Although he was worried, he had not yet reached the point of cooperating with a wild beast.

Even if the other side really couldn't kill Brolli, he would wait for the two to decide.

Relying on external forces is ultimately uncontrollable.

At the beginning, the white king was an example.

Suddenly, he fell, leaving him unaccompanied and suffering from blindness in the third King's court.

"Today, either you kill him or I kill you!" Jian Wushuang stared at the eight clawed beast emperor with a cold tone, and his breath began to rise.

After hearing this, the eight clawed beast emperor was stunned for a moment. After the sword unparalleled lifted the breath to the peak, he couldn't help laughing and mocking, "it's up to you?"

Originally, he thought that the sword was so strong that he couldn't even see the details.

Now, Jian Wushuang took the initiative to release his breath, and he found that it was just the beginning of reaching the top, which was not enough to be afraid at all.

"Yes!" Jian Wushuang nodded gently, pulled out the Jueyun sword behind his right hand, and said, "I'll give you the last time to burn incense. If you can't solve it, I'll solve you first!"

At the moment of pulling out the Jueyun sword, the sword gas suddenly came to the West Sea, and the whole west sea was full of that terrible sword gas.

It seems that this world was born for the sword.

Respect this world alone.

Sword unparalleled at this moment, super play.

Unexpectedly, he really stepped into the top realm with the intention of starry sword.

He has now crossed a whole realm.

From Daojun, to the top.

Star atlas!

A beautiful picture.

He needs to write with his sword!

Just pulled out the Jueyun sword, the color of the surrounding world was frozen, the space condensed, and the flow rate of time slowed down.

This scene let Monroe show his respect again!

But the eight clawed beast emperor, who was originally a wild beast, had a low understanding of the origin. He couldn't see what the sword meant, and didn't care at all.

His only worry was Morro.

The old man in black who has been on the coast.

Morro's strength is not simple. If three people besiege him, it's really dangerous.

And he also saw that the old man in black was obedient to the mysterious top who used the sword in front of him. He was not afraid of the unparalleled hand of the sword, just afraid that the other party would let mura do it.

Thinking of this, he once again mobilized the strength of his blood and increased his strength.

Want to crush Brolli completely.

"Die!" The eight clawed beast emperor's thousands of eyes were expanding, and he obviously tried his best to trap brolly to death at one stroke.

Only one head leaked out of the bound brolly.

At this time, his hair was scattered, and a golden collar on his neck began to produce cracks.

The weak strength of the body continued to decline, and there was no trace of color in the eyes, just like wax.

When he found that Brolli's breath was weak again, the eight clawed beast emperor tried again to kill Brolli in one fell swoop.

After exerting his full strength again, Brolli's divine body also broke.

Once the divine body breaks, the rest is the origin. Although the origin is strong, the defense without the divine body is very fragile.

on the verge of death or destruction!

Those emperors of the temple are already considering running away.

Once Gloria falls, they can't stop the West Sea overlord at all.

"Let's go!"

"There's no chance. Go back and inform the other strong men in the temple!"

Brolli is not the only one in the temple. Since the gods left, the temple has gathered more than ten top powers.

It is bound to win the whole territory at one stroke.

When Brolli fell, there were others who would come to clean up the eight clawed beast emperor, which they didn't worry about.

The difficulty lies in not knowing how to make a job.

Jian Wushuang stabbed a knife horizontally in the middle. How should they say?

They have learned from the temple that the current sword is unparalleled, with high strength and status.

It is impossible to offend. It is extremely stupid to offend jianwushuang for a dead person.

And Brolli's character is violent, and he doesn't have any kindness to them. The only advantage is that Brolli doesn't intervene when sharing treasures, which doesn't mean that no one is squeezing them.

Every time the treasure was distributed, the turtle Spirit Island owner took the big head. With the relationship with brolly, they didn't dare to say anything.

They blame Brolli for this.

Just as these people were about to leave, the world began to change.

The original freeze frame color is gradually a little unstable.

This is the Qi field of Jian Wushuang itself, but it is invisibly disturbed.

Not only did they feel puzzled.

Even the sword peerless also showed a surprised expression.

"Well?" Jianwushuang suddenly turned his head and looked at brolly.

Obviously, there was no chance of turnover, and God seemed to give Brolli another chance.

On Brolli's neck, the collar burst completely.

A fierce force erupted from Brolli's body.

That's the power from the ancient beast.

This collar, born with brolly, can't be removed no matter how it is taken, but today it is crushed by the eight clawed beast emperor!

Originally, Jian Wushuang didn't care about the collar at all, and thought it was just an ordinary treasure.

But at the moment of breaking, Jianwu's eyes flashed and suddenly thought of something.

"The mask?" The sword has no double-sided color.

When fleeing from heaven at the beginning, there was such a breath in the mysterious masks obtained from the two demon emperors.

Like brolly's broken collar!

Thinking of this, Jian Wushuang shuddered!

It seems that things are not as simple as he imagined.

Jiang Shang's strong, if it is fate, just let him meet, then he has nothing to say.

Just consider yourself unlucky. Anyway, his unlucky things haven't seldom happened.

But the rise of Brolli made him a little suspicious.

Especially the emergence of extinction.

A mysterious strong man who controls the power of death can appear in the temple of Qi God, either stronger than Qi God or related to Qi God.

Invisibly, the feeling of Jian Wushuang fell into a deep hole again.

This time it was stronger than the fear of the gods.

It seems that he has been in this game since countless ages ago.

Everything is so coincidental.

With a flip of the palm, he took out the mask from mustard, grabbed the black-and-white mask, jianwushuang settled his heart, stared deeply at brolly, whose breath was soaring, and said to himself, "no matter how you layout it, it's not as fast as I'm improving. After the combination, I see if you can predict how powerful I will be after the combination!"

He knew the way to rob the territory clearly.

Arcana Mahayana, space universe!

As long as he does these two things, he can attack the robbery.

Although he hasn't joined the Tao yet, it's just the Taoist king. It's impossible to rob the realm. If someone else knows, I'm afraid he will laugh at his arrogance.

But only he himself knows that once you and he succeed in joining the Tao and follow the star atlas, his secret method will soon be able to multiply.

The first sword in the star atlas can kill the extremely strong, which is many times stronger than those ordinary peak secrets.