Then there is only one way left.

Is to pass through the magma under the bridge.

This is too risky.

Jian Wushuang turned to Wanyan. He wanted to fool the other party to try, but the other party was not a fool and would never agree.

Wealth and wealth insurance.

Spell it!

Jian Wushuang gritted his teeth and turned to look at the weeds on both sides of the path. Now he understood the role of these weeds.

This is to let him make a boat with grass!

As for flying treasure, it is impossible to think with your knees.

"It's such a thing. Whether you believe it or not, I'll go first!" Jian Wushuang told the cause and effect of his speculation. He didn't ask for anything and went to mow the grass and make a boat alone.

As for Wanyan, he really didn't believe it. When Jian Wushuang proposed this method, he looked at Jian Wushuang with a look of a fool. He just felt that the other party was crazy and directly denied it.

Jian Wushuang didn't care. He cut all the grass and then built a boat.

Soon, a straw boat with a long battle was built, and Jian Wushuang was more and more convinced of his speculation.

In common customs, things burned for the dead are made of paper, and it is not necessarily that grass may be burned in ancient times.

Coming to the shore, Jian Wushuang manipulated his mind to let the straw boat float, and then walked up.

Looking at those wandering souls, Jian Wushuang said in ancient language, "come up!"

As soon as the words fell, these wandering souls really came over and got on the grass boat one after another.

Although the grass boat is small, it also contains the source of space, which has the effect of shrinking into inches. Hundreds of wandering souls got on the boat, which is not crowded at all.

Seeing this scene, Wanyan was stunned. He was still a little uncertain and wanted to see it when jianwushuang went down.

Sword unparalleled here, after receiving all the wandering souls, the mind moved, and the straw boat began to sink, and finally fell steadily on the magma.

When Wanyan on the bank looked down, a wild beast the size of ten thousand battles opened its jaws and swallowed the straw boat directly, splashing countless magma, and then restored calm.

Wanyan took a breath, covered his chest, and said in his heart, "fortunately, fortunately, I didn't follow."

Now there was no soul on the bridge, and he didn't know what to do. Finally, he stepped on the bridge again.

This time, he walked very fast, so to speak, he ran directly across the bridge and continued to rush forward without stopping.


Wanyan walked for a quarter of an hour and found that there was no change around. He turned around and looked back. The bridge was still there.

He passed!

"Haha, I passed!" Wanyan laughed and was in a good mood.

The tiredness on the body also swept away.

As for Jian Wushuang, he didn't think so much about others. He continued to move forward alone.

The farther you go, the wider the road will be.

After a whole day, he didn't meet the second bridge, but came to a huge dojo.

In the ashram, there are altars, FA Xiang and many futons.

Wanyan looked at everything carefully and entered the ashram.

As he crossed a thin border, his strength began to shake.

It turned out that he had no divine power before entering here. No wonder he felt tired.

After entering the ashram, glancing around, rows of futons stood, and touching it casually was very soft, nothing special.

But when he came to the front, he found a man sitting cross legged on the strongest Futon!

"Unparalleled sword!" Wanyan exclaimed.

Hearing someone shouting his name, Jian Wushuang was also startled and turned to look back.

"Wanyan Daoyou!" Jian Wushuang is also surprised!

It's clear that he arrived here after successfully crossing his soul. How come Wanyan also came? Can it be said that after he left, there was a wandering soul on the bridge, and Wanyan arrived here according to his method?

Just when he was about to ask, Wanyan's next sentence stunned him.

"Haven't you been devoured by wild beasts? Why are you still alive!"

Jian Wushuang touched his chin, determined that it existed, and said, "did you see me swallowed by the wild beast with your own eyes?"

But after he entered the magma, those wild beasts disappeared!

After arriving at the other side with the wandering soul, he was transported to this Taoist field. At the same time, the spiritual realm advanced by leaps and bounds. In the Taoist field, he also got many treasures from the altar.

The treasure obtained this time is no longer comparable to the space God stone, but the cosmic source stone.

There are tens of thousands of cosmic source stones, which contain the origin of the universe.

I'm afraid that the other party has just entered here.

Wanyan said his experience again. The sword is unparalleled!

So simple?

Just walked over directly.

Didn't he come here at a great loss and at the risk of falling.

But then Jian Wushuang was relieved. After Wanyan arrived here, he didn't get any treasures, which was equivalent to running for nothing on the first bridge.

If the other party didn't ask, he wouldn't say how many treasures he had obtained. Even if he asked, he wouldn't say.

Now Wanyan is still proud to say how smooth his experience is.

Jian Wushuang shook his head, diverted the topic, and asked, "Wanyan Taoist friend, what's the matter with the trace in this space!"

He has never been in harmony, and actually knows little about the complete space.

I only know that after the space is stable, countless stars will be born, and that is the realm of stars at that time.

Then evolved into a black hole, which is the black hole realm, and then up is the universe realm.

I only know a general idea, but I don't know much about the details.

Wanyan was in a good mood and patiently explained to Jian Wushuang, "you should dare to break through the emperor soon. It's normal not to know. The trace represents your origin."

"For example, you are the origin of gold. When you reach the Ninth level of perfection and successfully integrate the Tao, you master the spatial origin. At this time, what about your origin of gold? Although the origin of gold corresponds to space, it will not all evolve into space. It will leave traces in the spatial origin. The more traces of Tao, the stronger your origin of gold."

"Let's talk about myself, the shadow Tao I cultivate. Among my spatial origins, the most trace of the Tao is the shadow Tao, followed by the escape Tao. After mastering the spatial origin, normally speaking, you can understand any Tao. We all know Wan Daoliu. You should know that the reason why it is special is that it can cultivate all the original Tao before the combination of Tao! The more you cultivate, the stronger it will be after the combination of Tao. Ordinary origins can't cultivate it like this, otherwise It will backfire. "

Jian Wushuang understood.

His extreme path is a great 10000 path flow. No wonder he swallowed so many sources, so many crushed stones appeared in the spatial source. These crushed stones are like track marks, but he doesn't combine the Tao now, and these crushed stones are a burden, which needs him to refine again, and then turn into track marks.

"So it is! Thank you, Taoist friend." The sword arched its hand.

When he practiced and observed the Dharma here, he saw that there were a large number of Tao traces in each other's space origin, and countless stars surrounded the whole space, as well as several black holes.
