This secret treasure is only a part of the ancient treasure. It has the use of superimposing its own divine power. Once activated, it can make its own divine power more than ten times stronger. It is also extremely difficult to control. It is not suitable for scuffle. If you don't need to be distracted one-on-one, you can use it.

So the God Emperor Molong didn't use this secret treasure last time, which is also his confidence that he can kill all the emperors in the Da Luo world one-on-one.

Luo Hao breathed heavily and covered his chest.

"No, I want to hold on. The news has spread, and it will take time for the strong in the clan to come. I can't fall here."

He is not reconciled!

He carefully planned this mountain range, built it into his hunting ground, and had a good relationship with those top powers. He had great hope to hold the top 1000, get the gift of God Qi, and understand the road of God Qi. He couldn't fall here.

For the sake of the family, he cannot fall. He is the proudest Dayan fairy of the guka family, and he cannot fall.

"I, guka Luohao!" He raised his head and shouted angrily, "I will never lose in your hands!"


The originally weak breath soared again, surpassing the strong breath at his peak and breaking through the sky.

A magnificent column of gas, straight into the sky!

His strength soared, and he had already touched the threshold of the peak. At this time, he officially stepped into the door of the peak strong.

Bits and pieces of lightning spread all over the body, swimming up and down, flashing the power of thunder.

Although his breath soared, he didn't hurry to start. He could wait for a while. If he started, he still couldn't stand the strong in the clan to help.

"Why, it's starting to burn the source Avenue!" The God Emperor Molong sneered, "the unique skill is good. It can transform the source of combustion into three times of divine power. It can't be said to be a superior unique skill! It can also be regarded as the best of medium unique skills."

Emperor Molong shook his head.

"If you think this can compete with me, you will underestimate my strength."

There are also high and low levels of jiuzhuan perfect dayanxian, and the combat power span is very large, which depends on the strength of the source road.

The nine turn perfect Dayan immortals of the five grade avenue of the origin are ordinary ranks. Even if they have the peak treasure, they can only top the ordinary ranks.

The Dayan immortals of the fourth grade source Avenue are generally able to touch the threshold of the top Dayan immortals by virtue of the peak treasure and extreme cultivation.

Only the jiuzhuan perfection of Sanpin Benyuan Avenue can be regarded as the top strength. With the help of the peak Zhibao, they can be regarded as the top combat power in the jiuzhuan perfection.

However, the strong person of the second level source Avenue can generally touch the threshold of the peak after the completion of his practice, just like Luo Hao, who is an ordinary second level source Avenue. After the completion of his practice, he can touch the threshold of the peak, that is, the treasure is not enough.

If there is half of the treasure of the God Emperor, he also has the fighting power of the peak dayanxian.

The way of God Emperor Molong is not the top in the second grade Avenue, but it is not the bottom. With zhibaoduo, he is the top among the top strong, only second to the extreme Dayan immortals like jiuyu. One person can kill hundreds of nine turn perfect Dayan immortals.

To be precise, it is divided into beginner, ordinary, top, peak, limit and half step emperor.

Half step emperor, the strong at this level, is almost the ultimate way, or the peerless arrogance of the perfect practice of the unity of ten thousand ways.

There are few stars in the whole universe. At present, there is none of them.

In the five worlds, there are 36 primitive stars in each world, including 180 primitive stars. As long as you are lucky, you will not encounter this monster. If you are unlucky, you can only escape.

The whole primitive star will be the slaughterhouse of the half step emperor, no doubt sitting on the first throne.

[Reading welfare] pay attention to the public.. No. [bookmate base camp], read books every day, draw cash / count money!

As long as there is no problem with the operation of the temple of Qi, it will never let the two half step emperors collide. In the final analysis, the temple of Qi is still to screen the strong. They, the Dayan immortals of the ordinary origin Avenue, are very well selected, and finally those who can stand out are those who ultimately exist or are the talents of the unity of all roads.

The God Emperor Molong looked at Luo Hao contemptuously and said disgustedly, "it's just a low creature, trying to challenge me!"


The two men instantly rose to the sky, and each flash of their body made a dull sound.

Molong God made every move just right, not hurting its vital points, only its veins. The divine power that the original source can burn is limited after all. Luo Hao was worried, but he was not worried at all.

He knows very well why the other side resists so much, waiting for other strong players in the Luo world!

These strong men in the world of the great Luo also had bad luck. Six of the ten emperors came to the "Jia Jiu primitive star". They can set off each other.

In his opinion, Luo Hao has been guarding this mountain, and it is probably the chief emperor of the great Luo world who ordered to occupy it. If you are injured, you can come here to hide and cultivate the divine body, and take Luo Hao as a way out.

Being able to leave his back to Luo Hao, it is obvious that other emperors trust him very much. At this time, they will definitely come if they ask for help.

He can also play to his plan, first seriously injure Luo Hao, and then leak the flaw, waiting for the emperors of the great Luo world to come, and then come and kill one.

Even if they came together, he could kill oneortwo of them with all his efforts, and he could retreat completely. He could not only take revenge, but also gain a lot of achievements.

Fighting in this mountain, don't worry about other old guys coming to sneak attack.

The emperor of the great Luo world will not be stupid enough to expose his rear area and attract other strong men to deal with him.

The strength he showed is not much different from that of the chief of the Luo world. Coupled with the fact that the camouflage injury has not recovered, they will certainly relax their vigilance. If they have the opportunity to kill the chief of the Luo world at that time, they will make a lot of money this time.

The chief of the Luo kingdom is now ranked 76, with a record of at least tens of millions.


Luo Hao held the rotating flying blade in one hand to resist the heavy punch of God Emperor Molong, and a black diamond crystal column appeared on the other hand.

He was not good at close combat at all. His understanding was the road of gold. The divine body was not strong. Unlike the emperor Molong, who had an emperor's father. Even if he didn't major in the physical body, he could spend a lot of treasures to refine the physical body into a perfect one. Cooperating with one of the mountains, he was not only terrible in strength, but also like a towering divine mountain in defense. Not to mention the speed, he could master one of the mountains and shrink to an inch to escape.

The strength of Molong God Emperor can be said to have reached a perfect level, which is the advantage of the background. If there is no background, just physical perfection requires the full value of an ordinary emperor. Where can a nine turn perfect Dayan fairy find resources and treasures.

Luo Hao has his own background, although he is also very strong, but he is only one of the top ten emperors in the contemporary era. Once he fails to integrate successfully within the time limit, or does not have the strength to integrate, he will be sent to one side, lose resources and training, and he will be difficult to integrate successfully in his life.