It immediately attracted the attention of Xiang Yang and others, who came one after another.

"Brother Wushuang, but found a rat hole?"

Xiang Yang was the first to bear the brunt and flew in.

Jian Wushuang pointed down, pretending to be excited and said, "it's down there!"

At this time, the mine cave below was smashed open, and countless small caves flowed out.

Those caves are all tunnels made by demon rats.

A dense large area finally leads to the abyss under the ground.


Why didn't those damn demon rats come out? There won't be fraud! "

Dan Tai seemed a little worried.

Xiang Yang, like a lengtouqing, found the cave. Where does he care so much.

In his opinion, there is nothing to worry about when so many people go in together.

Maybe he's lucky. Those demon rats are out.

He was really lucky this time.

Demon rats have gone to block the alien woman.

At this time, only the queen mouse and a group of rats of general scale were left in the nest.

It is the critical moment to enter.

But one thing is bad for them, because once the nest is attacked, those demon rats will definitely come back.

They go in at this time, which is more like helping people out.

There is a little meaning of encircling Wei and rescuing Zhao in it.

But Jian Wushuang doesn't care about that. Now he just wants to see what kind of person he is with the breath of ten thousand willows.

After the ten thousand willow divine tree was taken away, it should have returned to the starry sky and could not appear in the world God continent.

Then there is only one possibility. The secret method of the other party's cultivation or the treasure under his control may be related to wanliushenmu.

This discovery is actually a small chance.

It may be useful to the cosmic God, but it is not useful to him.

After 100000 years of dormancy, he encountered this opportunity, and his luck was not too bad.

There is still a long way to go.

He may be able to meet opportunities of interest in the 100000 era.

By chance, you may encounter the chance to help him.

So he is not in a hurry.

Over the years, it is not only his separation that is moving, but also a large number of separation have sneaked into the major inheritance families.

Or they established their own forces, which spread all over the wild ancient region.

It won't take long to turn the whole wild ancient region upside down.

At this time, when he followed Xiang Yang into the rat's den.

There are also new discoveries in Zhu's family.

Vulcan mountain.

Zhu Jiazu's cave.

At this time, several universal gods gathered.

Including the cosmic God who invited jianwushuang into Zhu's home at the beginning, who is also a super strong man sitting on the twilight plain.

"The Xiang family has been holding back for so many years. It seems that they can't help it!"

On the throne of the cave, the only red haired old man sitting slowly stood up, his breath was extremely terrifying, and he was a real four-star universe God.

He looked at everything, and the gods below were silent, and no one dared to speak.

"Twilight plain, the thing that the alien girl is staring at is in twilight plain. Take everyone to the periphery of Twilight plain. Don't scare the snake until she comes out and is escorted to Vulcan mountain!"

After the order was issued, the universe gods at the bottom dared to speak.

"Yes, grandpa!"

Zhu Jiazu slowly raised his hand and calmly said, "go down and prepare!"

He came and left quickly. After leaving the cave, the five powerful three-star universe gods of the Zhu family began to gather their men and act separately.

"Fuhai, twilight plain is your territory. You are responsible for staring over there. As for Xiang family and Julu City, I'll handle it!"

"Don't worry, second brother. I'll take someone to twilight plain now!"

Fuhai was confident and left immediately.

All the strong men under my command were notified.

To be on the safe side, he also contacted jianwushuang.

The doorman who came here 100000 years ago was not at ease, because jianwushuang hadn't walked out these years and had been understanding the Vulcan tombstone on the Vulcan mountain.

I didn't want to call Jian Wushuang at first, but Jian Wushuang hasn't done anything these years. I've been understanding the Vulcan tombstone of Zhu family, thinking that it's time to pull it out this time.

But I don't know, it hit the unparalleled ambition of Jian.

With the blessing of the gods of the family down the mountain.

A storm also swept up in Huoshen mountain.

The two parts of Jian Wushuang are in it.

The weak ones are in Xiang family, and the strong ones are in Zhu family.

No matter which side wins, it doesn't have much impact on him.

On this side of the twilight plain, the unparalleled Dharma body of the Lord of the universe, deep into the rat's den, is destroying everywhere.

In particular, dantai almost fell because of the last rat tide. This time, it worked hard to destroy the rat hole.

So is Xiangyang.

Maybe it's also because there aren't many demon rats in the rat's den. Everyone is very relaxed, and they don't even have much defense.

The unparalleled heart of the sword has been hanging.

Especially knowing that Zhu's family has begun to fight against Xiang's family.

He felt that this opportunity might rise in rank.

I thought I would hibernate in Huoshen mountain for a long time. I'm afraid this time it will be shortened.

Just as they wantonly destroyed the rat hole, a black fog rose from the ground.

The fog instantly devoured those demon rats.

A wave of anxiety also grew in the hearts of everyone.

"What is that?"

Dan Tai pointed to the black fog below, and his eyes widened greatly.

Jian Wushuang was well-informed and recognized it at a glance.

"Be careful, everyone. Use your mind to shield the divine body!"

Hearing the speech, they quickly wrapped their minds around their bodies and held their breath.

The dead breath rushed out from the ground continuously, and I was a little surprised to see the unparalleled sword.

"How many people have to fall to condense such a huge dead spirit?"

His heart moved, thinking of the original extinction.

Although the dead gas here can't be compared with miesheng, it can produce so much dead gas that even if all the lives in northern spacetime were sacrificed to blood, it wouldn't produce so much dead gas.

There is only one possibility, that is, the death gas comes from the time when the world God continent is broken.

This made jianwushuang have a strong interest. Dead gas appeared from the ground, so there may be a huge world underground.

Perhaps it was a mass grave at the beginning, or perhaps the extinction of the world, which produced such a great lethargy.

I'm afraid the vitality of the twilight plain is not absorbed, but disturbed by stillness.

Thinking of this, Jian Wushuang rushed directly to the ground regardless of the rest of the people.

He wants to go in and explore.

Seeing that he rushed in, Xiang Yang quickly warned loudly, "brother Wushuang, don't be rash, there may be danger below!"

The sword was unparalleled but completely ignored, and rushed straight to the outlet of death.

Pushing aside the black fog with both hands, a hole appeared in front of me.

"Sure enough, there is really a big world hidden below!"

Jian Wushuang's eyes are full of joy.

The big world that can be hidden is absolutely extraordinary.

Although the most powerful cosmic God near Huoshen mountain is only a four-star combat power.

But for countless years, there must be super strong people who have stayed here, maybe six star or seven star cosmic gods.