this is the distribution of Bai Yi to the frontier.

just suppressed the rebellion in the four secret territories, Zhenling is ready to kill the donkey.

this made those elders also can't help but breathe a chill, so heartless, and crazy to suppress the old forces, it seems that Zhenling is determined to clean up the internal forces of the temple of God.

they are all human spirits and understand the intention of the true spirit.

this is also their opportunity. With the decline of established forces, they took the opportunity to rise.

recover to the peak!

"well, it's settled. You are all busy people, so I won't leave you here. Let's get busy separately. The trial of the primitive world will end as soon as possible. The real cultivation is the four secret places, not the primitive stars. As for the Yan Xian in the outer world, I think we'll stay in the Xuanwu hall first, cultivate by Xuan Yi himself, and then transfer to the primitive world after arriving at the Da Yan Xian."

the true spirit's voice was gentle, just a word, and sent them away.

Zhenling despises these stubborn puppets from the bottom of his heart.

even if you have a seven trick exquisite heart and your mind is far beyond normal people, it's not human, but just a puppet after all.

after several hall masters stepped down, Zhenling turned to face the elders and leaked a kind smile.

"everyone, you all owe a lot to the successful completion of the temple of Qi. Now I will honor the promise I made in those years, and I will resume my residence in the Yuanlao palace. You can go to the boundaries of the four secret territories, where there are my people."

Zhenling's voice paused for a moment, and then said: "after your identity is restored, you will also be rewarded according to your merits. Rest assured, you will not forget everything you have done."

a group of elders bowed down solemnly to thank them, and then their bodies gradually disappeared.

they are weak now, and they can't come and go freely. It is the true spirit that sent them to the four secret territories.

after all these people left, Zhenling's face became dignified.

Xuanyi, the Lord of Xuanwu hall, who had left, reappeared in the sea of origin.

Zhenling was not surprised to see the visitor, but politely said, "Xuanyi, the elder, left you in the end. Now you can say it!"

"Lord Zhenling, don't worry!"

the two men flashed and appeared in the center of the sea of origin, where there was a green palace.

after entering the palace, the two sat opposite each other, and a teapot appeared out of thin air on the jade table in front of them.

Zhenling poured a cup of tea for Xuanyi himself, and then poured another cup for himself.

"now you can say it!"

after looking around, Xuan Yi still said with some uneasiness, "this matter matters too much."

"don't worry, there is time and space in this temple, which is independent of time and space. It is one of the strongest treasures in the temple of Qi. You can rest assured." The true spirit voice said seriously.

after slowly drinking a mouthful of tea, Xuan nodded, and then began to say the secret thing.

Zhenling heard it, the flesh shook, and his eyes were dull.

Xuanyi also shook his head silently.

like the other three Temple masters, he was originally a puppet refined by different gods. Although he was given seven tricks and exquisite heart, he knew that he was not a practitioner at all.

Qi God gave him only a delicate heart, and the elder gave him a complete life.

spiritual body, origin and physical body are the key to practice.

real people are not those who can be represented, feelings, wisdom, thinking.

"I see. Can you still contact the elder now?" Zhenling then asked.

Xuan Yi shook his head and said his guess.

"that elder, probably not a practitioner today, but a strong man who will control time and space in the future, crossed the river of time, came to the primitive universe, entered the temple of God, and there is also his breath in the big division of the outside world."

"future!" Rao shizhenling is well-informed and inherits most of the memory of Qi God, but he still feels incredible.

the strong man who controls time and space can shuttle through time and truly immortal.

why does such a strong man come back to this long river of time that is almost dry?

the true spirit was a little confused, and he chose to come here at this time. He didn't even have a lord of the universe. What's the purpose of coming here?

there are so many rivers in the starry sky, it happened that I came here.

and it also led the temple of Qi to this.

what is all this for?

"do you know the name taboo of that elder?"

Xuan shook his head, but thought of something, and said, "the elder seems to have deliberately concealed himself. He used to use my name outside."

"it seems that there are still scruples about shuttling through time. Even if you master time and space, you cannot change the things of this era." Zhenling guessed.

such means are too ridiculous, and he is only guessing.

"Lord Zhenling, it's better to solve the immediate problem! Since the elder is willing to remind, it shows that some things can be changed in the future, and we can't sit idly by."

Xuan frowned. That matter would indeed affect the overall situation, and even completely collapse the temple of God.

"move first!" Zhenling sighed.

what he said about migration is not as simple as leaving the primitive universe, but leaving this long river of time and space.

drift in the chaotic and unknown space-time turbulence, and go to other space-time rivers.

Xuan Yi's eyes changed and blurted out "migration!"


"we have no choice but to migrate first. If what the elder said is true, we must migrate. The fall of the noumenon in those years cannot be changed. Now the catastrophe is coming, we can escape first if we can't change it!"

after Zhenling took his attention, his eyes became firm.

both of them were silent and drank tea silently.

because of that matter, he can't pull out those wastes and build the Senate palace.

all this is to prepare for other space-time rivers after migration.

the temple of Qi is a mobile treasure house. How can you keep this family business without a strong man.

in front of that matter, the trial seemed a little weak.

primitive world.

QiuHuang city!

Huiqing is the first to end, and then Wanxing.

the other two walls are still struggling to resist. The strength of blood moon and Lengshuang Daojun has increased a lot, and the two can barely compete together. It is not a problem to hold the walls.

the sword is unparalleled, but it is in danger here.

with Jue Xian array and 20000 remaining Dayan immortals, they still can't completely hold it in the face of nearly three million devouring demons.

the sword with towering body shape is unparalleled. On the one hand, it entangles the devouring demon king who constantly attacks the border, and also stops the remaining five million devouring demon kings.

it can be said that he resisted the devouring demon king on the whole battlefield alone.

"tear the sky!"

this person is simply a waste. He really doesn't understand how a strong man, a Taoist king, can't share so much. He bumps around like a headless fly.

sword array and magic power consumed him a lot, but the speed of strangulation was slower than the beginning. If it goes on like this, when will it be killed.

"it seems that you have to do that!"