On the wedding night, his wife was taken away.

Searching for his wife's whereabouts, he spent countless thoughts.

Later, after finding his wife, he thought his life had come to an end.

But he embarked on the road to find his master.

I thought I was at the peak.

You can find the master soon.

As a result, his wife and children, old and young, did not know what had happened.

Billions of years.

In a flash.

Everything has become dust!

"Bitter master, compared with ordinary people, you don't know how many times better. You can become a nine star universe God, and your luck is even worse. I don't think your life is bitter, but I think you're lucky!"

"Then I'll borrow your kind words!" The bitter old man smiled bitterly.

The two bowed to each other.

This war is a farewell.

"Do it!"

The sword peerless shouted, and a sharp sword light appeared in his eyes.

Divine power erupts with the source.


Pull out the Wanjie sword.

He will use his strongest sword to meet his strongest battle.

"Nine stars can also be enemies!"


The sword light burst out.

Form an infinite sword shadow.

It seems to divide the whole realm of kings and gods.

Rushed to the bitter old man.

The sixth sword in the star atlas is far from being comparable to the first five swords.

This sword carries too many things.

It is also the perfect sword condensed by the disorderly force he has absorbed over the years.

It is the peak of the sixth sword.

To play the sixth sword perfectly, he still needs to go through the Supreme God's robbery.

The bitter old man frowned at the sword.

With one hand raised, a black diamond appeared in front of him.


"Exchange my life for yours!"

"It depends on whose life is harder!"

At the moment when Lingjing appeared.

Everyone leaked out shocked faces.

"This is the mirror of fate God. How can there be suffering?"

"It's over, the God of destiny, who is a real God of space and time. He is stronger than the messenger of the star spirit. He is close to the king of the world. His life treasure will be in the hands of the bitter life!"

"It's not true, it's just imitation!" The king of the world was well-informed, and he found something strange at a glance.

Because the reflected fate did not reach the highest level of rules.

The sword light rushed through.

The mirror did reflect a sword light.

However, the sword light still went towards the bitter old man.

It is even stronger than the genuine sword light emitted by the unparalleled sword.

Because refraction will be superimposed.

Originally, it was just a sword power, but because of the treasure of the bitter old man, it made it twice as difficult for him.

"It seems that my life is harder!"

He gave up completely.

Open your hands to meet death.


The sword pierced the bitter old man.

The divine body of consciousness crashed.

Everything has become a bubble.

One of the strongest nine star cosmic gods in the whole world.

Was defeated by the unparalleled sword.

The reason why I didn't say falling.

Because the other party still has consciousness.

"Look at the sky!"

Everyone looked up.

A huge phantom appeared in the sky.

Ah's skin is the same as that of the king of the world, and its appearance is even similar.

It's just the dignity that makes everyone show respect

The king of the northern boundary knelt down.

"Big world king!"

Although Jian Wushuang didn't kneel down, he bowed down to see him.

This is the strongest existence in the divine realm of consciousness.

It opened up the world king continent and formed the early great world king of the world king and the divine world.

Besides the star spirit, it's this one.

Although the star spirit is powerful, it is not a practitioner after all.

And the great world king of the early generation was a cultivator.

"I've seen the king of the world!" Python robed girl also bows!

Xu Ying smiled calmly, "unparalleled sword, congratulations on your victory in ten battles. You can meet me at the city Lord's mansion later!"

"Yes!" Jian Wushuang nodded respectfully.

He didn't expect the king of the big world to be so talkative.

With that, the consciousness that affected the poor old man disappeared.

At this time, the whole audience realized that the sword had won.

Win thoroughly.

The shot was the strongest sword and won ten consecutive victories.

Become the fourth in history.

It is also the first six star cosmic God in the whole history, who defeated the nine star cosmic God and won ten consecutive victories.

Congratulations came in an endless stream.

Jian Wushuang has no excitement.

Because he has that confidence.

Even if the sixth sword doesn't work, he can completely burst into consciousness and improve his divine power to nine star consummation.

Who will be his opponent at that time?

The nine stars are perfect, and there are few kings in the whole world.

Is the real strongest.

The invincible strong under the God of time and space.

That's why he is so confident.

"Poor old man???" The sword peerless looked at the boa robed girl.

He wondered why the poor old man was taken away.

Of course, I don't want to kill each other.

Just pure curiosity.

This is the rule, fight for life and death!

He was taken away like this.

The rest of the people were not surprised because he defeated the nine star universe God. Who cares about the life and death of the miserable old man.

Hard life, not losing is hard life.

But when Jian Wushuang learned the truth, he admired each other's good life.

"It's time for the bitter old man to decide to reincarnate. Maybe you didn't notice that there is no difference between black and white in the world of kings and gods. You should know this. In fact, when I talked more before, time passed a lot, and now it's the next day!"

Sword unparalleled smell words, more admire the hard old man.

Actually let the python robed girl delay time for it.

This life is simply not too good.

As for why he didn't interrupt the battle of life and death, it was because of the order of the king of the big world, who wanted to see if the unparalleled sword could defeat the bitter old man.

Now it seems that we have won.

In either way, we won.

He calmly walked out of the arena.

Then there were cheers.

He didn't go directly to the Lord's mansion.

But returned to the foothold of living with the king of the world.

Dongtian world.


Sword peerless leisurely fishing.


At this time, the king of the world came away.

"Why did you come back and have the mood to fish? Now the outside world is all talking about you. That fateful man has been reincarnated, but he will awaken his memory and be sneered at by others. If there is a successful reincarnation here, your achievements will be exposed. At that time, you will become the peerless Tianjiao in the starry sky, and the fateful old man, who is still the fateful old man!"

"It's just rumors. It's not hard. If you really want to wake up your memory, he has succeeded, which is more successful than many people present. Why bother!"

In the face of Jian Wushuang's refutation, jiewang also nodded.

"Sword unparalleled, you have grown up, and now you will teach me!"

"I dare!" Jian Wushuang waved his fishing rod and calmly said, "how about eating fish at night?"


The reason why he didn't go directly to the city Lord's mansion was because of his state of mind.

Fishing nourishes the heart.

Eat fish

"Go ahead, remember to be respectful when you meet the king of the world!"

The king of the world looked at the unparalleled back of the sword, with pride and pride in his eyes.