I just took refuge in miesheng.

Maybe they are just rogues in the eyes of these people.

But their fallen origin just entered the origin of the primordial universe. Before it was absorbed by the primordial universe, they were dragged by the force of death to revive.

Now, after being washed away by the power of life, jianwushuang thought that these origins would return to the primitive universe, or to the whole space-time.

But now he can't feel those origins.

"Is it?" He thought of the temple of extermination, and his expression moved, "these origins will not return to the temple of extermination!"

If this is the case, it is still equivalent to increasing the strength of the other party.

But according to the true spirit, not killing these people will also make miesheng stronger.

They seem to be in a closed loop.

Anyway, the temple of destruction is making money.

The stronghold of the dream world was completely eradicated.

There was no movement on the other side of the temple of extermination.

Miesheng stood above the temple and watched quietly through time and space.

A burly man behind him said in a dull voice, "let me do it!"

"No!" Miesheng shook his head, pointed to the direction of Qi temple and said, "they must do it, you and Jiang Shang can't do it!"

This side of the primordial universe.

Jian Wushuang didn't tell the truth, because he couldn't solve the matter.

Let alone the rest.

Only some of the power of life in that place can be explained to the gods, so that they can use it to resist the power of death after eradicating the stronghold.

The first battle was won. Although there were some small changes, it did not affect any intention of war.

Then came the Second World War. Wuzuo cooperated with the strong in the Qinglong hall to go to the next cosmic clear stronghold.

The rest of the team is not idle.

The eight of them cooperated with each team and began to clean up the extermination temples of the universe.

Since knowing the purpose of killing life, Jian Wushuang also let go.

Knowing that miesheng would not intervene, he informed Zhenling to speed up.

Within ten thousand years, all the strongholds of the whole downstream space-time will be uprooted.

Although there is no order to destroy life.

But the strong in those strongholds are not fools.

As they continue to expand.

Those strongholds also began to unite to try to resist.

But no amount of strong people can stop the eight gods.

Except Xin Jiu and Gong Ming.

Among the other eight gods, those with the weakest divine power exceeded fivemillion.

In the whole downstream space-time, the powerful with more than five million divine powers did not appear.

Maybe brolly and Jiang Shang have, but these two people just disappeared, and they didn't meet from beginning to end.

It was originally planned to eradicate all strongholds within ten thousand years.

But it took only 3000 years.

Because some strongholds were abandoned directly, the strong men of the temple of destruction gathered in everything.

At first, jianwushuang also wanted to try to ban these people, and didn't want to add nutrients to the temple of extermination.

Unfortunately, he still thought too simple.

Even if he doesn't do it, these people will sacrifice themselves.

Divine power doubled directly.

But life is gradually passing

After giving up his life, one of the masters of the universe in the seven catastrophes burst out five million divine powers at the last moment of the war.

This is jianwushuang's deliberate temptation, otherwise at the moment of the other party's sacrifice, he can kill at will.

He wants to see how strong these practitioners will be after sacrifice.

I didn't expect to exceed his expectation.

The strong of Qishen temple, which could have been crushed, began to fall one after another.

Fortunately, he reminded me, otherwise it would fall more.

These strong people in the temple of extermination are like crazy people.

After giving up his life, he is not afraid of death at all.

"There is an emergency in Hanhai universe, the 74th tributary. The nearest team hurry to rescue!"

Qishendao arena.

Bone dry Luo's face was dignified and he shouted for help.

A person who regards face as his life cries out for help at this time.

Now the whole downstream space-time is basically flat.

There are only a few converging strongholds left.

"I'll come!" Jian Wushuang spoke calmly.

He is the fastest.

"Can you resist the time of a stick of incense?"

Gu qianluo's face was gloomy. Just when he was about to nod, his expression changed dramatically again, and he said anxiously, "I can't stop it. A lord of the universe in the seven catastrophes region here burst out thousands of divine powers!"

"Thousands of divine powers!"

Hearing this number, everyone trembled.

Even the sword peerless frowned.

The Buddha took out the pyramid and shouted at babata, "open the secret realm level speed!"

At the same time, on the side of the Dharma body, let Gu qianluo escape first.

Thousands of divine powers.

Wuzuo and Wutian are not rivals when they meet.

Not to mention others.

Especially when Shang and Luo heard about thousands of supernatural powers, they all had an unbelievable expression.

They have never met such a powerful master of the universe.

Its own divine power is only three million.

Now I hear that there are seven catastrophes in the temple of destruction, and the divine power of the Lord of the universe has reached ten million, so I can calm down.

At the same time, I was curious about Wutian's strength.

It is not a simple person who can resist under the strong hands of thousands of gods. At least the gods are more than five million.

This is also the weakest one among jianwushuang people!

"If necessary, run away first!" After the sword matchless Dharma body left a word, he closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Because I'm almost here.

With the speed of the pyramid, it took only a few breaths to reach the vast universe.

Here gathered several tributaries of the strong in time and space.

There are three people in qijiejing alone.

There are also many masters of the universe in liujiajing.

It was originally said to guqianluo that there was no threat here.

The strongest of those masters of the universe who gave up their lives is only fivemillion.

But this time I kicked the iron plate.

The ninth team followed, all fell.

Which hall leader of Yuanyang palace is included.

He's the only one left!


When the pyramids came, guqianluo relaxed.

If the sword unparalleled had not given them a lot of life power, I'm afraid he would just fall.

At this time, I also felt a sense of fear.

The war of return is crueler than his family imagined.

The sword peerless stepped out of the pyramid. As soon as it was pointed out, it fixed the Lord of the universe in the seven kaleidoscopic realm who had broken thousands of divine powers in time and space and could not move.

Time is not passing.

But each other's life is constantly passing.

It has nothing to do with time.

It was not until the last moment that the other party's divine power reached 12 million that hatred fell.

Jian Wushuang just wants to see what the limit is.

At present, after the sacrifice of the Lord of the universe in the seven catastrophes, the ultimate divine power has exploded to 12 million.

He directly informed Zhenling that all teams stopped.

Leave the rest of the stronghold to him and Huiqing.

At the same time, the bottom of my heart is also speculating that the divine power of these sacrificed masters of the universe is so strong, so will the power added to the temple of extermination be so strong after the return of the origin and the divine body to the temple of extermination?

If so, how much divine power does the temple of extermination have to absorb?

This is a huge number, he dare not imagine.