Jiuchen, who was guarding outside the hall, also felt that his spiritual body began to shrink, looked at the hall in horror, and exclaimed: "What's going on, why is the breath in the hall dying?"

At this moment, even the bloody altar began to collapse and shrink.

Jiuchen's clone, who was still planning outside, was not aware of it at the moment.

But the interior has shrunk to the extreme.

Even the wisp of Jiuchen deity began to shatter because of the shrinking of the Divine Fire Hall.

Fortunately, he is just a piece of spiritual consciousness, and will not be silenced.

"Impossible, what did he do?" Jiuchen deity couldn't believe it.

Even if Jian Wushuang showed the level of immortality before, it was impossible for the Divine Fire Palace to do so.

How would he know what Jian Wushuang found in the Shenhuo Temple?

Fortunately, because the power of the divine fire point has dropped, he can enter the divine fire hall again to control.


He rushed directly into the Shenhuo Temple, saw Jian Wushuang standing intact, and shouted angrily, "What have you done? How could the power of Shenhuo Dian drop? The power is still collapsing?"

The deity of Jiuchen was furious, and he had to protect this place when he gave up his freedom, but Jian Wushuang did this, how could he not be angry.

"In this world, there is no eternal existence, only eternal powerhouses!"

Jian Wushuang slowly turned around with pity in his eyes.

How can a little true spirit know so much.

How can you understand the laws of this world.

Shenhuo Temple began to shrink and collapse. He did not expect it, but it was normal for it to become like this.

Because he took away the body of the beast.

This fleshly body is definitely the most precious thing in the inheritance temple.

The only thing he was curious about was why the body of the beast appeared here, and what was even more surprising was the function of the body. Obviously, the master of the universe who opened up this place knew it.

Being able to know the strange use of the body of the beast, and putting it here, shows that the identity of the other party is not ordinary.

It is impossible for a master of the Nine Tribulations Realm universe to come into contact with the beasts.

Of course, this has to get rid of yourself.

But he didn't feel that the other party could compare with him.

At the beginning, it was because of the Realm King God Realm that I learned about the power of the realm beast, but I didn't get the real body of the realm beast!

Maybe if he accepts the inheritance here, he will understand everything.

After the Shenhuo Temple stabilized and ignored Jiuchen's deity, he was ready to enter the second lamp.

The deity of Jiuchen couldn't stand, and shouted angrily: "If you don't make it clear today, don't even think about accepting the inheritance!"

Speaking of which, he directly mobilized the restraint that he could control and began to block Jian Wushuang.

Being able to forcibly fuse the body of the beast and escape from the Temple of Divine Fire, how could Jian Wushuang care about a small true spirit.

If you didn't take action to destroy the other party, you already respected the pioneers here.

After all, to take advantage of people, there is no need to destroy them wantonly.

But what he deserves, he will never be soft-hearted.


Jian Wushuang was suspended in the air, and with a single point, the power of the pure body instantly broke the restriction of this space, and along the way, together with the manipulator of this space, were firmly bound in the rules of destruction.

As long as the deity of Jiuchen dares to move, it will be instantly destroyed by touching the law of destruction.

He has a trace of respect for this place, which does not mean that he gives the other party a chance to take advantage of himself.

Will not do absolutely, but will do all.

After settling Jiuchen deity, he entered the second lamp alone, which was also the second level.

The deity of Jiuchen, who was trapped in the Law of Destruction, looked at the power of destruction around him with horror, unable to move, and his heart was full of horror.

When he saw Jian Wushuang entering the second lamp, he was a little stunned.

"He just entered the second level?"

I thought that the Divine Fire Palace made such a big noise because Jian Wushuang violated the prohibition in the secret law of inheritance, but I didn't expect that it would destroy the various prohibitions of the Divine Fire Palace in the three lamps.

"In other words, everything just now was because of the first light?"

He turned his eyes and looked at a lamp on the mural of Tiangong Frost and Snow.

"It's dark!"

"The lights turned out to be dim..."

Jiuchen was surprised at first, and then a strong consciousness suddenly rushed into his sea of ​​consciousness.

However, because of the surrounding laws of destruction, this consciousness was cautious and did not dare to be careless.

But the consciousness of the deity of Jiuchen was originally weak, and the moment he was invaded by a powerful consciousness, he fell asleep by himself.

It was replaced by a new consciousness, which was becoming weaker and weaker, and had something to do with the law of time.

The controlled Jiuchen looked up at the picture of frost and snow in the Heavenly Palace, unable to calm down for a long time.

"How many years, I finally waited...you!" There was a nebula in Jiuchen's eyes, and an old man sat cross-legged on top of the nebula, and then flashed by the World God Continent.


Second light.

This is where the soul resides.

There are also nine.

This time, he did not try one by one, but went directly to the ninth group of golden souls, and a hole was opened between his eyebrows, a powerful attraction, directly sucking the golden souls into the sea of ​​​​knowledge middle.



A powerful distraction made him take a step back.

It looks like a mass of soul, but it is more like a mass of memory.

Dusty memories, from......

"I've seen this place before!" Jian Wushuang's eyes became hollow because he saw a scene in which the sky and the earth were collapsing in his mind.

"This is the battlefield!"

But this does not belong anywhere in the stars.

Because he also saw it in Morosa's consciousness.

This is a place of nothingness.

In an instant, time and space were far away from him.

But the powerhouses on the battlefield are very close to him.

He saw a mysterious strong man with a mask.

He was very familiar with the mask, but he just couldn't remember the other person's name.

The masked strong man, with his hands behind his back, fights one against three.

His opponent was not a world beast, but the three of them exuded an indescribable aura.

The power of the breath is stronger than the celestial spirits Jian Wushuang has ever seen.

So powerful that he couldn't breathe.

Even if it is the body of a world beast now, that pressure makes his heart beat fast.

It seemed to see a natural threat.

This force travels through the sky and the latitude.

However, the mysterious mask powerhouse can block three with one block, and fight with the three earth-shattering powerhouses in the dark.

Caused the Chaos Stream to run backwards on the battlefield.

From the battlefield, he hit a towering mountain, and the aura here made Jian Wushuang tremble, as if he had been here before.

He looked up at the top of the mountain, but it was covered by clouds.

Look at the fight again.

The battle between the two sides became more and more intense. The mysterious mask powerhouse seemed to be trying desperately to stop it, while the three powerful men with the highest aura wanted to destroy the sacred mountain.

"All Worlds"

The mysterious masked man is too busy to stop himself.

In the end, he fought to his death and replaced the two.

There was still a strong aura left, and he began to attack the mountain.

At this time, another strong man came.

This time Jian Wushuang saw the opponent's face clearly.

His eyes suddenly turned round.

This man turned out to be himself.