"I'm an idle man without a station, so I'll blow with the wind!" Jian Wushuang made a sarcastic remark about Wuzuo. What he said was also right. He was an idle man.

After the threat was lifted, I felt something was missing, and I wandered around all day.

After hearing this, Wuzuo thought he wanted a station, so he waved his pen and said, "why, I like that place. I'll grab it for you!"

Anyway, he was shameless. He even robbed the emperor's territory. Knowing that the sword was unparalleled, he was ready to be the bad guy himself.

Qi temple is full of talents now, but the downstream space-time river is very small, and the barren land is very large, but it is impossible to practice!

In fact, compared with the midstream, it is not small, but each strong player occupies a large territory.

Like the territory of some top powers, if it is placed in the midstream space-time, the Lord of the universe can't cover it.

"Don't say, I really have this idea, but I won't bother you!" Jian Wushuang waved his hand and refused. This time, he came for the future planning of Qi temple.

After all, he will not stay in the temple of Qi and will leave after that. Before leaving, he also hopes to bring the temple of Qi to the right path.

"Make fun of me again. I'm nothing but fighting for Lord Zhenling!"

That's what uzuo dialect says!

In fact, he almost put the true spirit on the shelf.

Who doesn't know that he Wuzuo is the real leader of Qishen temple now.

Even Shangluo couple can't compete with Wuzuo alone.

Among the top ten gods, Jian Wushuang and Hui Qing are shopkeepers who don't care at all.

Wutian greatly promoted the demon sect, and now it is almost a public enemy, but it can't compete with Wuzuo.

"Well, I'm not kidding you anymore. Today I'm here to talk about the future planning of the temple of Qi!"

Wu Zuo frowned and exclaimed, "planning is not enough. Who can compete with us in the whole northern space-time? When the barrier disappears, take the midstream space-time and the upstream space-time!"

It's full of words, but it's not boasting, but having the strength and confidence.

But Jian Wushuang doesn't think so.

If you press people with strength, you should also show the inside story.

Not like today, they come forward to oppress and make the following small people gain benefits and sell well, which will eventually be backfired.

When they are gone, who will protect the temple?

So jianwushuang is ready to leave his way, open the mountain gate and accept disciples.

Leave what you have learned and inherit!

It is not the internal competition of Wuzuo, but the real inheritance of the great cause.

"Brother Wuzuo, to put it simply, I want you all to leave your own way. Beispatiotemporal is only our dream after all. If you can't stay for a long time, you will lose yourself!" He said his thoughts, "at the beginning, I also thought it was good to become an ancestor after the war, but these days I walk around the world, but I changed my mind!"

Over the years, he has seen prosperity and tranquility, as well as dirt and ugliness.

Such a situation is not what he wants.

Just like the little girl he took away at Ji's house, if it weren't for his appearance, it would be a waste of talent.

This is a loss.

The loss of Qi temple, the loss of northern space-time.

So he wants to change.

Respect the strong.

Then carry it out to the end.

Come to a powerful trial to screen the strong.

Give them a sense of oppression, rather than the current state of solidification.

"Crazy, crazy!"

Wu Zuo shook his head. "Unparalleled, it's OK to leave the inheritor, and it's normal for us to leave in the future, but this kind of trial consumes too many treasures. You have been sleeping for millions of years. I don't know, but I owe a lot of treasures in the upstream space-time, and now the debt collectors are almost blocking my door!"

He knew the purpose of Jian Wushuang and that it was right.

But where did you get the treasure?

At present, the inheritors of Qishen temple are all descendants of the strong. The probability of the strong is also high, and the number can be controlled, so there is no pressure on resources.

But if you open the trial and screening, where do you get the treasures you need?

The treasure of the temple of Qi had long been hollowed out by the true spirit, and Wuzuo was behind it.

"I have the power of life..." Jian Wushuang heard about it, but he thought that now the secret of rebirth has been spread, and the power of life instantly depreciated.

The value has shrunk ten thousand times.

Now the power of life is only used to repair in battle. He takes out too much and can't sell it.

Thinking of this, he also felt a little idealistic.

On second thought, I came up with a countermeasure.

"Then start screening from Yan Xian. Let's choose our disciples separately and open a trial before joining the Tao. Whose disciples have been eliminated and who will be responsible for the treasures needed by the Qi temple, how about it?"

This proposal brightened uzuo's eyes. This is what he has done over the years. He naturally has confidence in himself.

It depends on how many people see it!

Teach apprentices, and have a competition when you are a Taoist.

This has nothing to do with master's combat power.

The Lord of the universe in the seventh heaven is overqualified to teach a group of immortals, but with the colorful head raised by the unparalleled sword, it is more conscious.

Wuzuo immediately found Zhenling, and the three planned together for a long time, and finally made a decision.

Zhenling personally led the line and called the ten gods, the hall owners of the four halls, and the elders of the divided Yuanyang palace.

Those elders were originally the hall masters of Yuanyang palace, but later they became the masters of the universe in the seven robbers' realm, so they opened their own sects and were taken out by the true spirit.

You can't let one family dominate, otherwise it will be boring.

In the temple of Qi, all the 18 masters of the universe in the realm of seven catastrophes arrived. Of course, except for the unparalleled sword, they are all Dharma bodies.

"Leave your own way!"

The true spirit looked at the people and then said, "everyone, now the external development of Qishen temple has come to an end, and the barriers in the middle and lower reaches have not been opened, but we can't slack off. We should consider for the future, and leave our own inheritance, so as to meet the need!"

"This..." many people whispered, thinking that this matter was open to discussion.

We should not destroy the efforts ahead because of a momentary impulse.

At least now the temple of God is stable. If we change it again, we will fall into a quagmire.

But they didn't realize that they had already entered a comfortable circle, which was a bigger quagmire.

And what they are doing now is to establish a sect, which is no different from what Zhenling said!

"I know what you are going to say. You are indeed the founder of the sect and have your own disciples, but ask yourself, is that a personal tradition?"

True spirit has sharp words.

In fact, the disciples they accept are all wine bags and rice bags, which are used to help them deal with all kinds of trivia.

Do you really accept disciples?

"I also made it clear that at present, the resources of the Qishen temple are limited. This time, the inheritance is not only to screen the disciples, but also to screen you. If anyone loses, he will go to make up for the deficit of the Qishen temple for me. I don't care what method you use, even if you rob, I have to make up for it!"