"Brother Jing thinks too much. The villa area has not been opened yet, and it has been almost reserved. I'm afraid that brother Jing really wants it at that time, and it may not be true." Gu Yunzhe said with a smile.

"It's too expensive for my girlfriend to accept.

When we get married, I don't mind if you give us a set as a present. " Ou Jing responded.

"Brother Jing deserves to be Jing elder brother. I'm really a real estate agent who is not as good as me because of his empty hand."

"Don't be poor. Don't think that if you call me, I will forget my seniority!"

"What generation?" Gu Yunzhe pretended to be stupid.

"Your uncle and I are brothers. What kind of seniority do you say?"

"Brother Jing, oh, I forgot to hold a meeting later, so I don't want to talk to you any more. You are welcome to see the house at any time. I'll give it to the sales department." Gu Yunzhe finished and hung up the phone.

Ou Jing smiles and looks at the screen of her mobile phone. I have to say that Gu Yunzhe has the best vision and courage in his younger generation, and he is also the best.

The next day is Saturday, and yunshangxin real estate is open again.

If not with oujing, Iraqis will attend in the early morning. After all, there will be some discounts and gifts on the opening day.

But because Ou Jing has told her that she will go with her later in the afternoon, she can only wait.

Taking advantage of this time to clean up the apartment and buy vegetables is also very good.

It's just because I'm thinking about this matter in my heart that I can't help but be absent-minded.

At noon, Yi people cooked wonton noodles for themselves.

In the morning, I bought some shrimp and some skin of wonton. Anyway, if I had time, I would go home and buy wonton directly.

The wonton and dumpling skins sold in this shop are very tough, and they are not easy to break after boiling. So those who used to like to roll their own dough are now buying ready-made ones directly.

But this shop also only manages in the morning, can't buy later.

Yiren cooked wonton noodles and thought it was selling well, so she took a picture and sent it to oujing.

It was not long before you received a call from Ou Jing,

"you are the temptation of red fruits!" Oujing complained.

"No, by the way, did you have lunch?" The Iraqis refused to admit it.

"Yes, now it's a check-in?"

"Ha ha, how dare you check your diligence? Just ask by the way."

"Well, I'd rather you asked."

"I don't seem to be busy. I have time to joke with me."

"No matter how busy you are, you have to have time to catch your breath.

I'll pick you up around five o'clock in the afternoon! "

"Is it too late at five?"

"No, Yunzhe has already told us. We can go directly there."

"Is Yunzhe?"

"Yunshang's boss, if you want a discount, you can't help you find the boss, OK?"

Thank you Yi thanks, directly to the boss of this relationship, it seems that the discount is no problem.

"You are so polite to me."

"You have to be polite. You will not be polite in the future." The Iraqis should come with a clear voice.

The two talked for a while before they hung up.

Yi's wonton noodles are almost cold.

I'm in a good mood, and eating delicious wonton noodles is also full of happiness.

Yi wanted to buy a house this time, but didn't mention it to his father.

She knew that if she did, her father would help her with the balance, so she would not have to work so hard on the mortgage.

But she doesn't want to be like this. She still wants to buy her own house, even if it is small.

Yi took a nap, and then received a call from Yu Zhi,

"Yi Ren, have you bought it?" Yuzhi asked at the other end of the phone.

"House? Not yet. I'll see it later. " Iraqis should be there as they are.

"You are too slow. I heard that yunshang's property has been sold out in the morning."

"Ah? It won't be so fast Yi Ren asked in a somewhat confused way.

"It's not so fast. Yunshang is always selling well. I thought you went in the morning and ordered it. "

"Not yet. Oujing asked me to wait for him later." Yi people should arrive.

"Oh, if you have oujing to help you, it should be no problem. He has such a wide relationship, maybe he is familiar with the boss, so he can directly save one for you." Yu Zhi should arrive with a smile.

"No, I have to go and see it myself.

I'll ask Ou Jing later.

I'll tell you if it's settled later The Iraqis responded.

"Well, I wish you a nice house."

Thank you She said with a smile.

Because of Yuzhi's phone call, Yi people are worried about whether the house is sold out.

Jingyun didn't expect to contact the boss again.Yi people are half worried and half expecting, waiting for oujing to come back to pick her up and go to the real estate.

Ou Jing came to pick her up half an hour ahead of schedule.

Yi Ren gets on the car, ties up the seat belt, turns around and says to oujing,

"it's said that the opening house in the morning is almost reserved, isn't it

"It should be. I didn't understand it, but it should not affect your selection.

I gave them two sets of vision. Okay, you can choose. " Oujing should arrive.

Thank you Yi immediately thanks.

"Fool, you don't know me so much."

"You help me find a relationship, always want to say thank you!

You are a fool Yi people smile and scold a, but the heart still can't help but be happy.

Soon we arrived at the Sales Department of yunshangxin real estate, and Yiren also contacted Mido in advance.

When Mido asked her to arrive, he called her and she came to show her the house.

Yi people and Ou Jing to the sales department, on the phone to Mido.

After a while, Mido came.

"Yi Ren, you come just in time. I've just finished my work."

Then he nodded politely to Ou Jing.

"I'm busy in the morning, so I can't spare time. What floors are left to choose from?"

"No more left! It's all sold out! " Mido should be here.

"Ah?" Yi looks at this Mido in amazement.

"But what you've seen before is reserved for you!" Mido approaches the Iraqis, lowers his voice and smiles, then leads them to the sand table.

Yi immediately breathed a sigh of relief and felt that Mido was very naughty.

Mido points out the sets that the boss told her with an infrared pen.

"This one, this one, and this one are all good. The layout is good, the view is good, and the floor is also suitable, just the difference in size. " Mido recommended it.

"Is this a single apartment?" Yi people pointed to their favorite position and asked Mido.

"This is 126 square meters. It can be used as small four rooms." Mido said.

"Oh, I don't have to be that big, just a bachelor's apartment! It's too big for me to buy. " Yi should arrive with a shaking head.

At this time, Mido approached her and said in a low voice,

"my boss has explained that this set of tax will be given to you according to the cost price, which is very cost-effective. You can't find the second one all over the city."

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