This is a big story.

Wang Lun was stunned. He didn't speak, but there was concern in his eyes.

I think jianwushuang is a little ambitious.

Wang Lun's highest ambition is Zhao'an.

However, it must be ordered by the state of Yue.

So he dare not speak ill of Vietnam at this time.

But let him hit Jiang Guo's attention, absolutely nothing.

Iron face is different.

He can do anything to anyone, but he must conform to his ambition.

So they don't deal with each other.

But Wang Lun knows that without him now, he can't live without an iron face.

There are thousands of households in Shajia town.

All depend on the iron face to govern.

He was only responsible for robbing some merchant ships at the dock.

What Jian Wushuang wants is this kind of check and balance, so that they can understand their position.

"Unparalleled is right. At present, merchant ships rarely pass through shajiakou. Those porters have no income. Sooner or later, something will happen. It's better to start soliciting from those porters!"

Iron faced Liangchen expressed his intention.

In fact, this is what everyone thinks. Naturally, no one objects.

After seeing what the other party said, Jian Wushuang pretended to frown and said, "in fact, we are still a step away from expanding our hands. We can't just have hands. There is a lack of people to teach, manage and talent!"

He sighed and shook his head.

Liangchen saw this and immediately proposed, "it's simple. I didn't catch some court officers and soldiers before. It's better to recruit them!"

"This is a good way!"

Wang Lun nodded, but looked at Jian Wushuang.

You have to speak to jianwushuang to know this.

After all, people are unparalleled.

And these tianjianwushuang didn't speak about it. He felt that jianwushuang must have noticed.

I've thought about it for a long time.

But one person is needed to lobby.

He had to let iron face go again, and he had to take the whole Qingzhu town.

It's a military town with many seedlings.

With proper use, it's easy to pull out a team of 5000 people.

And it has an organizational system, which can train elite troops in batches.

Wang Lun and scar Shuan looked at Jian Wushuang, and Jian Wushuang looked at the iron face.

As for Xiang Yang, he didn't care about this when he was drinking alone.

Iron faced Liangchen was a little embarrassed to be seen. He spread his hand and said, "if you need help, just open your mouth. I'm not familiar with that Hutou Colonel!"

"Not to mention this, I learned from the clerk of the merchant ship a few days ago that the current situation in Jiang country is not very good!"

Yue is now garrisoning troops in Langshan County, and the main force of Jiang is also there. Zhou Chong, the son-in-law of Jiang, is in charge of 100000 troops, and is bound to fight a decisive battle in Langshan county. Calculate the day, there may be friction in autumn. The war is not in the cold winter, or next year's spring dawn, and the opponent is the little Liang king of Yue. Just being a pioneer is 150000 elite iron cavalry. This war can't be stopped at all!

Anyone who pays a little attention to this aspect knows it.

If you want to win, you can only ask for help.

But Jiang Guo has few chips.

The only way to ask for help is by wisdom.

For example, to lobby the surrounding Bohai countries.

With the upper lip cold tooth death that set.

Once the state of Yue annexed the state of Jiang, both sides could cannibalize the two great powers.

Bohai State and Ninghai state.

If both sides send troops to help Jiang Guo resist at this time, at least they can die later.

Speaking of this, Wang Lun and tie Mian are not sleepy anymore, and each of them is talking nonsense.

Either attack or point out the problem.

Jian Wushuang sat in the middle, just nodding frequently.

Finally, it points to the proposition.

"Those two didn't think about starting a fifth army?"

Jiang Guo, Ning Haiguo.

Bohai State.

Plus Vietnam.

This is the war between the four giants.

What will happen if there is a fifth branch in the four party duel?

The problem of unparalleled sword has returned to the original origin.

It's still about their recruitment.

But with the foreshadowing in front, Wang Lun and Tiemian Liangchen both have the dream of competing for the world.

No matter what their ambition is.

The most important thing is to have power.

This has further condensed their unity of mind.

At this time, Jian Wushuang asked again.

Iron face Liangchen didn't hesitate too much, nodded heavily and agreed.

Lobby Qingzhu town.

Just like the current situation of Jiang state.

Go to lobby Bohai State.

But they have natural advantages.

On the one hand, jianwushuang pulled out the teeth of Qingzhu Town, on the other hand, it is the prestige of iron faced Liangchen and the relationship with which old coach.

This gives him a natural advantage to seize.

Once they rise, they will encounter the dragon of change.

This time, tie Mian took his daughter-in-law to Qingzhu town in person.

And jianwushuang is also prepared, and directly let scar bolt release all the captured officers and soldiers.

Let tiemianliangchen take these people back.

As for the ordnance, it will not be returned.

Although there are thousands of sets of equipment piled up in their warehouse now, it is not that bad, but it is of great use.

Because the expansion is ready.

He is very optimistic about the iron face, and the other party will never let him down, plus the deception these days.

Eloquence is much better.

As long as he persuades his old father-in-law, everything is ready.

The next morning, he went to deliver the iron noodles in person.

After making arrangements, I looked at the other side's back and didn't look back for a long time.

"It all depends on this time!"

"Brother Wushuang, are you not afraid of failure?"

Xiang Yang inquired nearby.

Jian Wushuang shook his head and said, "I think the person is very accurate. Brother Liangchen is not an ordinary person. Sooner or later, we will leave here, or leave Jiang country, but Liangchen can't leave. He can't put a lot of things down and will definitely go all out!"

"Then wait and see!"

The two returned to shajiakou.

At present, there are no merchant ships passing by.

We all know what kind of coastal guard they have built, which has restrained the dignitaries on the other side of Yongcheng.

We are discussing whether Zhao'an or eradication!

But it will not use force for a while.

But the sword is matchless, and they won't be idle.

Sent away the iron face good time.

Jian Wushuang discussed with Wang Lun about expanding his staff.

There are not many people who can win over at the small dock. Now those officers and soldiers are released, and scar bolt won't go back.

However, that position is very important, which can be attacked and defended.

Jianwushuang didn't give up, and gathered some boatman and merchant ship guys to take the looted warships to the small dock.

Selected two of the best players who have been wandering on the canal all the year round, and let them draft two water armies.

Later, it will be used to transport the trained elite to the upstream.

In order to bind the two brothers of the Ruan family, Jian Wushuang promised the two sisters of scar Shuan to each other.

Although scar Shuan was a little unhappy, he readily accepted that his two brother-in-law would be empress Jiang in the future.

Then there is the porter in shajiakou.

Although no merchant ships have come these two days, Jian Wushuang is still delicious and entertained.

But these porters who have suffered for half their lives are a little embarrassed, and they are very worried that jianwushuang will dismiss them.

Since Jian Wushuang took Chen Mazi, the porter in shajiakou doubled his daily income.

But now, seeing that there may be no good days at any time, each one is more anxious than jianwushuang.