However, it is too difficult to recover to that level in the four secret places.

It is also possible that foyego did not recover, and there was a super existence among the inheritors of the temple of difference.

At least for now, Shang has a bright future, and is most likely to break through and become the Lord of the universe in a short time.

It's just that none of this is certain.

Zhenling hopes to be more secure, which is related to the safety of the temple of Qi after all.

This time, to make the sword unparalleled, we must take a single wooden bridge. It is not all punishment, but also the inclination of resources.

Now tomb god mountain has opened many treasure houses, and resources are constantly sent out.

In order to cultivate these inheritors faster and stabilize the four secret places.

It's better to deal with the plan of gods and foyego in the future.

If you really want to talk about jumping, you can only end up fighting in person.

The true spirit inherited the will of Qi God, and his strength was not weak. Although he could only fight in the temple of Qi God, it was enough.

This time, take out a cosmic origin, sword unparalleled really want to walk through this single wooden bridge, and everything is solved.

All the problems in front have been solved.

What else can stop the downfall of the origin of the universe.

It is inevitable to reach the black hole realm, and then the ultimate Kendo can also break through.

But Zhenling didn't know that the problems faced by jianwushuang were not just these.

The breakthrough of mental strength is a major difficulty.

Mental strength can't be smashed like this.

It is no less difficult to integrate the power of thought, the power of phagocytosis, and the power of all things.

Zhenling doesn't know these problems.

Only jianwushuang knows how difficult the road ahead is.

That is much more difficult than the single log bridge at present.

After stepping into the single log bridge, jianwushuang's mind was directly pulled away.

That feeling affects his mood all the time.

As a result, his mood was broken again and again and then solidified.

"It can affect my state of mind. This bridge has a greater impact than the last mundane world." Jian Wushuang's forehead was sweating, and he was careful with every step.

You know, the mundane world is under the bridge.

This is on the bridge.

It's so painful on the bridge. If you fall down

The sword is unparalleled. I can't imagine it.

If you fall down, there will be no one.

However, he is still very happy. This bridge is also a way to temper his mood. If his mood breaks through and breaks through with his mental strength, it will be double happiness.

He can also touch the threshold of the sixth level of mental power.

It's just that this single wooden bridge is more difficult to walk than he imagined. Now he is walking completely by virtue of willpower.

"I must get the complete origin of the universe!" The sword is unparalleled and tenacious. No one can shake his faith at this moment.

This is the charm of mood.

It is also the shortage of many dead emperors. In ancient times, emperors will also fall, their spiritual consciousness will collapse, and they will only self destruct.

If you want a truly carefree world, first of all, don't covet the beauty of this world.

No matter what happens, it is relative.

Giving up everything and getting everything again is the state of mind.

I know the truth, but how can I give up?

Now, if the sword unparalleled gave up the origin of the universe and gave up life, I'm afraid it would have fallen long ago.

That's why I say that mood is the most tormenting.

One step, ten thousand steps!

What makes the sword unparalleled collapse is that he doesn't know where the end is?

Can only blindly go on.

He didn't feel the end.

Or the end of time.

Maybe it was just a moment, but he felt finished.

Jian Wushuang had this feeling. It was like this in the starry sky at the beginning. Obviously, he can't feel the bondage of time, but he can see the prosperity of the planet.


I don't know how long it took, jianwushuang began to hallucinate.

He saw Dongsheng and Wanyan waving to him in front of him. They waved excitedly on the other side, indicating that he insisted.

Even the cold and speechless demon voice God nodded at him.

In a trance, the beautiful picture flashed by again.

The scene ahead turned into a picture of Dongsheng falling.

Wanyan was trembling, and he could hardly hold on. Dongsheng fell into the bottomless abyss.

The demon voice God will also jump down.

That scene was very sad.

Jian Wushuang shook his head and suddenly woke up!

"No, it's all fake!" He roared angrily, trying to wake himself up.

At this time, a voice interrupted him.

"Master, have you entered the dreamland again?" An old voice sounded.

The picture begins to solidify and change.

It's on the star in the sky.

The old man is his apprentice.

"Is this?" Jian Wushuang was stunned.

Why did he come back here again?

Is everything a fantasy?

Jian Wushuang couldn't believe it. He took his hand directly and was afraid of the person in front of him.

The old man was puzzled and frightened in his eyes, and then relieved.

"It's all fake!"

Jian Wushuang's mind moved, but he found his mind weakened, and his strength weakened.

He is clearly a Dao Jun who is about to reach perfection. How can he become an immortal again?

Everything in front of us becomes more and more real.

Rushing out of the cabin, he saw the Terran!

I saw the burly man with a stone axe on his back, like a savage.

He is expanding the territory with the Terran, and there are an endless stream of strong people who have died under his axe.

Then the screen changes again.

Jian Wushuang sneered, "sure enough, they are all fake! “

But this time, what he saw was the temple of difference.

In other words, it is an unfinished Temple of God.

A towering figure, sitting on the throne, preached to all sentient beings. Behind him was a group of emperors, carrying some domains and putting into the four secret places.

Jian Wushuang despised the towering figure and tried hard to look at it with his heart. He still couldn't see clearly. He could only see the jade board on the existing thumb.

"Qi Shen?" Jian Wushuang said in surprise.

His voice made some emperors or masters of the universe dissatisfied, and they all looked back at him.

Jian Wushuang swallowed a mouthful of saliva and was afraid to move.

Then the scene changes again.

Or God.

However, this time, he felt very vicissitudes.

He sat lonely on the throne, and there was no one in the ashram.

The picture expands, and jianwushuang not only sees the God of difference, but also sees that the whole Moro space-time is full of evil, which is the power of phagocytosis.

These evil smells wrapped the temple of Qi. Except for the temple of Qi, the whole Moro space-time was occupied by these evil smells.

Qi God raised his head, as if he had found the unparalleled sword, and couldn't say, "why did you do it at the beginning?"

Before I finish speaking, time stands still and goes back.

It seems that there is a certain force to stop anything. Jianwushuang can't see the face of Qi God all the time.

However, Jian Wushuang didn't think much about it. He just felt that all this was false and didn't take it to heart at all. Who knows who Qishen is talking to.

Now he just wants to break the illusion in front of him!

Otherwise, it will sink deeper and deeper.