His space realm has reached the realm of condensing stars, hidden in space and mixed with shadow body. Unless he is a six level emperor, he can't find his real body at all.

"Is he the sixth emperor?" The polar shadow can't believe it.

Even if he entered the tomb god mountain and let him practice for hundreds of millions of years, he was not confident that he would have the fighting power of six emperors when he was a Taoist king.

Dao Jun can have six levels of emperor's combat power. He can't believe it.

No wonder it's the invincible Daojun.

At this moment, Jiying was convinced.

Although he hasn't started yet, he already knows that he can't defeat the unparalleled sword.

It's too bad.

However, he did not give up.

A rare opportunity, how can you be caught without a hand.


The ten thousand shadows condensed into the real body and instantly turned into the towering ten thousand battles of the extreme shadow Buddha.

At that moment, the fighting power of the polar shadow completely reached the fourth emperor.

This is his limit.

He has never been pushed to this point.

Seeing this, Jian Wushuang also took away his part.

The next moment, he actually pulled out the Jueyun sword!

This scene stunned everyone.

Don't do this!

Draw the sword directly.

It was Jueyun sword. The power contained in it was not weak. Just as it was pulled out, these little guys held their breath and dared not breathe.

Zhu Qi in the cabin also stood up, but she was not surprised that jianwushuang would pull out the Jueyun sword, but that a super special life appeared in the outside world now.

According to common sense, there is no special life around the tomb god mountain.

There are also special lives bound by gods and demons, who have completely taken refuge in the tomb god mountain.

But now there is no magic circle.

Before the battleship entered the space-time shuttle, it appeared behind the battleship.

The powerful divine body unique to special life has a full sense of oppression.

Sword unparalleled sword is drawn because of that special life.

Although he didn't deliberately watch the tide around, his mind can also cover a large world around him.

When the other party just appeared, he felt something was wrong.

Then he began to be vigilant after he felt a force of death in the other party's body.

However, the strength of that special life is general. If miesheng comes for him, it's not enough.

It's just the top.

The special life of this strength could not threaten him at all.

Normally, he can kill each other instantly with only one sword.


The special life with open arms found that more than one emperor was stunned on the warship carrying thousands of inheritors.

"No, he is Dao Jun!" Then the special life thought of something, and was immediately terrified.

There is a sense of emperor, but it is not emperor. There is only one person.

It is the legendary invincible Taoist king "unparalleled sword"

If you really want to meet this invincible Dao Jun, this time he is afraid to fail and return.

He was ordered to kill the inheritor. The first time he did it, he met the unparalleled sword, which was also his bad luck.

In the intelligence, Jian Wushuang has the highest fighting power. He is not an opponent at all, but he is still certain of running for his life.

Because his divine body is more than 60000 times.

Even if it's the top, it can't kill him.

Zhu Qi on the warship is the god mountain of the direct transmission tomb.

Suddenly, a special life at the top level appeared, and it was behind the warship. There was definitely something strange.

She dare not joke about a whole ship of inheritors.

Now there are fewer and fewer inheritors, and no more mistakes can be made.

This call for help was sent directly to the tomb god mountain, and the separation of the true spirit was naturally known.

However, when she found that jianwushuang was on the warship, she stopped Huiqing who was going to rescue the warship.

At the foot of tomb god mountain, Hui Qing, who was stopped, was a little surprised, but after hearing the unparalleled sword, he understood.

But his clear eyes were no longer clear.

On the deck of a warship.

After Zhu Qi sent out a request for help, he rushed to Jian Wushuang quickly to remind them.

On the deck, no one found the special life except jianwushuang. They thought that jianwushuang wanted to show his hand in front of them and deliberately pulled out Jueyun sword.

Before Zhu Qi arrived, he warned loudly, "there is an enemy attack, everyone enters the boathouse to escape!"

When they heard Zhu Qi's voice, they turned their heads and looked at Zhu Qi.

At this time, the unparalleled Jueyun sword was pulled out, and a sword split into the sky.

Standing in the air, the polar shadow only felt that its origin had been shattered, and the physical body and the divine body were trembling.

Which sword just penetrated his body without any obstacles.

Even the eternal treasure armor can't resist.

Just when he thought he fell, the polar shadow found that he didn't seem to be dead.

But that terrible sword really passed through his body!

Just when he was surprised, after hearing Zhu Qi's reminder, the people rose up in the air and looked at the void behind the warship.

This is the first time they have seen such a strong man in a special life from such a close distance.

Just the towering body made them tremble constantly.

And the sword unparalleled split which sword, but it is so small.

At this time, Zhu Qi was going crazy. These little guys actually didn't listen to advice and looked directly at the special life at the top level like no one else.

After the sword peered out, he put away the Jueyun sword, walked behind Zhu Qi, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "don't be afraid, he will fall right away!"

"This place is still some distance from the tomb God. Even if the super strong on the tomb god mountain comes, it will take time. During this time, the warships can't stop each other!" Zhu Qi shook his head in despair.

She knew that the special life would fall. There was a powerful existence on the tomb god mountain, which could kill each other.

But it takes time.

Those little guys in the sky were scared, but some of them had sharp eyes, and they saw the sword unparalleled which was created earlier.

The polar shadow reacted at this time, and turned his head to look back.

At this time, they realized that jianwushuang's sword pulling was not against the polar shadow, but against the terrible special life.

That tiny sword shadow was very slow, and they looked carefully.

But for the special life at the top level, this sword was too fast for him to hide.

Although this sword is not the first sword in the star atlas, it is a sword containing the true meaning of time.

Others looked slow, but for the special life at the top level, it was terrible and could not be resisted at all.

"Martial uncle two hands, your sword shadow is too slow!" Ji Wushuang stared at the tiny sword shadow and said tremblingly, "this is the super strong among emperors. It's terrible!"

Jian Wushuang looked up at those little guys and said, "let the sword shadow fly for a while!"

Zhu Qi also found something wrong. Now it's all over for a breath. The special life at the top level didn't hit them.