Below the fifth emperor, if you want to complete it, some are unlikely, some are unlucky, and you can't mine a Jin in a hundred years.

In the later stage, the strength will weaken. Let alone a kilogram a year, a kilogram a thousand years has become a huge goal.

Most of those trading places still exchange their own money for treasures.

"Don't deliberately inquire about the news. Let's explore here for a period of time!" Sword peerless whispers.

He saw the change in Gong Miaoyi's expression and worried that the other party would leak.

It would be troublesome to be recognized at this time.

Gong Miaoyi returned to a cool color and nodded.

The two first took the token, got their own secret room, and then began to dig.

Starting from the dojo, they can move freely. In order to find out the situation here as quickly as possible, the two chose to act separately.

Sword peerless entered a narrow dark mine cave.

There are many such narrow caves here, which are left by predecessors who have mined for countless centuries.

Sword peerless plunged into it.

Glancing around, I didn't see a figure.

Then go on.

It's like a maze here. From time to time, there will be an intersection. Jian Wushuang walked for an hour before he reached the end.

At the end, there are three people who are controlling the mining of Zhibao ore. their eyebrows are blue and their swords are unparalleled. At a glance, the three people are all fourth level emperors, but their gods are extremely thin and their flesh is also waxy yellow.

That's a little human.

Just as Jian Wushuang sighed, a palm appeared on his shoulder.

"Is it you? Heisha!" Someone recognized his identity.

Jian Wushuang was shocked at the bottom of his heart. Many of the memories about Heisha were broken. He was worried about revealing his identity and didn't answer. When he turned to see the other party's face, his heart was relieved.

Nice to meet you.

"Brother Shangyang!" Jian Wushuang pretended to be surprised and said, "Why are you here!"

"Haha, you are here, why can't I come!" Shang Yang said with a smile, "go, this is not a place to talk. Don't worry about mining. There is plenty of time. I'll introduce some good brothers to you."

This Shangyang Taoist is very enthusiastic.

The two are also acquaintances. When they were besieged by the right way, they worked together several times.

They are all demon practitioners.

Just black and white double evils, walking together and beheading all directions.

The Shangyang Taoist, who was once a disciple of the Hehuan sect, became a casual practitioner after the Hehuan sect was broken. Because he had been robbing the top Ding stove, he was soon watched by the righteous strongmen.

In a siege, black and white double evil also saved him once.

Shangyang took the sword unparalleled to a relatively open place, where several people were mining, and among them there were two five rank emperors.

"Come on, Heisha, let me introduce you. This is the wind city master!" While introducing, he boasted, "the Lord of windy city came earlier than us, but the mining mines are almost out of the mountain!"

Lord Feng is a handsome man with a sword eyebrow star. His descendants are straight and heroic.

"Heisha, have you seen the Lord of the wind!" Jian Wushuang also knows very well. This is to bring him to the dock. It seems that this place is not so simple.

Where there are people, there will be fights.

And there will be Jianghu!

Invisibly, although there is no fighting, there is human sophistication.

You need to make friends wherever you go.

With friends, there are more roads.

"Well, I've heard of you. Come with me in the future. There's still room here, so you can follow Shangyang to dig mines!" The Lord of the wind city nodded, and then did not pay attention to Jian Wushuang.

Shangyang quickly thanked jianwushuang, and then took jianwushuang to the corner to start mining.

"Brother Heisha, I'm afraid you don't know something. In the mine, if you want to mine ore quickly, you need to occupy a favorable terrain. Look, this place is at least three times more abundant than the place where you were just now, and your mining speed will be faster!" Shangyang explained.

Jian Wushuang also understood.

No wonder I brought him to worship the dock and recognize my brother.

It turned out to be this reason.

In the mine, the ore content is not unified, some places are more, some places are less.

The place he just saw belongs to the lowest level of the mine.

This is a medium level.

As for the upper level, it was occupied by those five emperors.

If you want to go to that place, you must have the fighting power of at least five emperors.

You need someone to introduce you.

Jian Wushuang doesn't care about this, but since it comes, the secret rules still need to be observed. It's better to cause trouble, and there is a risk of exposure.

"Work hard. We've just come here. We'll mine one kilogram a year!" Shangyang is full of energy.

He is incomparable with the sword.

He was caught and needed to mine the Huoming stone in twenty square space. The fastest speed would take thousands of years.

Compared with some practitioners who were sentenced to 100 or even 10000 square meters, there are few.

As for the unparalleled ten sides of the sword, it is even less pitiful.

A trace of the origin of the dark way was injected into the treasure, and then felt the power of a space fire stone began to enter the treasure.

"Interesting!" Jian Wushuang raised his eyebrows.

He instantly discovered the principle.

This treasure is called the miner.

It's really the best choice for mining.

There is actually the power of a black hole inside, which can devour all matter and also erase all matter.

The naked eye can devour all the space fire stone and other substances on the stone wall, and then remove the debris, leaving only the particles of the space fire stone.

Those particles are very fine.

As for the power consumed by yourself, if you calculate according to the ordinary fourth order emperors of the four secret territories, it really takes a year to devour a kilo of space Huoming stone.

But that is in a state of no rest.

At the beginning, it can indeed be swallowed continuously, not to mention a year. It's all right if you don't stop for a hundred years, but in the later stage, you need to cultivate for a period of time in a few years.

A lot of time will be wasted in the middle.

This also led to many emperors wasting their consciousness, and they could not even mine a kilogram of space Huoming stone for a hundred years.

According to the news he got from Wuzuo, Nie yuan has been here for 50000 years.

Nie yuan was sent to the mine because he offended the "Xiao family" in Hanzhou.

The Xiao family is a super power rising in recent years. The reason is still because of a redundant son-in-law of the Xiao family.

This redundant son-in-law's background is not small. When Jian Wushuang knew it, he was surprised at the bottom of his heart.

Wu Shan vice hall leader!

A deputy leader of the law enforcement hall was actually willing to join an Aboriginal monarch family.

The Xiao family was originally a famous family, but it could only be regarded as a super force in Hanzhou. With the influence of Wu mountain behind it, it could become a super force in northern China.

With this relationship, the Xiao family can walk sideways in the whole northern territory.

And Nie yuan was also unlucky.

He brought his disciples to Hanzhou for retreat, and the disciples of the enchantment provoked a son of the Xiao family, who was the brother-in-law of Wu Shan.

The other party took a fancy to Nie yuan's disciple "Qingluo" at a glance