Chapter 121: Golden-backed ape tribe, blood monkey wine! 【2/4, please order

Chapter 121 Goldback Ape Tribe, Blood Monkey Wine! 【24, please subscribe】

One Hundred Thousand Mountains

Because of Wei Han's arrival, a storm was set off!

After eating and drinking enough, he sent falcons to look for the target. Although there are monsters everywhere, with Wei Han's current strength, he has no interest in killing ordinary monsters.

Kill the difficult ones!

This can not only exercise yourself, but also improve your strength.

You can also harvest rare monster materials, why not do it?


Wei Han locked on the first target!

This is a tribe of monsters located in a valley not far from the foothold, and there are hundreds of apes of all sizes inside.

"Goldback ape?"

Wei Han narrowed his eyes in surprise, recalling the records in the monster identification map.

Golden-backed apes are bloodline-inherited monsters. They did not evolve from ordinary beasts, but have the bloodline of monsters from generation to generation.

Any golden-backed ape can reach the strength of the blood-refining state only by adulthood, and the ape king may even reach the peak of the bone-forging state, and often hundreds of them live in groups, even marrow-cleaning-level monsters dare not easily provoke them .

Golden-backed ape has silver hair all over its body, a pinch of golden hair on its back, and its skin is invulnerable. It is as huge as a brown bear, and its strength is notoriously terrifying. Its IQ is also very good.

The reason why Wei Han wanted to provoke them!

Mainly, the golden-backed ape has a characteristic.

They like to collect spirit fruits from heaven and earth, and mix them with the blood essence of other monsters to brew a very famous blood monkey wine!

This wine not only contains majestic energy!

And the taste is excellent, and it is also helpful for exchanging blood in the blood refining realm.

It is definitely a first-class martial arts treasure outside, and it is difficult to buy a pot of existence, since it happens to be encountered, how can you miss it?


Wei Han smiled and rushed into the valley decisively.


The group of golden-backed apes was immediately alarmed.

Led by a three-meter-tall, muscular ape king with a ferocious face, more than a hundred golden-backed apes, big and small, rushed over.

They glared at Wei Han who was approaching, and kept making ferocious threatening calls. They were either holding sticks or stones in their hands, ready to attack at any time.

"No wonder ordinary people dare not provoke, this is stabbing a hornet's nest!"

Wei Han did not retreat with a smile!

Instead, he raised Fang Tian's painting halberd and made a provocative gesture.

The golden-backed apes immediately became furious. As the ape king took the lead in smashing a stone the size of a millstone, other stones also fell like raindrops.

"Boom boom boom!"

Wei Han's body surface has a gold clock relief!

As his blood refinement skills became more and more advanced, this shield became stronger and more substantial. These stones kept hitting it, as if hitting a real golden bell, and there were only bursts of roaring sounds.

"That's it?"

Wei Han raised his eyebrows, held Fang Tian's painted halberd and killed him!

The 18,000-jin terrifying killer roared like a dragon, and turned into an afterimage in an instant, slapped, stabbed, or picked, killing the golden-backed apes with heavy losses!

Heavy Fang Tian painted halberd!

Combined with Wei Han's terrifying power!

It's like a tiger with wings, no ape can stop it.

Even the ape king was sent flying with one move. He never got close to Wei Han from the beginning to the end, and could only watch his own kind being slaughtered.

"Whoa whoa!"

The golden-backed ape king slapped his heart frantically in anger.

Its eyes were red, and it jumped tens of meters high.

The next moment, he rushed towards Wei Han like Mount Tai was pressing down on him.

"Oops, are you finally serious? Interesting!"

Wei Han's eyes were serious, and he raised his hand and waved Fang Tian's painted halberd to meet him, which was comparable to the golden-backed ape king.

Monster beasts are born with large bodies and full of vitality, and are often several times stronger than human warriors of the same level. The ape king who is at the peak of the bone forging realm alone is not much worse than Fan Tu.

Facing such a formidable enemy, Wei Han is also struggling!

The sixth prohibition of burning blood was directly activated to stabilize the situation.

"Hahaha, cool!"

He continued to fight excitedly!

Not only the Blood Fiend Soul Breaker makes it amazing.

Moreover, body skills, leg skills, and boxing skills are also used from time to time during the battle.

All kinds of martial arts gradually tended to be integrated. Wei Han was able to handle the siege of the golden-backed apes with ease, and his moves became round and natural, with a touch of artistic beauty in every move.

Gradually, the golden-backed apes realized something was wrong!

This guy seems to be practicing with them!

Wei Han obviously has the ability to crush them strongly.

But he is not like this. Instead, he has been controlling his strength and constantly refining his martial arts. Even the forbidden blood burning technique has been reduced to the three bans!

This battle lasted from morning to afternoon!

Until all the golden-backed apes collapsed to the ground.

He stopped attacking cheerfully. Under the angry, terrified, and desperate gaze of the golden-backed apes, Wei Han did not kill them, but rushed into the ape cave.


The golden-backed ape king was furious!

But he was too tired to get up and stop.

He could only watch Wei Han rush into his lair!

The lairs of the golden-backed apes are karst caves extending in all directions, and the insides are clean and refreshing. In a large karst cave, there is a pool filled with blood-colored and fragrant wine.

Wei Han took a sip, and immediately beamed with joy.

"Tsk tsk tsk, yes, the taste is really good!"

"Huh? Can it really speed up the speed of refining blood? It's amazing!"

"Forget it, just pack a few hundred catties, come back next time!"

Wei Han happily started packing immediately!

This guy came prepared, not only did Condor send a few wooden barrels.

He was also carrying a few buckskin pockets, and he carried hundreds of catties of inventory in one go!

The golden-backed apes grinned hoarsely with anger, but they were powerless to stop them!

After returning to the temporary foothold, Wei Han quickly stored the blood monkey wine in the cave. He specially felled the blood wood and dug it into wooden barrels to store the blood monkey wine, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

As a wine lover, these are his treasures!

"Immortals and wine are indeed the best match." Wei Han sighed flatteredly: "If you don't even have good wine, what's the point of immortality? Why don't you search for golden-backed apes every once in a while and find a hidden place to save them?" Thousands of barrels of wine, so that you will not be afraid of running out of wine in the future?"

The more Wei Han thought about it, the more reasonable he felt!

Why 1982 Lafite is **** compared to Blood Monkey Wine!

If he wanted to, he could have kept the wine for a thousand years before drinking it.

It's a pity that this is the world of martial arts, and antiques are worthless, otherwise Wei Han can plan to save more antiques.


The Snow Mountain Condor interrupted his thoughts.

I saw that this guy, relying on his power, actually captured all the corpses of the golden-backed apes that were killed during the fight, and a dozen of them were piled up by the stream, like a pile of meat.

"Oops, this can't go to waste!"

Seeing this, Wei Han hurriedly got busy again!

Hastily cut down big trees to make wooden barrels, and then released the fresh blood from the golden-backed ape corpse for storage. By the way, all the usable monster materials were removed, and the remaining meat was turned into rations.

Looking at the barrels of monster blood and blood monkey wine!

Wei Han blossomed with satisfaction, his blood refining journey has been unimpeded!

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(end of this chapter)