The combat effectiveness of his men is not as good as that of chijiuxiao.

Although it can protect itself, it also has the risk of being suppressed.

Once suppressed.

Danbao can comfortably step on the ladder of God.

At that time, it will become the God of life in northern space-time, monopolizing the entire Wanliu sacred tree.

Kick him away and throw him into some cracks in time and space at will.

He really became a homeless dog.

"No, I can't lose!" There was a determination in his tone, and then he turned and entered the hot eyes

An order has also been issued.

The plan to deal with Babbitt turned to the immortal temple.

He felt that the immortal temple was similar to Babbitt.

They are all strong from the outside but weak from the inside.

Taking advantage of the current peak combat power, they are all fighting against chijiuxiao.

You can arrange your men to attack the immortal temple.

But the immortal temple is different from the universe boat.

The defense of the spaceship is fragile.

The defense of the immortal temple is still relatively strong.

More combat power is needed.

The ten puppets of slavery alone.

It's not enough.

He also needs endless metal warriors.

Better metal warriors than those metal reptiles.

Powerful divine power.

On the one hand.

Metal reptiles are powerful, but they have no defense.

No matter how much you conceive, you can't enter the immortal temple.

Therefore, he must conceive a stronger life, otherwise he will go for nothing.

"Golden armor warrior?"

"Yes, just you!"

The metal light brain kept flashing, and soon a perfect golden armor warrior was created.

The divine power was fixed at 15 million.

The defense ability is comparable to the top treasure of the universe in Qijie.

The top strong in Bajie also need several moves to break it.

The total divine power contained in the body is enough to fight a peak strongman in the eight calamities for several breaths.

It's perfect.

It's just in the time of your own defense ability.

There is no waste of divine power.

After the first golden armor warrior was conceived.

Automatically generate the second one.

Then there is mass production doubled.

Three thousand were soon born.

"Almost!" The metal light brain summoned the control of the ten metal puppets, and said, "sneak attack the immortal temple, only success, not failure, and explode when necessary!"


The micro light brain felt that it was not perfect enough, and took several divine power crystals from the hot eyes.

"This is the divine power fire source crystal. When it explodes, all ten of you should start it. Try to get close to that Dan Bao and explode!"

The ten metal puppets nodded together.

There is no nonsense.

The order is given, and we will start at once.

make smooth reading.

This is a puppet.

Calculate perfection all the time.

Unlike practitioners, there are various variables.

The silver pyramid is still far away from the immortal temple, in order to ensure the perfect coefficient of the plan.

Metal life first used the pyramid to quickly approach the immortal temple, and then a dark hole appeared under the pyramid.

In an instant, the ten metal puppets, with 3000 gold armor soldiers, appeared around the immortal temple.



All metal warriors burst out and rushed to the immortal temple.

Jian Wushuang just reacted and hurriedly retreated.

It's not fear, but fear of hurting yourself by mistake when Danbao takes the shot.

The sneak attack of metal life has long been expected by them.

Dan Bao is invincible in the immortal temple.

So they don't worry at all.

Even some people just stared at it.

As soon as the golden armor soldier approached the immortal temple, he was fixed in the air by Dan Bao.

The vitality was instantly drained.

Just like the original three gods and others.

The vitality disappears, and the divine power is still there.

Dan Bao's Scepter in his hand, light it again, and those golden armor warriors regain the power of life.

But this time, the power of Deshengmen is different from that of metal optical brain.

They also changed their consciousness.

Totally obey Dan Bao.

It can be said that a breath of time, instigated these metal life.

It's an immovable force.

The controlled golden warriors, as well as the silver puppets, instantly turned around and rushed to the red sky.

Didn't go directly to the pyramid.

Danbao also knows the particularity of pyramids.

If the attack power does not reach that level, it cannot be destroyed at one stroke.

It's useless to go.

It's better to siege chijiuxiao first.

The life emissary who had been dealing with the three and a half steps and nine robberies was already struggling. Chi jiuxiao was besieged by thousands of golden armor soldiers, and the divine body began to suffer some damage.

Divine power is also declining.

"Right now, work hard!"

Jiang Taixu's three Qi were unified, and a nihility force was ethereal on the surface of his body. Holding the peak of divine power, he raised his hand to shake the sky, and shouted angrily, "it's now!"

Countless winged blades turned into a sea of swords and rushed to the red sky.

This power is enough to kill half a step and nine robberies. Even Chi jiuxiao is extremely difficult to resist.

Forced to fight hard, will only fall divine power.

He doesn't have the power of life to supplement. Now he needs to carry all the injuries he has suffered.

Babbitti looked anxiously at the rear, but there was no way.

"How can you get into such a situation? Chijiuxiao is invincible!" Babbitti clenched his fist and was unwilling in his eyes.

If you don't succeed, die together.

His heart has the color of determination.

But he didn't find out, but the man behind him had a murderous intention.

The killing intention was not to the immortal temple, but to Babbitt.

Murderous intent leaked from his eyes.

It is the soul emperor of the eternal family.

Although he was enslaved, he still had this eternal consciousness struggling in his mind.

Waiting for this opportunity.

Chi jiuxiao can't be separated, and has been consumed.

He is now fighting against barbiti, and almost no one can stop him.

Dylan is just a peak of the seven catastrophes, and he has the fighting power of the eight catastrophes.

You can kill by turning your hand.

What we are waiting for now is to get rid of Babbitt's control, sneak attack and kill Babbitt, and switch to the immortal temple.

This is his card.

If barbiti wins, there's no need to use it.

Get enough benefits. For example, it's not too late for him to get rid of it after he embarks on the road of rebirth.

But now babbitti's boat is broken, and he doesn't want to end up with babbitti.

Taking refuge in the immortal temple also requires some sincerity!

Like killing babbitti!

As long as Babbitt dies, chijiuxiao is ownerless.

Just a madman.

There is no threat to the immortal temple.

Although it's not a big credit, it's just icing on the cake.

But it's better than nothing.

"Eternal people, never be slaves!" A flame rose in the eyes of the soul emperor, like an ancient demon getting rid of his cage.

The moment he got rid of it, his hands instantly gathered Qi and condensed a colorful wave of light with the momentum of lightning.

The light burst.