Chapter 85: Killing the enemy is like mowing grass, rushing to the battle! 【Subscribe】

Chapter 85 Killing the enemy is like mowing grass, rushing to the battle! 【Subscribe】

"Damn it, you bastards!"

"There are no cowards in Liehu Village. If you want to crush us, I will bite your teeth first!"

The most intense part of the battlefield

The once high-spirited owner holds a long-handled machete.

Gritting his teeth, he fought fiercely with seven or eight bandit leaders, and the farmers around him kept retreating, which made the big owner's eyes red.

Ever since he fought with the Black Mountain bandits once, he also has trouble sleeping and eating.

Before the arrival of the rebels, I thought about fleeing with my family many times,

Thinking that even if it is to find a mountain to fall into a bandit, it is better than being besieged and killed by the army.

But the owner of the villa never expected the rebels to come so quickly.

With so many people in Zhuangzi, it is not easy to relocate. Many households are so resistant that they are blocked here by the rebels.

The owner of the villa felt remorseful, he would have escaped if he knew that he wanted nothing.

Now that I'm stuck here, can I just escape to the mountains?

"Broken, the city wall is broken!"

"Hahaha, brothers kill me!"

"Kill, kill, don't keep a single one!"

The rebels roared excitedly one after another.

The owner of the villa looked back, and saw that Zhuangzi's wooden village had fallen down.

The gap has been washed away, and countless rebels rushed into the village screaming.

The young and strong people in the whole village were slaughtered!

Many old and weak women and children can only tremble with despair.

At this moment of life and death, a burst of horseshoes exploded like thunder.

I saw a warrior with an iron gun galloping towards him, and the next moment he roared into the ranks of rebels.

"Wow, boom!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Wei Han directly showed the world the art of cutting grass.

He charged into the crowd from behind, sweeping wildly with the heavy iron gun in his hand.

The surrounding rebels screamed like sandbags and flew upside down.

The war horses also neighed excitedly, rampaging all the way, trampled to death and knocked many soldiers into the air.

One man and one horse were crushed all the way like a bulldozer, and the rebel camp suddenly became chaotic, with countless casualties.

"This is?"

The owner of the villa and the thousand rebel generals were stunned for a moment.

They never expected that at this critical moment, someone would enter the battle.

Is this guy crazy? Dare to fight alone?

"Who is he?" The owner of the villa was full of doubts.

The thousand-strong rebel general didn’t bother to think about it anymore, he directly waved his big hand and ordered: "Change the formation, strangle!"


Three hundreds of people in the blood refinement realm clasped their fists and roared.

They scrambled to beat the horse and prepared to destroy the invading enemy.

The soldiers under his hands also changed their formation one after another, quickly changing from a state of panic to a posture of fighting against the enemy.

Rows of swords and shields come forward, archers and pikemen behind!

Dense iron guns came from all directions.

Wei Han vaguely felt that the battle formation seemed to gather the blood of the soldiers together, allowing them to connect with each other, and their combat effectiveness doubled.

"It's no wonder that personal force is difficult to show off on the battlefield. The battle formation is really a magical thing. It is probably a simplified version of the fairy family's magic circle?"

"Hundreds of people are already so strong, if tens of thousands of people form a formation, how strong would it be?"

Wei Han was shocked and analyzed in his heart.

The killing in the hands never stops.

He is like a humanoid tyrannosaurus that never knows how to get tired.

easily smashed through the battle formation of the rebels, and the iron guns in their hands kept slaughtering.

With one shot, the shield array was easily broken, and dozens of soldiers flew backwards screaming.

A shot was fired, and the long spear array shattered inch by inch in an instant, and a dozen soldiers were directly thrown into the sky, screaming continuously.

The art of mowing the lawn, nothing more than that!

In front of Wei Han, these ferocious rebels were like chickens and dogs, unable to stop him from rushing around.

