And above the robbery, it has always been very vague.

You must say it's God!

But God has seen several of them.

Say God of life!

This is big enough!

Control a life.

But the combat power is ordinary.

This is in his opinion.

If Dan Bao creates enough life secrets for you, it may be more powerful.

It's just that the other side doesn't take the road of combat power.

"Although Dan Bao is a God, beyond the realm of robbery, he is not among the practitioners!" He shook his head and thought of Weiss again. "Weiss' combat power is very strong, extremely strong, so strong that I can't disobey it, but that power doesn't seem to belong to a practitioner!"

Above the Lord of the universe!

Master of time and space?

This position can't be regarded as the level of a practitioner

It's more like a divine throne.

To be exact, the king of the world is the master of northern spacetime, and that is the master of spacetime!

"Forget it, the deduction can't come out. It's better to think about it after arriving at the Jiujie territory!" He messed up the chess game and left it alone.

But just after he disrupted the chess game, the space-time origin in the middle of the chessboard unexpectedly rose.

The space-time and reincarnation of Shuai brand directly enter the origin of space-time.

At this time, the chessmen of the three gods' brands are set on both sides of the river and in the middle.

A terrible force of life suddenly broke out.


Jian Wushuang was startled and stood up directly.

The robber armor on his body also flew out.

Out of his body.

This scene was stunned, and the sword was unparalleled.

He did not know that the eye in the starry sky was still staring here.

With a sigh, he actively manipulated the sky viewing chessboard and evolved everything.

The birth of a long river of time and space.

In front of the unparalleled sword.

He was fascinated.

I didn't feel the change of time at all.

The sedimentation of the outside world for hundreds of millions of years has not changed him at all.

Until the long river of time and space is completely condensed.

Then collapse!

Let it be.

And so perfect.


After the origin of time and space is broken, the chessboard also begins to collapse.

Finally, it condensed into a point.

One eye!

The dark green eyeball floats in the original position of the chessboard.

Sword unparalleled because of that sound, consciousness returned to the body.

"Hoo!" He breathed heavily, and was afraid of the scene just now.

Uncontrollable trembling.

This is the awe of the long river of time and space.

A long river of time and space!

A complete river of time and space.

The whole northern space-time is such a long river of space-time.

It is only divided into the core, and then divided into the upper, middle and lower.

Extremely cumbersome.

But the long river of time and space just now is complete.

"Great opportunity!" Jian Wushuang shook his fist and couldn't help shaking.

At first, watching the collapse of a black hole benefited immensely. Now, watching the birth of a long river of time and space is from the collapse.

Let his original realm soar directly.

The framework of the second universe is formed in an instant.

Countless treasures are invested.

Direct birth.

Then came the birth of the third universe.

Finally, the treasure was not enough, so he stopped.

He used up all the treasures of origin.

But when the realm comes up, as long as there are treasures, he can also quickly establish a third universe.

This is indeed a great opportunity.

Although I don't understand why the sky chess board suddenly looks like this.

But I couldn't help shaking.

Eyeball, armor robbery!

Flying towards him together.

Heijia was still very familiar, but the internal divine power was so huge that he found he couldn't wear it.

As for eyeballs, he was puzzled.

Just a slight touch, they found that in the eyeball, there is a chessboard.


The sky watching chessboard reappears.

There was a fear in his heart, and the chessboard instantly turned into his most powerful opponent "miesheng"

Then it turned into eyeballs.

"The way of heaven!"

Jian Wushuang took a deep breath.

The long river of time and space is broken, but the internal way of heaven remains.

This is the eyeball.

You can pry into everything.

"What a pity!" He sighed, "I don't practice the way of heaven, but my heart is like the way of heaven, and it's useless!"

His heart is the way of heaven, and heaven is as old as love!

Heaven is merciless, so is he.

However, this ruthlessness is not the love of brothers or husband and wife.

It's about facing the way of heaven and everything.

He has no such pity.

Like the way of heaven!

But don't understand the equilibrium.

So it's not suitable for him.

"Maybe it has a suitable person!" Jian Wushuang saw a familiar figure through his eyes.

A white suit is not stained with dust.


Or, Huiqing!

This time, the receiving is completely passive.

I can't understand those chess pieces, and I almost got possessed.

Finally, somehow, the chessboard turned into an eyeball, leaving a robbery armor.

But also saw a perfect time and space was born in destruction.

The receipt is not small.

It is similar to the original assumption.

Have simulated the road ahead.

"My way, I'll go by myself!" Jian Wushuang's voice was firm, and he caught his eye and included it in mustard.

At this moment, robber Jia returned directly to his divine body as if he had recognized his master.

The eyeball does not belong to him.

But he is the one who robbed armour.


The completely closed armor directly covered his whole body.

Black armor, incomparably dazzling.

The dark red breath appeared from the top of the armor, which was the power of rules.

Is the power of the supreme rule.

At this moment, a token also appeared in his mind.

Write the word "robbery" on the top!

If you think about it, you will be familiar with the information in the token.

Now the robbery of armor has come to a satisfactory conclusion.

Instead, my strength can't keep up.

The full name of robber Jia also appears on this token.

"Nine robbers armor!"

Named after the robbery!

At present, there are six forces of robbing the environment in the armor.

Increase the basic power by onemillion!

Six supreme robbers have increased the power of the armor to millions.

Then there are seven, eight, and even nine.

At the same time, there is a sentence in the token that makes him extremely crazy.

"Break thousands of laws with one force!"

At first, I thought it was overkill, but now it actually appears here.

And he believed it.

This treasure is probably left to him by teacher Xuanyi.

How can I not believe it.

This robbery gave him a vague way.

Perhaps, after the baptism of nine robberies, he will thoroughly see where his way is!


The armor is hidden into the skin, and the sword's unparalleled eyes are firm.

With a flash of body shape, he left his original Taoist field directly.

In that eye, he saw Huiqing. After finding Huiqing, he will give this treasure to Huiqing.

After all, I can't use it myself.

Giving Huiqing can also improve their overall combat effectiveness.

And he has been a little confused about the way of heaven.

At that time, we can also witness it through Huiqing.

After leaving the source Dojo, I felt the passage of time.

Billions of years have passed in the blink of an eye.