Also let him see the Gula below.

At this time, the God of Gula shrank into a ball, and his body was still surrounded by a black halo.

"Is this?" He was a little surprised when he saw this scene.

This seems to be related to the transformation of the frozen demon clan. He has witnessed two frozen demon clans, and he also has experience.

I didn't expect that Gula could change.

"Can't stay!"

The Wanjie sword split out in an instant.

Although it was just a random sword, its power was more than 1.5 million divine power attack.

In an instant, ten thousand swords fell.

This is enough to kill Gula in his current state.

But just as the shadow of the sword fell.

A golden light burst.

Gula, huddled together, instantly stretched out her arms.

A roar from ancient demons directly tore the abyss apart.

Countless huge crust began to fall.

"I still made you successful!" Jian Wushuang shook his head, and his body flashed out of the abyss.

In that case, wait for the other side to fight!


The abyss collapsed.

Wu Li saw the unparalleled sword coming out, and his mind also felt the change of Gula.

"How did he get stronger again?"

Blu was also surprised that the two of them were afraid of being beaten.

After finding that Gula became stronger again, he looked at the sword with a pale face.

Jian Wushuang said, "don't be so afraid of small things!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a golden light burst out of the buried abyss.

Go straight in his direction.


The divine power soared directly to 1.6 million.

Exerted six times the power of the beast God.

His hands directly resisted the golden light and shadow.

After blocking, I found that Jin Guangzhong was the transformed Gula.

All in gold, even the sharp corners of the head are gone.


Jian Wushuang felt that his hands were numb, so he loosened his hands, and Gula put his round head directly on his chest.

"You!" His divine power was raised again, his hands blocked again, and he severely threw Gula out.

This time, Gula was not as embarrassed as before, but stopped after a meal.

A pair of evil eyes scanned them.

With a grip of both hands, the whole infinite world was shaking, and the rubble scattered below began to fly towards the sky uncontrollably.

This force has interfered with the gravity brought by the source.

"You are really honored!" Gula crossed her waist with one hand, pointed to the sword and said, "it's the best luck in your life to be able to witness the king's final state!"

Wu Li looked at his legs shaking and said unbelievably, "since you are so strong, why don't you change earlier!"

"It's boring to change as soon as possible. I just want you to experience the taste of suddenly falling into hell after you just realized the victory!" Gula sneered, but she completely forgot her intention before transformation.

It was originally intended to solve the battle quickly.

But as soon as he said it, he couldn't stand it.

The main thing is to want the sword unparalleled and others despair.

"Now, my divine power is 1.8 million. Who else can stop me!" Gula erupted again and directly shook back the sword peerless and others.

Incomparably arrogant.


"It's too early for you to be happy!" Jian Wushuang shook his head and pulled out the Wanjie sword with his backhand, thinking of the scene of killing the ancient temple.

It seems that it will be staged again.

Gula saw Jian Wushuang pull out his sword and sneered, "Why are you going crazy? Don't worry, this time I will soon, you can bear it and meet those Terrans below!"

In the abyss, he saw that the unparalleled power of the sword was up to 1.6 million, which could not threaten him at all.

I thought the sword was scaring him.

"You should be crazy!" The sword peerless slowly raised his hand, and the origin in the ice blue blade suddenly erupted.

The origin of Wanjie sword instantly rose to the level of LiuJie.

The sword of death, instantly condensed.

That powerful breath shocked everyone.

Even those strong people in the seven calamities outside the world are extremely surprised!

This sword can kill most of the strong scattered robbers in the seven robbers' territory.

After all, it can be converted into divine power, which is twomillion.

It is already the peak state of the top seven robberies.

Not every seven robberies are as powerful as the soul emperor.

Gula's eyes burst. I can't believe it.

I don't believe I will lose.

I don't believe that the sword is so powerful.

"How is this possible? How can you be so powerful?" Gula kept retreating, and he was unwilling to accept the result.

Until now, it's not easy to change into the final form.

Divine power is 1.8 million.

He could have won easily.

"Jie Jie..." Gula fell into a state of madness. Without waiting for the sword, he suddenly flew towards the sky and jumped to the top of the entire infinite world.

Further up is the boundary of the array.

That barrier, even the God Wood King, is difficult to destroy.

Of course, this is because the God Wood King is hiding.

If you don't hide your divine power, the time of a incense stick can be broken.

As for Gula, his divine power is only 1.8 million. I don't know how long it takes to break it.

Sword matchless will not give the other party this opportunity.


Gula wore a border on her head, gnashing her teeth, suddenly turned her head and looked down at jianwushuang and others.

The black shadow from the cold blade has rushed.

There is no escape.

"Then die together!" Gula clenched his fists, and his body instantly expanded a circle. His divine power increased again in a large range, and it was close to 1.9 million.

Unclench your fists, open your hands, randomly condense the divine power of your body, and converge between your hands.

A huge dark red ball of light condensed in his hand.

It was his strongest strike.

Even if we can't stop the shadow of the sword, we will destroy the infinite world.

Destroy the source, and all life will disappear.

"Ha!" Gula threw the dark red sun to the sword with all her strength.

The black sword shadow passed through the dark red sun and hit the God body of Gula.


Gula's divine body is like a mirror, instantly broken.

But there is still a faint smell left.

The sword below is unparalleled, not in guangula, but in the face of the dark red sun.

The breath on the body also began to change.

From the power of white origin, it instantly transformed into the power of blue starry sky.

"Super eternal change!"

He jumped up suddenly, and when he was close to the dark red sun at that moment, he kicked his head and directly threw out the huge dark red sun that Gula was proud of.

Just hit the remaining breath of Gula.

The breath instantly turned into powder in the dark red divine power.

The dark red sun bombarded the barrier.


It's like the whole sky is falling down!

At the core of the array of infinite world, many supreme elders of the ancient wood sect leaked incredible expressions.

Even if it was them, it would be difficult for them to follow up with that blow just now.

Please remember the first domain name of this book:_ wap.