The void is broken and the stars retreat.

Everything was silent.

Six bodies like meteors shuttle through the void and gallop towards the front.

The first is Chen Qing and Chunqiu.

"Damn thing, what is this?!" Chen Qing drank and scolded with a gloomy face.

The more we move forward, the more fragmented the void is, as if we had experienced a great war.

As far as you can see, they are all fragmented, and at the edge of the void crack, there is a repressive and cold breath flowing.

That kind of breath, showing a dark red, like a precipitated river of blood, is unspeakable.

"Let me catch it, strip my muscles and skin, and bury it under the temple of heaven as the cornerstone!" Cui Jing said fiercely, and there was a lot of killing in the bottom of his eyes.

"I hope it will last forever for a while." Chunqiu is a little worried.

The next moment, a weak wave swept from the depths of the void.

Chen Qing stretched out her hand to cover it and directly clamped down the weak fluctuation, and then dragged it over.

"Ancient, ancient pavilion in ancient Haicheng?!"

Seeing the figure like a blood gourd in her hand, Chen Qing was completely shocked to the point where nothing could be further added.

"Gu, Gu Ting? How could he be like this!" Cui jingcui stepped forward and was equally shocked when he saw that it was indeed an ancient pavilion.

"It seems that they should have been intercepted halfway." Chunqiu frowned and said.

Wei Liujia thought, "I wonder if it's shangjunzong."

"No matter how big or small, you can see how I crush them into powder!" Feng Shan smashed his fists heavily and roared violently.

At this time, Gu Haicheng's son Gu Ting, who was carried by Chen Qing, woke up from a coma.

As soon as he saw Chen Qing and others, he showed the look of the rest of his life, and then his eyes were gloomy, "Chen, Lord Chen, Dan pills were taken away, and all the elders of Guhai city also fell."

Hearing this, Chen Qing's heart sank immediately and hurriedly asked, "who did this? How is the unparalleled auction house?"

"Yes, it's shangjunzong, Qin Tuo!" Guting gritted his teeth and said, "he has come here!"

Chen Qing was furious, and Yan Li rushed, "Damn, this guy is looking for death!"

And spring and autumn, has been extremely quiet, looking at the ancient pavilion indifferently, "you brought him?"

Gu Ting shivered all over, and his eyes flashed with shock. Finally, he said, "Lord Chun, we were intercepted by shangjunzong halfway, and there is no way to return to heaven. We can only have a chance to escape back to the peerless forever. So far, I am the only one left..."

Spring and autumn waved to interrupt, and then said, "this matter, you ancient Haicheng will give an account in the future."

"What we need to do now is to kill Qin Tuo."

Unparalleled forever.

At this moment, the big sun on the sky has overturned and was replaced by a huge blood moon.

The void is broken, and several celestial regions have been destroyed.

The unparalleled auction house, which was established on the basis of a space plane, is now on the verge of extinction.

Dark blood rivers tear the earth, surging wildly, devouring all visible objects.

The plane is breaking, and the colossal giant in the center of the plane of the sky - unparalleled forever, has been surrounded by the dark blood river at the moment.

Led by Qing Ling, nearly ten Yan immortals stationed here are struggling to resist.

She has just been promoted to Yan Xian, and her realm is not yet stable. It is too difficult to bear such a terrible impact.

But she never retreated, and she resisted bitterly in releasing her derivative force.

What's more terrifying is that Qing Ling doesn't know who the enemy is, because this vision of heaven and earth appears almost instantaneously, and then everything falls into passivity.

The dark blood River surged wantonly, turning into a series of earth shaking blood dragons, rushing towards the heaven hall of the unparalleled auction house.

"Damn it, what are these things? Who will maneuver at this time?!" Qing Ling gritted her teeth and was already extremely angry.

Beside her, a middle-aged Yan Xian also gritted his teeth and resisted bitterly, "Qingling fairy, you go first, quickly invite Lord chun to come over, and we'll top here for a while!"

"It's impossible. If I leave, I can't resist here." Qing Ling shook her head firmly.

"But if it goes on like this, we can't keep it." The middle-aged Yan Xian couldn't help saying that the long sword in his hand had been hidden by the dark blood, and the sword edge was no longer powerful.

"That's not refundable!" Qing Ling said quietly, thousands of Zhan Qingpi Lian burst out of her hands and turned into the most solid barrier, covering the entire unparalleled heaven hall.


A complete Bang ripped the chaos and darkness.

Endless rivers of blood gush from the depths of the earth, and constantly condense into a hundred million feet of water.

Thick blood, dripping from the cracks of each scale.

A pair of blood eyes stand up as the blood sun shines.

It is really too huge, even though the unparalleled heaven hall is a little small in front of it.

The order collapsed, the universe collapsed, and everything was in chaos.

At this moment, the unparalleled heaven hall is like a lonely boat, which is struggling to support and may overturn at any time.

Three of the nearly ten Yan immortals who originally stationed here have fallen out.

Facing the jiaosnake composed of the dark blood River, all Yan immortals looked deathly gray.

As long as a round of the impact of the blood River, the temple of heaven will be destroyed.

I'm afraid they can't resist.

The middle-aged Yan Xian bit her teeth and looked at the green Ling on the side, so he wanted to send her out here.

But the next moment, the chaotic sky suddenly trembled, followed by a burst of explosions.

All Yan Xian's eyes converged on the sky.

There, a mountain like figure, like the afterglow of the sunset, crashed heavily on the giant head of the jiaosnake.


Thousands of blood burst out, and the unparalleled martyrdom explosion sounded.

The blood River snake roared wildly, its whole head was almost penetrated, and a vertical pupil snake eye was broken.

The huge body fell heavily into the river of blood.

"Enter the hall quickly!" Qing Ling shouted, and the remaining Yan immortals all flew into the hall, and then closed the door of heaven.

The blood River roared and the plane collapsed.

The blood River snake, which was pierced by its head, fell heavily into the blood River, rolled up hundreds of millions of feet of blood waves, blocking out the sky and the sun.

"What am I supposed to be? It turned out to be just a piece of junk!"

Feng Shan shook his body, shook off the blood stains on his shoulders, and spat with disdain.

But in this empty moment, Chen Qing's cry suddenly rang through, "Feng Shan, get back!"

"Huh?" Feng Shan was puzzled and was about to speak, but he was surprised that the blood River under him condensed into a huge dragon snake.

It opened its mouth of blood that swallowed the sky and blotted out the sun, and spewed endless rivers of blood at Fengshan.

All this was so fast that when Chen Qing and others came, Fengshan had been swallowed up.

As far as you can see, even the tiandian of the unparalleled auction house can't avoid falling into the river of blood.