After a few greetings, he chatted with the ten thousand star emperor about the tomb god mountain, and then began to talk about the hall.

These people arrived tens of thousands of years earlier than him, and they knew a lot more than he did.

It's just that some people have been sitting in the hall practicing, ignoring his arrival.

Wan Xing said with a faint smile, "brother Wushuang, it's not as complicated as we thought. Look at the murals on the wall! “

Jian Wushuang is not a fool. He understands it at a glance.

The picture is very clear.

The three kings court captured a huge egg in a secret place.

Rather than capture, it was a giant egg that fell from the sky and fell into a secret territory within the power of the three kings court.

In the territory of Peru, there is a team of heavenly kings. The leader seems to be a six rank emperor. The breath on his body can be felt by unparalleled swords.

He is at least a top six.

He led a team of ten people, each of whom was the emperor of the fifth peak.

Such an elite team was killed by the secret rules on the surface of the egg shell when it first met the egg.

The fall is inexplicable.

Fortunately, in ancient times, most of the strong used Dharma bodies when they went out.

At that time, there were enough treasures and time to cultivate for several eras, and countless treasures could be invested to refine a Dharma body comparable to the Buddha.

Therefore, some of these people did not fall, but fell Dharma bodies.

Their master hurriedly reported the news to the top.

The Lord of the universe directly under him didn't pay much attention at first, but let a top strong man under his command go.

This time, it led to natural disasters.

The first painting is over!

Wan Xing pointed to another picture and let Jian Wushuang continue to look down.

The second mural depicts a huge eye.

It leaked out of the eggshell.

The top strong man blasted open the eggshell, leaked an eye and suppressed the top strong man, but he couldn't do a big kill.

Then the Lord of the universe takes the shot.

The giant egg was swept into the three King's court.

Originally, I thought I was lucky to get an exotic egg and wanted to force it to hatch with a treasure.

But I didn't expect it to backfire.

Not only did the giant egg not hatch, but the beast in it almost died.

When the beast was weak, a message came out.

This message came into the starry sky.

Led to the arrival of a powerful existence.

The Lord of the universe also suffered a backlash, lost his mind by the force of rules on the eggshell, and even began to slaughter his own men.

This scene caused the king of the three King court to appear.

The king, unparalleled sword has also been seen, or people who enter here have seen it.

It's the chessboard old man with messy hair and dark red skin.

His coming suppressed the Lord of the universe.

Unfortunately, there were almost countless heavenly kings who fell that time.

Under the command of a master of the universe, there are countless people.

In addition to the emperor of heaven and the emperor of Taoism, the fall of hundreds of millions of people has shocked the whole river of time and space.

In a corner of the mural, an old man with a curved corner of the elder on his head was also embroidered with the word "Qi" on his robe.

It was the overlord of the long river of time and space at the beginning, the power of God.

The old man at the corner represents that the temple of Qi is also reaching out to intervene.

Jian Wushuang was very curious about the huge egg. This time, without waiting for WAN Xing to say, he looked at the third mural.

The third picture does not describe the giant egg, but the collision with the angled old man.

The old man at the corner seems to be hampered by something. When dealing with the three King court, he has always had doubts.

However, it can be seen that sanwangting is very afraid of the old man at the corner.

In ancient times, the three gods in the temple of Qi were able to clean up the three King courts.

The Lord of the universe is also strong and weak.

Strong like a God, one can suppress the whole Moro space-time.

Weak, too. In the second mural, the master of the universe disturbed by the giant egg is obviously not very good at the same level.

It's just that Jian Wushuang doesn't know the strength division of the Lord of the universe, and can't calculate how big the strength gap is.

The old man in the corner of the mural finally retreated, and the three King court began to study the giant egg.

But then came a powerful terrorist.

Just as they put the giant egg into the three King court, guests came from the starry sky.

It's "foyego"“

He led the army to come.

Or he is an army of monks alone.

Countless twisted reptiles separated from his body and attacked the three King court.

At this time, the corner old man came again, but this time, he has been in the corner of the mural, did not come forward.

Foyego attacked the third court, destroying all the way, and no one could stop it.

All the way to the three kings.

It's the bones they see outside.

Those are actually part of foyego's body.

If he saw the outside world now, he would be more convinced.

Because foyego is devouring those bones, and his strength is also rising.

Shang's original master, from the beginning, was able to compete with each other, but now it has fallen into the inferior.

The outside world is in a mess.

Unprecedented chaos broke out in the territory, the chaos in the south of the sky collapsed, and countless strong men fell.

Queman at this moment, set off a war.

This step is the result of the gods' calculation for hundreds of millions of years.

In the hall, the more you look back, the more shocked you are!

The three kings gave up their lives, and foyego, who failed to resist, was killed by the old town at the corner.

The giant egg also hatched completely, but it had previously hurt its foundation. When it was born, it had only half the combat power of the Lord of the universe, but the realm was the Lord of the universe.

This has been comparable to those congenital beast gods. Birth is the Lord of the universe, which is extremely powerful.

What hatched from the egg was a dark golden dragon, which was suppressed by the angled old man without the protection of foyego.

The final picture is a relic.

A line of emperors entered the three kings' court.

There are zhenwuyang, Tongtian Buddha, Chishui walker, situ Nan and Guiling Island owner.

Jianwushuang was completely shocked!

This is a mural that predicts the future.

In addition to these people, he also saw three faceless people, and even the gender could not be separated.

Who do these three represent?

Sword peerless ponders carefully.

Then he thought of himself, and he didn't see himself.

And Hui Qing and that Jiang Shang!

Without the three of them.

These three shameless people should be the three of them.

Just why there is no face, jianwushuang doesn't know.

After seeing the murals, he couldn't calm down for a long time.

This scene is the same as others.

"Brother Wushuang, you, Huiqing and Jiang Shang didn't show up. I think this opportunity is related to the three of you. There are three kings in the three King court!" Wan Xing pointed to the three faceless figures above, with some emotion.

His ten thousand ways are naturally related to the changing way, and he chose the changing way. But in terms of talent, he is unparalleled with the sword, and he can't compare with that brolly. Now he is only the fourth peak, and he has long lost his pride.