Jian Wushuang opened his eyes and said excitedly, "I understand!"

His excitement immediately aroused several people in the Nine Prisons Tower.

"What do you unserstand?"

"Did Senior Wushuang realize the origin?"

"Hehe, he has only lived for a few years, and he was lucky enough to become a Mahayana period.

He suddenly realized that he was too lazy to explain to them, and immediately closed his eyes and cut off everything.

At the same time, the Nine Prison Tower was closed, and the people inside could no longer hear what he said.

He was too excited just now, so he said it directly, but fortunately he didn't say what he thought.

Because at this moment, he suddenly understood the intention of Teacher Xuan Yi after he entered this world.

The foreshadowing in the World God Continent is regarded as entering the World King God Realm, absorbing most of Morosa's power.

This is due to his strong consciousness, why is it strong?

"Watch the sky chessboard!"

He absorbed everything that could be absorbed by him in the Origin Dao in the Heaven-watching Chessboard. These origins contained too much soul matter, so they strengthened his soul.

With a strong soul, there will be a strong consciousness, and then in the realm of the realm of the king, his combat power directly surpasses the nine-star cosmic god.

It has absorbed so much power from Morosa.

Then he left the Realm of the King of Gods, and he entered this world not long after.

With the willpower of the world beast, the body of the world beast is fused.

In the end, he obtained the secret magic of the God-Eye Clan.

All this was arranged in advance, and he should have understood it long ago.

Everything is to pave the way for him to practice the magic eye secret method, or it is all to break his upper limit.

In the starry sky, what is the use of being strong?

Why only Protoss dare to kill?

Because there is no difference between the Protoss itself and the beasts, or because of some problems in the starry sky, the Protoss cannot leave for too long.

He is different, and now there is a source similar to the beast.

Once successful, just like the world beast, it can survive in the void and even cultivate.

This is all being guided by Teacher Xuanyi. From that memory fragment, he can also see that the battle is not in the starry sky, but in a place of nothingness.

"I should have thought of it earlier!" He sighed in his heart.

Indeed, now I think of the meaning of some hindsight.

But it's not too late.

Because he didn't give up the Mysterious Eye Technique, he still had to practice.

But whether it can be used in the starry sky, he has to be careful.

After all, the Divine Eye Clan has fallen, and the Ghost Eye Senior Brother may be alive, but most likely not in the starry sky.

Possibly in the void.

Being able to participate in that battle at the beginning means that it is similar to what he is now, and he has embarked on a disorderly road.


"The Mysterious Eye of the Gods burns on a large scale. If it is used in a disorderly place, I can't imagine it. In that battle, I didn't see anyone else using the Mysterious Eyes Mysticism. Now that I have practiced it, it may change the future. a way!"

He didn't think about it so much before, which caused him to realize it later, and this time he also boldly imagined it.

Perhaps he was reborn in this life, and he came back to practice the powerful secret technique of the Mystery of the Eyes of God.

The rest may also practice.

At that time, the strength will increase a lot.

But this is not enough, you can't rely on the magic eye magic alone, it is a secret magic created by others after all, and he has to create his own peak secret magic.

It depends on how long the Eternal Change can go. If this divine power route is not long, then change another one.

He couldn't forget the way he fell in that memory.

Can't fail!

Thinking of this, he also seized a minute and a second and began to study the mystery of the divine eye.

The first turn corresponds to the first floor of the Nine Prisons Tower.

He is currently only mastering the third level of the first turn.

It is equivalent to half of the fifth sequence.

However, this is a complete divine eye clan secret technique.

The inheritance of the fifth sequence, although it can also help the cultivator to achieve the effect of the first glance, but after all, it is divided into strengths and weaknesses.

One turn of his is a hundred turns of others.

While comprehending the mystery of the god's eye, he tested the Nine Prisons Pagoda.

At present, he has not fully grasped the specific function of the Nine Prison Tower.

"With the word prison, there won't be any horrors in this tower, right?"

He pondered for a while, and there was a possibility, but there was no first floor, and there was no threat. When he opened the second floor, even if there was a terror of being imprisoned, it would not be a hindrance, and the big deal would be killed.

If you can open the second floor, you have the ability to kill the beings that are imprisoned on the second floor.

For a month, he has been practicing the Mysterious Eye Technique.

During this period of time, he did not pay attention to the matter of the source, because it would not have any effect in a short period of time, so he tried his best to understand the mystery of the divine eye, which made him reach the perfection level at first glance.

I don't know if it's fast or slow.

He also found suspiciously jumping to the third, fifth, and even ninth turns.

Although it can be seen clearly, but in the current realm, it is not useful.

This is why someone can directly comprehend the first sequence, which is the corresponding fifth turn.

Those inheritors, after all, only got a little fur.

If you learn the magic eye secret method in the inheritance holy land at the beginning, you will avoid many fork in the road.

The Holy Master who attracted the Holy Land merged the two sequences, that is, he practiced two of the first five ranks.

And the two turns should be pretty close.

Then it resonated greatly, attracting a sacred place of inheritance.

The arrival of the Holy Land means that in this side of the world, it is very likely that there will be an existence that cultivates to the sixth rank.

Although the Mysterious Eyes Technique can be practiced by jumping.

But the first five turns are very simple and not difficult, and it can even be said that there is no threshold.

But to get together, it would be much more difficult, much more difficult than becoming a cosmic god.

Therefore, the local powerhouses in the ancient world can integrate at most two sequences, that is, two of the first five turns of cultivation.

If you can integrate the third rank, then you can practice the sixth rank.

In this way, out of the nine turns, four turns are accounted for.

It is expected to open up a holy land and become a god of the universe.

And the strength is still extremely powerful.

If you want to cultivate to the seventh rank, you need to master four of the first five ranks.

In the eighth turn, you need to master the first seven turns perfectly.

This difficulty is much more difficult than becoming a cosmic god.

There is another key factor, that is, the bloodline of the God-Eye Clan. Only by changing the bloodline of oneself can one cultivate to the eighth rank.


Jian Wushuang doesn't have this requirement anymore. He has a bounded beast's flesh and body, which is invisible and colorless, and he can become any ethnic group he wants.

Naturally, there is no need to worry about blood.

As for the ninth turn, he didn't know the difficulty, because even a cultivator of the Divine Eye Clan couldn't reach it.

Because Senior Brother Ghost Eye did not leave a legacy of Rank 9 at all.

That token was specially reserved for him by Senior Brother Ghost Eye.

Perhaps it was given to the rest, those selected by Teacher Xuanyi.

After all, there is a ghost eye senior brother, so there are other senior senior brothers, senior sisters, junior brothers, junior sisters and even junior sisters.