"The giant gods are the most powerful creatures in the starry sky. Those so-called natural beast gods are just bred in time and space, and our giant gods are the most perfect creatures bred in the starry sky, and also the first group of the whole starry sky!"

This is not exaggerated.

There are only a few natural beast gods, and they are transformed according to all things in space and time.

And it can't reproduce!

This is the most important point. The giant Protoss is different. They can not only reproduce, but also have the inheritance memory that the beast God does not have.

That is the real treasure.

In addition to these giant Protoss who came in the long river of time and space, there are also some powerful giant Protoss strong men who were born in the starry sky.

Roam in the boundless starry sky.

That's the real strong one.

Playing between your fingers can destroy a city of time and space.

The sword is unparalleled and shocking.

He never thought that there was such a powerful group in the starry sky.

Frosa looked at the sword and comforted, "you don't have to worry about it. You can master the power of life. Your arrogance is even rarer than the giant Protoss. The Lord of the universe is just a beginning, and you still have a long way to go!"

The power of life is the magical power that can create everything. No matter how powerful the giant Protoss is, it is also a kind of life after all.

No matter how strong it is, it can jump out of life and everything?

Even the special life against the sky is the life given by the origin of the universe.

Only a strong will race can give up the power of life.

But this kind of ethnic group either died prematurely or was not strong enough.

No matter the universe, time and space, or the starry sky, they all love life.

This is the first rule.

There is no way to change.

In this way, jianwushuang really has hope to stand at the peak of this starry sky.

But since knowing that Nie yuan could enter the starry sky, Jian Wushuang dared not belittle himself.

In the past, he thought he was chosen by heaven, but now he doesn't think so. There are days outside the sky and people outside the people.

Don't be careless!

"Adults are joking. I'm just a Taoist king. Now the unity of Tao is a disaster for me. How dare I spy on the Lord of the universe!" Sword unparalleled modest way.

The God frosa heard the disaster, and his face changed. Then he laughed and said, "you're right. Disaster can't be despised. Even the Lord of the universe will fall under every disaster, not to mention you little guys!"

As for the information about the Lord of the universe, Jian Wushuang was very sensitive. Hearing the gods mention it, he hurriedly asked, "the disaster that the Lord of the universe will fall?"

"You don't think that the Lord of the universe will not fall!"

Jian Wushuang shook his head and said, "is this right? I'm curious about what kind of catastrophe the Lord of the universe will encounter. Is it because of some battles?"

"Isn't it true? Let me tell you, there were many masters of the universe in your temple of Qi. You should know that his strength is very strong. Even compared with some ancestors in my memory, he is very strong and rebellious. He can suppress a space-time by himself, but even if he is so strong, he also fell under his own catastrophe!" The gods said very moving.

Although suppressed by Qishen, I still admire Qishen's strength from the bottom of my heart.

After all, it is a strong man who can compete with the super strong man in the giant Protoss.

"Is it man-made, or is it a disaster under the rules?" Sword unparalleled feel incredible.

Qi God fell, but their inheritors don't know why. The first true king didn't say much about the fall of Qi God at the beginning.

In fact, he has always guessed, and even thought of the original encounter with his highness demon sound.

On the Dugu bridge, he saw Qi Shen, but he didn't see his face clearly, but the other party's tone was full of resentment.

And also cut off their own origin.

Will devour together, living from the space source out.

This is a means of reducing strength.

The God frosa, with a look of remembrance in his eyes, said seriously, "it's the original consciousness of the starry sky!"! “

The words just fell, as if a pair of invisible eyes came, staring at the first prison.

The rest of the people didn't feel that feeling, but the two people in the conversation felt it really.

The source of consciousness of the starry sky.

That is a powerful consciousness several levels higher than the original consciousness of the universe.

The primitive universe has the original consciousness, and the domain also has the innate original Tao.

If the domain is controlled by the emperor, the original consciousness will return to the origin of the universe, and if the original consciousness of the universe is controlled by the master of the universe, the original consciousness of the universe will return to the origin of space and time.

Above time and space is the original consciousness of the starry sky.

That's the real peak.

Although the gods were awed and felt the coming of consciousness, they were not worried.

He may be worried about one or two of the original consciousness of the universe.

But the consciousness of the starry sky cannot interfere with them.

This is recorded in the memory of the inheritor.

The super strong of their giant Protoss once dared to provoke the star consciousness, and nothing happened.

Although it's all right, the God doesn't have the courage to provoke. After all, he is not a super strong man.

With that time, he may go to test one or two.

"You can feel it!" The spirit found that jianwushuang actually sweated on his forehead, as if he were being suppressed by something.

Jian Wushuang nodded and didn't answer.

He is a little out of breath.

That consciousness was like standing on his head, pressing his breathing a little unstable, and the power of life in his body was also boiling.



Jian Wushuang's eyes suddenly contracted, and a voice rang out in his mind. He seemed to be separated from the space here, even from the original time.

Just a few words made him so. The feeling of fear broke his mood instantly.


In a flash, he recovered again, panting heavily, and the cold sweat on his forehead was also instantly triggered.

"You, a Taoist, can actually sense the consciousness of the starry sky!" The God's eyes were almost burst. He stared at the sword incredibly, and his tone was very surprised.

Jian Wushuang has some doubts. Can only the Lord of the universe sense it?

On second thought, that's right!

As a Taoist, he can't even understand time. How can he feel the wonderful consciousness of the starry sky over time and space!

And he heard a wonderful sound!

"Thief!" Jian Wushuang secretly worried.

What is a thief?

It's actually a thief.

Is he a thief?



It is a false proposition whether the power of life belongs to life or not.

No one can say the exact answer.

Even the gods say that few people master the power of life.

The other party has the memory of the inheritor, which is equivalent to the knowledge of the entire giant Protoss.