Chapter 47: Top, middle, and bottom three strategies, Kotora Shonai Oni! [Voting form]

Chapter 47 Three Strategies, Top, Middle, and Down, Hunting Ghosts in Tiger Village! 【Ask for a ticket】

Liehuzhuang is located in Shibali outside the west city

This is a huge village built on the back of a mountain, with more than a thousand people living here. In addition to farmers, there are hunters.

As the leading Orion Village in Qingshan County, Liehu Village is also a place where everyone practices martial arts and the folk customs are strong. Ordinary bandits dare not provoke them at all.

Wei Han's carriage has just arrived outside Zhuangzi!

Several burly men came up to meet them, and hurriedly led them into Zhuangzi.

A group of high-level executives in Liehuzhuang were anxiously gathered in front of a small wooden house. Seeing Wei Han approaching, the second owner couldn't help shouting: "Fuck your mother's Chen's pharmacy, my third brother is seriously injured and comatose, please send a hair Who is the boss here to fool?"

"Second brother, don't talk nonsense!" The owner of the villa scolded dissatisfiedly: "This is Mr. Pu's third disciple Wei Xiao, a genius doctor. His medical skills are recognized in the county as strong. You rough man have never heard of his reputation." , and don't neglect the little miracle doctor."

"Doctor Wei, I'm sorry, my second brother is also concerned about his injury so he can't speak freely. You must not be as angry as him."

"My third brother was attacked by a monster today, and his injuries are very serious. The medicine for knife wounds in Zhuangzi can't stop it at all. Please show me!"

Facing the enthusiasm and pleadings of the big owner!

Wei Han didn't say much, he might meet all kinds of **** people when he goes out to see a doctor, and he still can't be too sure of his tone on his territory.

"Where is the patient? Let me see." Wei Han said sincerely: "Everyone can rest assured, I will do my best to treat it."

"Get out of the way, Doctor Wei, please take a look!"

"Doctor, you can save our three masters."

In a burst of confusion, Wei Han waved everyone away and walked into the house.

There was a stubble-faced strong man lying on the bed at the moment. His upper body was bare and bloody, and the wound was simply bandaged with medicine. There were two maids taking care of him beside him.

Wei Han checked the wound and found that there were more than a dozen injuries on his body!

Most of them were wounds torn by sharp claws, and there was one that almost bitten out the internal organs.

The Orion of Liehu Village has a good ability to deal with wounds because he has been dealing with wild beasts all year round. Some earth recipes are also very effective in stopping bleeding, so he saved the life of the third owner.

Wei Han felt his pulse, but there was a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Finally, he frowned and said: "The patient had fought fiercely before he fell into a coma, and his whole body was severely depleted of Qi and blood, and his meridians were also injured a lot. The trauma is nothing. The internal organs have been hit hard three times, so that now only Hanging in one breath, the situation is very troublesome."

"Doctor Wei, how are you doing now? Can you save me?" the owner asked anxiously.

"Naturally it can be saved. There are three methods of treatment." Wei Han took the hot towel sent by the maid to wipe his hands, and said with eloquence: "The worst way is to stimulate the various acupuncture points with acupuncture, and I will prescribe a few more. The decoction regulates qi and blood, so that his body can wake up as soon as possible, and the coma can be lifted in about three days, and the body can recover 30% of its previous state." ""

"Only 30%?"

Everyone's eyes widened in dissatisfaction.

Wei Han ignored them, but continued to say: "Zhongce stops the bleeding and massages, straightens the internal organs, combined with decoction for conditioning, it will probably fall into a coma for half a month, and after waking up, it will take another half a year to recuperate, and the body can recover 50 to 60% of the past! "

"What's the best policy?" The owner asked anxiously.

"The best strategy is more troublesome!" Wei Han said with a frown, "The decoction is made with 108 kinds of precious medicinal materials, and the body is stimulated by bathing three times a day. It takes more than a thousand taels of money to restore 80% of its body for three months. above."

"A thousand taels?"

Everyone gasped.

The complexion of the big villa owner also darkened.

Wei Han's three strategies of top, middle and bottom are already obvious.

There are quick results, slow results, and heavy money. All kinds of advantages and disadvantages are obvious. You can choose whatever you want.

But Liehu Village is obviously not too rich, and such a big village has a lot of expenses. It is absolutely impossible to spend a thousand taels to treat a person.

"Doctor Wei, is there no way to restore the third child at a lower cost?" The owner asked bitterly.

"Yes!" Wei Han thought for a while, and said, "This method is a bit difficult to talk about, and it is inconvenient for too many people to listen to it. Can the owner hold back?"

"Huh? What does this mean? You are sneaking around to cure a disease, what the **** are you doing?"

"Grandma, I've lived for decades and haven't seen a cure that's hard to say. You don't mean to cheat people, do you?"

"Big owner, this guy's hair hasn't grown yet, isn't it unreliable?"

Everyone around them opened their mouths to criticize.

The owner of the villa looked at the audience angrily: "Shut up, Wei Xiao's doctor is also something you rough guys can question? Get out of here, get out!"

"Brother, do you trust him like that?" The second villa owner protested dissatisfied.

"Don't let me say it a second time, get out of here!" The owner of the villa yelled coldly, and everyone didn't dare to resist anymore, and retreated one after another.

In the end, only the three villa owners, Wei Han and the big villa owner were left in a coma.

"Little brother!" The owner of the villa is also a good person, straight to the point: "Did you find something? Please tell me!"

"It's true that I didn't clarify the situation just now. The patient's trauma and internal injury are nothing, and it can always be adjusted carefully." Wei Han said calmly: "But there is a mixed poison in his body, which is very troublesome, and the poison has penetrated into the five internal organs. The six internal organs are not easy to treat."

"Mixed drugs? How is it possible?" The big villa owner was dumbfounded in shock.

Didn't his third brother encounter a monster attack?

How could there be mixed poison in the body?

And why is there no sign of this toxin?

"I guarantee with my head that there is indeed mixed poison in his body." Wei Han said seriously: "This is also the reason why I deliberately found an excuse to tell you in private. People have to detoxify."

The complexion of the big villa owner changed again and again!

Wei Han revealed too much information, and he couldn't accept it for a while.

If the third villa owner really has mixed poison in his body, it means that his accident is not just caused by monsters, and there may be man-made behind it.

Why didn't Wei Han dare to speak out in public?

Because he is a cautious person, he is afraid that if he speaks out in public, it will cause a fight, which will affect the fish in the pond and affect himself.

The owner of the big villa is also a smart person. It is more convenient for a smart person to talk to a smart person. The two clicked so far, but they already understood each other's meaning.

"Can it be cured?"

The big villa owner was silent for a long time, and then spoke bitterly.

Wei Han nodded and assured, "Treatment is not difficult. If an ordinary doctor encounters this kind of mixed poison, it will probably be very difficult. But I am good at making poison and detoxifying. I take a medicine to detoxify, and then take care of it for half a year. Do not use force during this period."

"Okay, thank you little brother!" The owner of the villa clasped his fists gratefully: "If you save my third brother, you will be the great benefactor of our Liehuzhuang, and you will be at your disposal in the future."


Wei Han smiled and didn't take it seriously.

It’s good to listen to this kind of words, but it’s easy to be unlucky if you believe it.

He didn't want to care about Liehuzhuang's affairs, so he prescribed a prescription for antidote and a prescription for conditioning. After receiving his diagnosis fee, he patted his **** and left decisively.

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(end of this chapter)