He had an inexplicable intuition that the bracelet seemed to be imprisoning something.

But he didn't know what the imprisonment was.

"No, boss, you don't know who wears this bracelet for you?" Cui Jing was surprised, and then lowered his voice, "do you think it could be xiaodijun?"

Jian Wushuang didn't speak, but he already had a rough judgment in his heart.

Leaving from the boundless sea, Yu Bo took him out, and for a period of time, his memory was fragmented, and he could hardly remember what had happened.

This simple bracelet was probably worn by him during his coma.

As for who did this, jianwushuang has also made a rough judgment.

"But why did they put such a thing on me?" He frowned, and then seemed to realize something. He sat up and began to sit up on the spot.

The derivative force is surging, like a mountain or a sea, and it flows endlessly in the meridians.

Immortal style, Yanli and kendo are not missing. They have even reached a shocking level compared with the previous ones.

Jian Wushuang opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. This bracelet did not imprison anything he had.

It is because of this that he feels very strange.

Since nothing is imprisoned, what is the significance of this bracelet?

After pondering for a moment, Jian Wushuang planned to put the matter behind him first, and didn't ask until he saw the little emperor.

For nearly 20000 years, they rarely get together. At this moment, they all sit or lie on the eaves of the temple of heaven and have a leisurely rest.

Sword unparalleled also rare no longer rush busy, enjoy a moment of peace.

Then, taking advantage of the spring and Autumn period, he said his intention to leave.

Hearing this, Cui Jing got up and said eagerly, "boss, take me this time, take me with you."

"Go aside, it's my turn this time." Feng Shan twisted his huge body and also suffered.

"Fair competition, fair competition." Chen Qing is unwilling to fall behind.

Looking at this noisy scene, Jian Wushuang couldn't cry or laugh, and then he said straight, "be quiet. I don't know when I'll come back this time, so I'm afraid you can't go with me."

"What you need to do now is to improve your own strength as much as possible. Only in this way can you really stand in Dayan Huan."

At this moment, Chen Qing and others were solemn and began to meditate.

Without exception, they brought their thoughts to the distant future and the broader and unpredictable Dayan universe.

Dayan Huan is not only a mysterious and endless universe for jianwushuang, but also for Chen Qing and others.

None of them has ever taken a big step.

The big division is so magnificent that countless Yan immortals and even Da Yan immortals never went out to death.

However, such a large division is just a chestnut in the sea of Dayan Huan.

Even as the son of the ancient emperor in the past, the spring and Autumn period simply cannot imagine the vastness of Dayan universe.

Therefore, they all meditated on the words of jianwushuang, and at the same time began to find that the real grand view was outside the big division.

At this moment, Chunqiu's eyes became more and more firm, and then he said, "brother Jian, can you continue to follow you as long as you climb the Dayan fairy and go to a broader realm of heaven outside the territory?"

As soon as this statement came out, the eyes of Chen Qing, Cui Jing and others were also enthusiastic.

Jian Wushuang smiled, "it's certainly OK to go outside the broader and unpredictable heaven, but now what you need to do is to make the realm go to a higher level and reach dayanxian."

Dayan immortal is the real supreme except the emperor. He can create the way of heaven in his breath, which is an unspeakable existence.

However, it is impossible for Yan Xian to visit Da Yan Xian.

You know, the whole vast division experienced the emperor's postwar in that ancient era, and Dayan immortals were scarce, even less than the number of hands.

There are even rumors that the upward road has been blocked and can no longer be broken through.

But after seeing Qin Tuo, the son of Shangjun clan, ascend the throne of Dayan immortal, they knew that the upward road was not blocked, but it was getting harder.

Now, jianwushuang wants them to ascend to Dayan immortal as soon as possible, which proves this from the side.

Only by further improvement and reaching that height, can we be regarded as the real peak.

At this moment, in addition to the unparalleled sword, Chen Qing, Chunqiu, Cui Jing, Feng Shan and Wei Liujia all nodded heavily. They have all firmly established their goals in their hearts and headed for Dayan Xian.

Jian Wushuang's words are not only encouraging them, but also encouraging themselves to step higher.

As we continue to move forward, those long-standing memories emerge a new fog.

Master Xuanyi, old master, and the emperor and organization who dominate the universe of emptiness, almost oppress the emptiness God. What are their origins and whether they have left footprints in this great Yan universe.

These, like layers of fog, shrouded in the heart of the unparalleled sword.

What he has to do now is to get rid of this fog and let all the truth emerge.

So he didn't dare to slack off for a moment now. Facing the only clue, the zigzag bone armor, he had to grasp it.

After drinking on the eaves of the temple of heaven for decades, Jian Wushuang left alone, without any Yan Xian following, as if he had never appeared.

While leaving, he went to find xiaodijun again, and finally left after knowing the general direction of the three inch mountain where the craftsman Xu Tuo lived.

He couldn't wait any longer about the news of the Tianzi bone armor, so he resolutely set off again.

Facing the vast unknown universe, the sword has never retreated.

Although the big division domain is infinite and infinite, it is almost divided into seven parts, corresponding to the seven emperors under the throne of emperor zhenwuyang.

The location of the three inch mountain is quite mysterious and erratic.

Three inch mountain, which does not belong to any part of the big division domain, is ethereal and cannot be found.

Yan Xian, who wants to find the craftsman Xu Tuo, has long been countless, but he can only return in despair in the end.

It is said that Sanchun mountain is the most proud work of Xu Tuo, a craftsman. It was built with supreme power. Even the Dayan fairy cannot be explored, let alone searched.

The little emperor was only able to say the general direction, which was also not very clear.

The general orientation of Sanchun mountain is exactly in a headache place - damitian.

Damitian is the realm of the second emperor's son, and it is also controlled by the son who has the deepest resentment with jianwushuang.

Although Sancun mountain does not belong to Damian, it is adjacent to Damian and I don't know where it is.

But even so, Jian Wushuang still embarked on the journey, heading for the vast void.