Jian Wushuang also raised his eyes to see that the other party was a young, hardcover bolunga people.

When he heard about the elder, he thought it would be an old man.

I didn't expect to be so young, and the breath on my body is also extremely strong.

He should be a strong man in six calamities.

"Dan Bao!" Elder bru's voice was very gentle, and he put his hand on Dan Bao's head.

In an instant, he felt what Danbao had experienced that day.

Danbao looked up at blue with tears in his eyes.

At this moment, he completely relaxed.

At the end of the day, the tribe was destroyed.

And watched his people fall.

It's too hard for him to be a child.

Bru touched Danbao's head and comforted, "you've suffered!"

For a casual child, it is indeed a great impact.

After comforting Dan Bao, Blu looked at Jian Wushuang and Wu Li.

"Thank you two benefactors for protecting Dan Bao. Please follow me into the holy land. The elder is waiting for you!" With a wave of his hand, Blu wrapped the unparalleled sword and Wu Li with a powerful divine power, and directly entered another space.

Jian Wushuang hasn't reacted yet.

When they reappeared, they came to the foot of a huge xiongshan mountain.

"Please come inside!" Blue waved.

Jian Wushuang nodded and followed up with Wu Li.

After climbing the mountain, he realized that the gravity here was as high as ten thousand times.

Mortals simply cannot survive.

At least immortality.

The 10000 times of gravity here is not comparable to the gravity he used to have in those mundane worlds.

The gravity here is calculated according to the standard gravity of space and time.

The standard gravity of space and time is much stronger than those of the physical world.

Ten thousand times the gravity, it is a very suitable training ground for penance.

The higher the peak, the heavier the gravity.

Dan Bao on one side is already struggling.

Blu said at this time: "the gravity of Longshen mountain is calculated according to the steps. It is 10000 times when you go up the mountain, and then each step will double the gravity of space-time standard."

"One step one time!" Jian Wushuang looked up at the road to the top of the mountain.

There are at least 100000 steps here.

That's 100000 times the gravity.

The emperor couldn't climb up.

It just corresponds to divine power.

Onehundredthousand times the gravity is onehundredthousand times the divine body.

It's a place for young people to exercise.

But for him and Wu Li, it's just like walking normally.

It makes no difference.

Dan Bao's divine power is only 50000, and he can't carry it halfway.

It was Blu who wrapped Dan Bao with his divine power and walked to the top of the mountain in one step.

After reaching the top of the mountain, Jian Wushuang found that there was only one place on the top of the mountain, the oval stone house, and there were no buildings.

It has to be said that the holy land of the bolunga nationality is extremely simple.

It's not much different from ordinary tribes.

Originally, I thought the holy land would be very different from the tribe, but I didn't expect it to be inferior to the tribe.

"Benefactor, elder, please!" When Jian Wushuang and others reached the top of the mountain, they thought that the young wave Lunjia came out of the room and bowed to him, extremely polite.

Jian Wushuang also hugged his fist slightly, and then walked in with Wu Li.

Blue and Danbao followed.

After entering the room, the decoration is simpler.

There is only one huge throne.

Sitting above the throne is naturally the elder of the bolunga clan.

The elder is also extremely large.

It is said that this elder is the only descendant left by the Dragon God before his death.

And the entire bolenga clan was created by the great elder.

Is a wonderful existence.

However, the founder of the bolunga clan was not good at fighting.

Strength is just ordinary robbery.

Maybe I haven't been robbed for three times.

But the life span is beyond the seven calamities of the forehead Terran.

Seeing such a living fossil, Jian Wushuang couldn't help bowing down and saying in a very respectful tone, "Terran, Jian Wushuang paid a visit to elder Bolun enlarger!"

"Human beings, thank you for saving Dan Bao and preserving the sacred objects of our family!" The elder's voice was very hoarse, and he was weak when talking angrily.

Very weak.

Jian Wushuang saw that the other party spoke hard, so he was not polite, and directly said his intention this time.

Of course, he first exaggerated the power of Gula, and then said the secret of the Terran coming here.

It can be said that the ancient wood sect did not stipulate that they could not communicate with the strong in the infinite world.

He thought he would be surprised to tell the secret of the infinite world.

The results of the presence of the wave wheel plus people, except Dan Bao, are extremely indifferent.

It seems that I already know.

And he knows more about Terrans than he does.

Up to nine days and ten lands, down to Sixteen Kingdoms of grass.

He is an understanding family!

But for Gula, they know less.

At least, no one refuted after he said the horror of Gula.

The elder on the throne recalled, "the frozen demon clan you said should come from the Arctic ice field. No wonder the demon sealed by the Dragon God came to rob the dragon ball!"

Hearing this, Jian Wushuang was also stunned. Unexpectedly, the elder actually knew.

He also understood the origin of Gula.

No wonder he didn't find the information about Gula from the memory of those wild beasts.

The emotional partner has just come to the Dragon God continent.

Like him, they are all outsiders.

But Gula's strength is so strong, why does the ancient wood sect still leave him here?

Why don't you get Gula out?

Gula's normal state, millions of divine powers.

After the transformation, it is the standard combat power of the seven robbery territory.

It is indeed a waste to stay in the infinite world.

Unless the ancient wood sect has other plans.

He didn't know that.

Judging from this holy meeting of ancient wood continent, the comprehensive strength of the whole ancient wood continent is very general.

If babbitti is the reason, he can even take advantage of this opportunity to carry the nest of the ancient wood sect.

It's a half dead eight kaleidoscope and several masters of the seven kaleidoscope universe.

The head of the universe of the seven kaleidoscopes of the ancient wood sect is not there. The iron gall God is just neutral. The Yunzhi Lord who has just broken through will not participate in the affairs of the ancient wood sect.

If he were babbitti, he would definitely bring someone to the ancient wood sect to break through the ten thousand willows divine tree.

There is so much power of life in the ten thousand willows.

It can be said to be infinite.

If you get Wanliu, maybe babbitti can improve the method of scattered robbery.

At that time, it is not impossible to unify the nine time and space.

The number of strong people who loot is ten times more than the Lord of the universe.

Say ancient wood sect.

The scattered robberies in the seven robberies territory are either 100 or 80.

But there is only one master of the universe.

Six calamities are even more exaggerated.

There are thousands of scattered robbers, only a few masters of the universe in the six robbers' realm.

This is the inside story of old-fashioned forces.

Let the Lord of the universe fight and feed a group of waste.

The emerging forces are fine, and there are many masters of the universe.

In this way, in fact, the Terrans are not as strong as those alien giants in the wild continent.
