Jian Wushuang just nodded silently, didn't say much, but looked at those high spirited practitioners along the way, very satisfied.

"This, golden arhat, can you still remember that Huiqing's disciple at the beginning is now in the eight robberies!" Wuzuo pointed to a golden Buddha who was preaching in a Taoist temple and introduced it.

Golden arhat's original name is "Shinan"

In the Tao meeting, he showed great talent.

Now he is the most accomplished of those Pro disciples.

As for the three disciples with unparalleled swords, only Wanshan has reached the eight calamities, which is only a super eternal change. For Wanshan, the burden is still great.

And there is no power of the stars, just divine power.

The golden power is much worse than the blue star power.

After the display, the power of the increase is also worse, so it is not brilliant in the eight disasters of Qi temple.

"By the way, look who this is?" Wuzuo points to another Taoist temple.

A woman in plain clothes is talking about kendo.

Ji Tang.

Although it's the seventh calamity, it has the combat power no less than the eighth calamity.

After walking around the hall with Wuzuo, he was able to appreciate the details of today's Qishen temple.

"Look, it won't take us long to win the abyss of time and space!" Wuzuo enjoys the future.

But at this time, someone from the outside heard that all the eight catastrophes in the abyss space-time suddenly gathered together and had come to the outside of Jufeng space-time.

Wuzuo was startled when he heard the speech. Although he had become the eighth calamity territory, his combat power was not as good as the Lord of the abyss.

And Huiqing is not in the midstream space-time. Fortunately, jianwushuang came, otherwise he would suffer a heavy loss this time.

"Peerless brother, please help him this time."

Wu Zuo just wanted to explain something, but Jian Wushuang waved his hand and interrupted, "let them in. It's already his own."

"Own people?"

At this time, the Lord of the universe in bajiajing, who was guarding the array, also told Wuzuo that after gathering dozens of masters of the universe in bajiajing, the Lord of the abyss stood outside the array and said he wanted to discuss the matter of going to the upstream space-time!

Wu Zuo was so excited that he looked at Jian Wushuang and said, "when will you finish them?"

When he moved out of Huiqing, he failed to win the abyss of time and space.

The power of the Lord of the abyss, he knows, is more than 20 million.

Now the strongest masters of the universe in the temple of Qi have only 20 million divine power.

It is not the opponent of the Lord of the abyss at all.

Jian Wushuang just entered the midstream space-time, without any movement, he finished the master of the abyss.

"Have you become the master of the universe?"

Wuzuo couldn't see through the unparalleled realm of the sword, and thought that he had reached the Bajie realm.

Otherwise, no matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to fix the abyss space-time without any movement.

Isn't it reasonable to let the other party surrender?

After fighting with the Lord of the abyss for so long, he knows what temperament the other party has, and he can't easily admit defeat.

Jian Wushuang shook his head and said, "I haven't crossed the robbery yet. It's just a small matter for the Lord of the abyss. Let them come in and just discuss the matter of upstream space and time!"

"No, no problem!" Wuzuo spoke directly and let the Lord of the abyss and others come in.

Anyway, the sword is unparalleled, and I'm not afraid of what moths the other party makes.

Originally, he heard that Zhenling said that jianwushuang was coming to the midstream space-time, and he also wanted to talk about the complexity here.

I didn't expect that in jianwushuang's eyes, no matter how complicated things are, they are also very simple.

"Haha, Lord Wuzuo hall, I haven't seen it for a long time, and my strength has improved a lot!"

The Lord of the abyss was far away, so he complimented loudly.

But after arriving in front of him, he turned around and saluted jianwushuang respectfully.

Wuzuo didn't care about these things, so he greeted the people and entered the guest hall.

At the same time, all the high levels of the temple of Qi were summoned to discuss the matters of upstream space and time.

The upstream is different from the midstream.

Otherwise, jianwushuang won't come to Wuzuo, but directly to the upstream space-time.

Now the killing is different from the past.

Before, he really killed all the way.

"Cliff time and space!"

There is a gap between the goal put forward by Wuzuo and jianunparalleled.

Cliff space-time is a very powerful space-time, similar to ancient moon space-time.

There are hundreds of strong people in Bajie.

Among them, there are ten super strong people with more than 20 million divine powers.

The "Lord of Moya", the first strong man in cliff time and space, heard that he was crossing the ninth disaster.

It is likely to be the fourth master of the universe in the northern space-time.

Such a person.

It's not the sword that dares to provoke.

But this kind of space-time is qualified to be in the upstream space-time.

There is no need to seize the time and space of the cliff.

But Wuzuo always insisted.

Jian Wushuang also saw some fishiness, and someone was definitely leading.

The Lord of the universe in the Jiujie realm, even the king of the realm, attaches great importance to it.

How can they be allowed to engage in internal friction!

"Lord Wuzuo, you're talking a little too much!" The Lord of the abyss felt that Wuzuo was crazy.

Don't think you can do whatever you want with a sword.

What's the difference between provoking cliff time and space and attacking eternal forces?

Even if the sword unparalleled won, it will be limited in the future.

It will let the super forces in the upstream space and time take the initiative to surround the temple of Qi.

This is what everyone doesn't want to see.

The Lord of the abyss adjusted his breath, turned his eyes to jianwushuang, and advised: "Wushuang God, what do you think?"

Anyway, the plan he gave was the same as Jian Wushuang's idea.

It's all about seizing the time and space of falling souls.

Poor foundation and weak strength.

There are also relatively few resources.

But you can sit firmly in this position!

"Wuzuo, what's the matter? Why don't you say it directly? In the future, everyone is his own, and there's no need to hide it!"

He knew that Wuzuo had difficulties to hide. Instead of telling him behind his back, he might as well say it to convince everyone.

Now almost Wuzuo alone supports the attack on cliff space-time.

Wu Zuo's face sank, glanced at him and sighed, "peerless brother, it's not that I don't say it. This matter involves a lot. Let's say that as long as we take the time and space of the cliff and kill the Lord of the cliff, the king of the world will also give treasures!"

World king!

Hear this title.

The Lord of the abyss was stunned. He knew the king of the world.

It used to be mysterious, but since the barrier was lost, the gods came together to enhance the details of northern space-time.

Many people in Bajie know the existence of God.

We know that the Lord of northern space and time is the "king of the world"

That's why he was so surprised when he heard the word "jiewang"!

I didn't expect that Wuzuo was still related to the king of the world.

In fact, this is not a secret in upstream space-time.

That is, the strong in the midstream space-time have less knowledge, so they don't know.

"Lord Wuzuo, this can't be a joke. You have to explain it well!" The Lord of the abyss was a little excited when he heard the queen of the world.

Also curious about Wuzuo's identity.

Those strong people who followed the Lord of the abyss and heard the queen of Wuzuo's knowledge world were also shocked and pricked their ears to learn more.