Even three hundreds of blood-refining generals charged over were blown away by him with a single shot. The blood fiend soul-severing gun became more and more ferocious and terrifying, dancing like a violent storm, which can be called invincible in group battles!

"Still getting out? Do you want to die?"

Wei Han took the time to cast a glance at Liehuzhuang.

Because his appearance attracted most of the rebels, so that Zhuangzi's crisis was resolved, but the owner of the villa still led his people to resist stubbornly, and he suddenly became angry.

I didn’t come here to save people, I just wanted to kill more rebels and muddy the water.

These guys are probably brain-dead, right? Why don't you take advantage of the chaos?

"Go, go!"

"Don't take anything, we will withdraw from the mountain!"

"Thank you, benefactor, for saving me. If there is an order in the future, I will never refuse from Liehuzhuang!"

The big villa owner finally reacted at this time.

While cupping his fists to Wei Han to thank him, he hurriedly evacuated with the troops.

Liehu Village is backed by a mountain, and they have been hunting in the mountains all year round. They have a lot of experience, and no one can catch up to them if they go straight into the mountain.

Seeing that they had already withdrawn, Wei Han had no intention of continuing to fight.

It is not easy to kill a thousand-man rebel army, and their thousand-man general is still a guy at the peak of blood refining.

The opponent's body is like a rainbow of energy and blood, his eyes are as sharp as a knife, and his strength is definitely not simple. If he is matched with the army, Wei Han may not be able to please him if he stays.


Wei Han squeezed his lower lip and blew a loud whistle.

The snow-capped condor that had been circling in the sky immediately swooped down upon seeing this.

Its huge body covered the sky and the sun, and with its wings, it set off a huge storm, scaring the rebels on the battlefield to retreat in a hurry.

"Eagle? What a big eagle!"

"Is this a monster? Be careful!"

The soldiers screamed in panic.

Wei Han casually dropped the iron gun in his hand, and when the Snow Mountain Condor passed by at low altitude, he kicked his feet and flew over its back, and then one person and one eagle quickly lifted into the air.

"Want to run?"

Thousands of people will be furious, and immediately grab their longbows.


Wei Han's six senses were astonishing, and he immediately sensed the danger.

He shook violently, and the Condor seemed to be suppressed by a boulder, and his body fell directly.

At the same time, Wei Han grabbed his back casually, and when he got the Surging Wave Bow and Armor-Piercing Arrow, he pulled the bow crazily without even looking at it.

All this happened in a blink of an eye!

Two arrows crossed in mid-air.

The arrows shot by the generals failed to hit the eagle, but hit Wei Han's heart, and with a tinkling sound of metal and iron, the arrow was shaken to powder on the spot.

Not only did Wei Han have nothing to do, even the skin membrane was only broken three layers.

On the contrary, his counterattack was as fast as lightning, and the arrows rained down like raindrops, directly blocking all the hiding places of General Thousand.

This is Wei Han's super performance!

Although he has not yet grasped the essence of the three archery techniques, it is still very easy to deal with him.

"Damn it!"

Qianren's face suddenly changed, he pulled the soldiers around him to block the arrows, and at the same time, his body quickly retreated backwards.

It's a pity that he still underestimated Wei Han's arrow!

"Puff puff!"

Seven or eight arrows fell crazily.

The head of the soldier who was blocking the arrow in his hand was directly shot into pieces.

A few arrows seemed to be able to bend, and they suddenly pierced into his body. Before Qian Renqian had time to react, he screamed and flew backwards.

You can find out if you look carefully!

He had already been shot through with three blood holes.

The tough film and armor couldn't withstand Wei Han's arrow at all.

Thousands of people will stare wide-eyed on the spot, and die with regret.

There was no sound on the battlefield, and the rebels looked at the one man and one eagle going away. A kind of horror flowed in everyone's heart, frightening everyone.

Thank you guys for your subscription and ticket support, thank you, thank you, five today

(end of this chapter)