Hearing the word Zhenling, Wuzuo was shocked, and then said, "how can it be? Zhenling was injured more than me, and how can it wake up."

"I've brought it, and you're not qualified to know the rest." As soon as the voice of the hunchback old man fell, his body slowly retreated to the corner of the crack.

Before leaving, the hunchbacked old man seemed to think of something.

"By the way, Zhenling said, for the sake of the old master, I'll give you another chance. You can accept the test of the temple of Qi with other practitioners."

After leaving this sentence, the hunchback old man completely disappeared into the void.

"Accept the test together!" Uzuo's face changed.

He was once a registered disciple of Qi God and was very familiar with the trial of Qi temple.

The trial of the temple of Qi doesn't depend on how strong you are. The threshold is set high, and the requirements for potential are also very high.

At the peak of his strength, he touched the threshold of six levels. Now the divine body injury has not been solved. He has only five levels of top level. Although he is pretentious, he also knows that he has no potential.

In ancient times, as a disciple of Qi God, he heard the sermon of Qi God, a star overlord, and his strength was still stuck in the fifth emperor.

His way is extraordinary. It is a special Avenue in the second grade, and it integrates two ordinary second grade highways.

It is expected to reach the top in the future, but it is a pity that the emperor has been stuck in the fifth order. With the help of the gift of God Qi, he has realized the sixth order rule, but it is difficult to control.

Later, the God of Qi fell, and the starry sky was silent. His strength was not remarkable among the disciples of the God of Qi. He was just a registered disciple, but he survived the disaster and followed the temple of the God of Qi to the primitive universe.

"It's also good to save the use of those wastes." Wu Zuo's face was grim.

With his strength, he was not afraid of any strong man in the primitive universe. Except for the ultimate emperor, no one could surpass him.

After all, there are too few ultimate emperors. In ancient times, the status of ultimate emperors was very high, and even the gods favored them.

At that time, most of the ultimate emperors in the universe in the long river of time and space were worshipped under the command of God Qi.

However, these people have fallen, as powerful as the three gods, and the existence that controls one side of the universe has been extinguished.


Wuzuo tore the void, and did not hide. He went directly to the temple of Qi.

The real trial of the revival of the true spirit of the temple of Qi will begin. As for the inheritance accepted in the ancient times of Da Siyu Wang, it is only the ordinary inheritance of the outer temple.

At that time, the true spirit did not recover, and their treasures were limited. Now the true spirit recovers and the inner hall is opened, which is the real inheritance of the temple of God.

Countless treasures, powerful inheritance, Qi God has collected treasures of endless years, all of which are in the inner hall.

At this time, outside the temple of Qi.

A towering tower slowly stops, which is the eternal tower entering the wilderness.

There is little difference in the size of the two, but the breath is like a world apart.

The eternal tower is like a warship in the ocean, huge and incomparable, with the momentum of conquering the whole sea, and the breath of the temple of Qi is like the whole wilderness, covering everything.

As for the temporary Chishui alliance, like a turtle, it followed the warship and wandered in the ocean.

"These people are really fast!" Tongtian Buddha sat quietly in the void and glanced at the hall of the eternal tower and Chishui alliance.

Six crows' eyes were red, and there was no intention of paying attention to the Buddha.

Recalling the war just now, he is a little trance now!

At first, Tongtian Buddha cooperated with them to kill the God Emperor of Donglin. Everything went well. Zhenwuyang couldn't do anything under the control of Daogong. He and Tongtian Buddha plus the emperors of Qishen Temple forced Donglin to explode.

But just when he thought the situation was turning around, Tongtian Buddha suddenly wrapped the whole temple with a thousand treasure cassock, and he entered the interior of the temple through the thousand treasure cassock.

This made six crows a little unprepared, while the low-grade white terror of the air wave, while returning to the temple of Qi.

The same is true of Dao Gong. Zhen Wuyang suddenly erupted and directly pressed Dao Gong. After beating them both, Zhen Wuyang also entered the temple of Qi along the thousand treasure cassock.

Later, the breath of the temple of Qi suddenly soared, and then the emperor fell.

The changes in the temple of Qi made him and Dao Gong both surprised and worried. After the surge, the temple of Qi sent out the smell of the sacrificial platform, which was obviously different from the past.

But the two of them couldn't get in at all. The whole temple was wrapped in thousand treasure cassocks. Just as they were in a hurry, zhenwuyang and Tongtian, who entered the temple, were suddenly sent out.

They were still stained with brown blood. It is conceivable that everyone inside was probably dead.

Without the protection of the temple of Qi, a group of second-order and third-order emperors against zhenwuyang and Tongtian are completely slaughtered.

Although they have cultivated the devouring road of God Qi, each of them is extremely strong in the same level, but they can't resist the top two emperors in the upper four levels at all.

When Tongtian and Zhenwu Yang just came out of the temple of Qi, they were not fighting, so they sat in the void silently, which made six crows and Dao Gong very confused, but they couldn't fight and could only confront here.

"It's really slow." Zhenwuyang is a little impatient.

After entering the hall, the two of them directly killed those emperors, and then no matter how they refined the hall, there was no treasure in it.

Just as the two were about to forcibly break the sacrificial platform, an ancient breath emanated from it, condensing a powerful true spirit. The two of them couldn't move in front of the true spirit, and then they were sent out of the temple of Qi when their eyes were dark.

However, the true spirit also left a word for the two of them. The trial is about to begin. Wait for others to come.

Now it seems to be waiting for these people.

As a peak force, he still knows the eternal tower. As for the so-called Chishui alliance, he doesn't know most of the other emperors except the Chishui walker.

But it seems that the strong ones in the eastern region of the primitive universe have almost arrived.


The eternal tower fell slowly and stopped on the immortal bone Road, and many emperors in it jumped out.

"Are you the real Wuyang of Da Siyu?" The master of wind and rain glanced at the temple of Qi, and then asked, in an unusually overbearing tone.

When she left, she collected information about the great wilderness. This is the territory of zhenwuyang, and the temple of Qi initially appeared in the big division. The news was also spread by zhenwuyang himself.

Now come, naturally ask zhenwuyang first.

"It's me!" Zhen Wuyang got up slowly, put away his fierce, and calmly returned.

The name of the wind and rain demon king, he learned after becoming an emperor. He followed the fifth emperor Zhutian and controlled the eternal tower, the first force in the eastern region.