Chapter 7: Atlas full level, Shennong tastes all kinds of herbs! 【Ask for a ticket】

Chapter 7 Atlas full level, Shennong tastes all kinds of herbs! 【Ask for a ticket】

time passes day by day

It took half a month in a flash!

Wei Han settled down completely in Chen's Pharmacy.

And the little days are getting better day by day.

The sallow and thin figure has gradually become stronger because of martial arts training, and there is an unconcealable confidence and nobility in his eyes.

In just three or four days, he has already mastered the "Basic Medicinal Material Identification Atlas" to the full level, and created an extreme special effect-Shen Nong Tasting Baicao!

【Shen Nong Tasting Baicao—Your recognition of various basic medicinal materials has reached the point of no one before or since. Your sense of smell and taste sensitivity +10%, and the accuracy of identification of unknown medicinal materials increased by 50%. 】

With this special effect, Wei Han will encounter unknown medicinal materials in the future.

Just a few sniffs or a sip, you can probably know the habits and effects of the medicinal materials, and you don't have to worry about taking the wrong medicine.

At this time, if he goes to study medicine again, it will become very easy.

As for the vacant hang-up slot, he hung up the cooking skills without any hassle.

It's a pity that the hang-up speed of "Hunyuan Gong" and "Five Birds Jue" is still slow.

Wei Han, who has no money to krypton gold, can only endure in silence, relying on time to endure bit by bit.

"It's okay, anyway, you can live forever."

"It will always upgrade after a period of time."

Wei Han's mentality is quite good.

Stay in the warehouse every day and no one arranges work for him.

Chen Zhihong and others looked at him as if he was a transparent person, playing in isolation.

If it is an ordinary teenager, he must be diagnosed with mental illness.

But Wei Han still enjoys life happily.

When I have nothing to do, I just punch hard in the corner.

The warehouse is too small to use it with all its strength. It was as if he was doing Tai Chi, secretly running the dark power of the two exercises, constantly improving his proficiency, and his once jerky movements became natural and mellow.

Under the seemingly slow movements, the muscles continue to bulge!

One breath and one breath burst, and the dust flew up!

It has the momentum of a half-step punch, and its power is very impressive!

At the same time, Wei Han was still thinking about his plan to make money.

During this period of time, he inquired about it openly and secretly.

I found that it is as difficult as the sky for apprentice handymen to make money.

I work hard every day and don’t get paid a penny. Only during the holidays, the pharmacy will give some rewards, and it’s only a few tens of pennies if I’m exhausted, just enough to buy some food.

If you want to make money, you have to wait until you pass the assessment before you can get the regular money.

However, Wei Han thought hard and found a way to make money—testing medicine.

He found that the major pharmacies in Qingshan County, including Chen's pharmacy, would recruit poor people to test drugs for the sake of researching new drugs, and the price and remuneration were very considerable.

The risk of this kind of drug testing is very high. If you are lucky, you will have nosebleeds and cough for a few days. If you are unlucky, you deserve to be poisoned to death.

Therefore, most people would not dare to try medicine if they could not survive.

But Wei Han dare, who is he afraid of when he is immortal?

"Try to ask for leave tomorrow and go out to try it out, and I can make some money." Wei Han thought expectantly in his heart.

Outside the warehouse

Chen Zhihong and his younger brothers seemed a little aggrieved.

These days they deliberately isolated Wei Han, but this guy didn't react at all, and he was cheerful every day, so angry that they almost felt internal injuries.

"Damn it, is this Wei Han out of his mind? We all have this attitude and he doesn't know how to get out?"

"Damn it, isn't this **** too thick-skinned? No one pays attention to him, and he stays here every day in a cool way? How shameless?"

"I think the longer he stays, the happier he is. He eats and drinks well every day, and doesn't have to do anything. He has gained a lot of weight."

"The key is that he didn't go out for half a month, and we didn't care if we wanted to find someone to beat him up. It's just disgusting!"

The younger brothers gritted their teeth in anger.

Everyone wanted to besiege Wei Han on the spot.

Chen Zhihong's complexion is also not very good-looking, because Wei Han is such an eye-catching nail in the warehouse, so it is inconvenient for him to do many things, and many ways to make money have been cut off.

"The surname Xu is so cheap, he even arranged a nail in the warehouse, making us timid in doing things." Chen Zhihong said angrily: "You have been observing him secretly for so long, didn't you find any mistakes in him?"

"No, this kid is very active in eating every day. He hangs out in the warehouse when he is full. He can practice boxing secretly at most. He doesn't even sleep in. We can't catch it at all."

"Yeah, I've never seen such a smooth person, I'm so disgusted!"

The younger brothers complained full of resentment.

Obviously, they didn't spend less time figuring out Wei Han's pain points.

But there is nothing wrong with him, and no one can find a reason.

"Brother Chen, there is one thing that is not right." A skinny young man thought for a while and said, "Yesterday, the amount of bamboo ginseng in the pharmacy increased, so I weighed it and found that it was 1 tael or 2 yuan less!"

"Curiously, I checked it again, and found that the dosage of many medicinal materials had been reduced, and there must be more that I didn't find."

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard the words.

Chen Zhihong asked with great interest: "Some errors in the medicinal materials are inevitable. Could it be that you made a mistake? Or is it because the water content of the medicinal materials has decreased?"

"No!" The skinny young man shook his head and said, "We will count the medicinal materials every once in a while, and we know how much of what kind is left. After this kid came into the warehouse, many medicines are not counted."


Chen Zhihong became excited immediately.

Everyone couldn't help cheering up.

Everyone subconsciously thought of a possibility, Wei Han couldn't be stealing medicine, right?

It happened many times in the pharmacy in the past. Some apprentices were greedy, and they couldn't help but steal some medicinal materials, and then secretly took them out to sell them for profit.

Every time such a fool is discovered, he will be sentenced to death.

Not to mention broken hands and feet, the government will not care even if they are beaten to death in public.

If Wei Han really stole the medicinal materials, then his fate will be miserable!

"Brother Chen, I suddenly remembered something." A fat man said tentatively: "Every time I saw Wei Han, he was chewing something in his mouth. At that time, I thought he was trying to taste the medicine. It doesn't matter much."

"Thinking about it now, most of the shortfalls are warming and tonic medicinal materials. Could it be that he didn't steal them and sell them, but just ate them himself? It's not like this happened before."

Everyone laughed when they heard the words.

In the past, some apprentices did not understand the science of medicine and tried to swallow medicinal materials raw for nourishment.

As a result, because he didn't understand the principle of three-point poison of medicine, he died suddenly on the spot due to the attack of Baicao poison without taking much. The death was quite miserable.

Is this Wei Han so stupid now?

"It would be good if this is the case, he will be finished if we don't do it." Chen Zhihong said angrily: "But there are so many medicinal materials in short supply, he can eat it by himself? If he really did this, he might have been poisoned long ago. dead."

"That's right, it's possible that he was stealing and selling while eating."

"Yes, in short, this matter must have something to do with him."

"Hehe, brother Chen can't let go of this opportunity. I originally wanted to give this kid a chance to escape and let him go. If he refuses, don't blame us for being cruel!"

"Yes, if Mr. Pu caught him in public, he would have to break his hands and feet and throw him out to feed the dogs!"

Everyone chatted excitedly, discussing excitedly.

Chen Zhihong couldn't help laughing, and pointed out: "Everyone, pay attention. If you confirm it, he will die in two days."

(end of this chapter)