold clothes floating, looking at all the people who came with a smile.

All Yan Xian looked at Cui Jing's eyes and unconsciously felt a chill pouring out of their necks. The auction of heads 10000 years ago seemed to be still fresh in their minds.

"Gongzi, Gongzi, let's go..."

Elder Yan Xian was extremely nervous. He didn't know how much information the matchless auction house had, so it was the most important thing to retreat.

However, the son of shangjunzong is still in a confrontation state, with clear eyes that are extremely cold.

Cui Jing didn't bother to warn him, so he directly turned his head and said, "give the bag to Qing Ling and let her count."

Mr. Gu Haicheng reacted, nodded hurriedly, and handed the bag in his hand to Qing Ling.

Qing Ling took it, opened the bag to explore for a moment, and then leaned slightly and said, "Lord Hui, there are just 1.2 billion black crystal stones in the bag, which are accurate."

Cui Jing nodded at the words, turned around and was ready to leave.

But then, a cold voice sounded, "unparalleled forever is really a big deal."

"What I want to ask is whether the buyer of this pill is Gu Haicheng or an unparalleled auction house?"

The whole temple of heaven was as silent as a cicada, and all Yanxian and the Lord of the heaven stared at this scene.

As long as Yan Xian is not blind, he can see that only the unparalleled auction house can deliver 1.2 billion black rock spars.

Even if guhaicheng is a super heaven spanning the thirteen heaven regions, it is impossible to have 1.2 billion Black Mountain spars.

The result is self-evident.

Moreover, there is another metaphor for Cui Jing to send 1.2 billion black rock spars in public.

Cui Jing represents an unparalleled auction house.

He dared to give 1.2 billion black rock spars in public, which showed that he was giving back the help of Guhai city ten thousand years ago.

This is also a signal to all Yan Xian and the Lord of heaven. As long as you have helped wanguunparalleled, wanguunparalleled will naturally give back ten times and a hundred times.

Therefore, this is a show without disguise.

However, as soon as the son of shangjunzong said it, it didn't look so good.

Cui Jing stopped, and a strange smile suddenly appeared on his cold face. He turned around and said in a low voice, "of course, the buyer of danwan is Gu Haicheng. Haven't you seen all this?"

Prince Shangjun heard the speech and smiled, "I see, but Gu Haicheng bought danwan's Heishan spar, which seems to be provided by unparalleled forever?"

"If it is unparalleled, what is the significance of releasing this pill?"

As soon as he said this, there was a noise in the temple of heaven.

All the elders of Guhai City, Yan Xian, have serious eyes and are ready for war at any time.

Cui Jing smiled, "this pill was indeed taken by Guhai city. As for Heishan crystal, it was sent to the auction house by the elders of Guhai city in advance."

"Why, don't you believe it?"

The noise gradually subsided, tit for tat.

"I wait, how can I believe it?" The childe of shangjunzong smiled and said.

At this moment, Cui Jing laughed wantonly, "why should I let you believe it? I don't want you to believe it when I say it, but I tell you to believe it if you don't!"

Prince Shangjun's eyes were clear and bright for a moment, and a cold light burst out.

"Childe, let's go!" The elder whispered, "this is unparalleled, and you can't fall into a dispute."

The cold light in his eyes disappeared, and Prince Shangjun suddenly smiled, "it seems that this unparalleled place is not a clean place, filthy and miscellaneous."

As soon as this statement came out, all Yan immortals looked terrified, and Shang Junzong was going to confront unparalleled forever!

Cui Jing's face was also cold for a moment, but he still suppressed his anger, and then looked at him, "what's your name?"

All the elders of Shangjun sect were shocked, and one of the oldest elders directly trembled and arched his hands, "Lord Cui, my son is still young and energetic. If you collide with an adult, please..."

Without saying a word, Prince Shangjun stopped him directly, and then said, "I'm the son of Lord Shangjun, Qin Tuo."

"Qin Tuo is a good name." Cui Jing suddenly clapped his hands and said with a smile, "just, do you think it's better to say the name yourself or to be engraved on your tombstone?"

The son of Shangjun Zong named Qin Tuo heard the speech, his eyes suddenly coagulated, and his steps involuntarily retreated.

Cui Jing disdained a smile, and then prepared to leave with a big stride.

Qin Tuo, who was aware of his gaffe, instantly felt a great loss of face. He angrily said, "what is a small auction house like you, and dare to be against me?!"

As soon as this statement was made, the whole audience was in an uproar, and more than half of Yan Xian looked at Qin Tuo meaningfully.

Shangjunzong is a top-down super heaven in the whole department. It is true that it can sweep almost half of the ordinary heaven.

But this time, they kicked the iron plate, a terrible force that wiped out more than ten thousand super realms ten thousand years ago, and the consequences are beyond their ability to compete.

Cui Jing stopped his figure, dressed in black gold clothes and automatically without wind.

The next moment, he suddenly turned around and hit Qin Tuo's chest with an unimaginable speed.

"Boom -"

He flew ten feet backward and hit the jade wall heavily on his back, which stopped the pace of retreat.

The temple of heaven was dead, and all the immortals were surprised.

None of Yan Xian thought that Cui Jinghui kicked the son of Shangjun Zong without any scruples.