Chapter 126: Pay homage to Changsheng Pavilion, spend money to get started! 【3/4, please order

Chapter 126 Pay homage to the Changsheng Pavilion, spend money to get started! 【34, please subscribe】

Seventh day of September

Autumn is crisp and sunny!

Wei Han rested in Excalibur Villa for more than half a month, and settled a few falcons on a cliff behind the villa, and then rented a luxurious carriage and went straight to Changsheng Pavilion.

Now he is disguised as a young nobleman.

Not only dressed in brocade clothes, but holding a folding fan!

There are also several emerald rings on her fingers.

There is a message revealed all over his body-the Lord is rich!

"My lord, the Changsheng Pavilion is here!"

After half a sound, the coachman reminded respectfully.

"Okay, go back and forth from wherever, I don't need you here!"

Wei Han jumped out of the carriage and threw out a few taels of silver as a reward with a full face.

"Yes, yes, thank you, my lord, thank you, my lord!"

The coachman immediately expressed his gratitude.

Wei Han stared intently at the gate of the Changsheng Pavilion in front of him!

This is a martial arts sect built on the hillside. There are many pavilions, towers, pavilions and golden lacquer halls on several mountains, which look luxurious and domineering.

The main entrance of the mountain gate is the endlessly flowing Jingyang River!

There is a large lake on the left and right, and the air is filled with light mist.

Occasionally, bells rang throughout the mountain gate, setting off like a fairyland.

"Not bad!"

Wei Han pretended to be cold and arrogant and nodded, and directly stepped on the chain bridge leading to the mountain gate.

Not long after I walked past, I saw a memorial archway. Below it were four swordsmen in green clothes standing guard, and there were people patrolling not far away. It looked very impressive.


The swordsmen asked with sharp eyes.

Wei Han folded his folding fan, clasped his fists and said: "Zhao Yun in Xiaqingshan County, I heard that Changsheng Pavilion is a master of martial arts in Pingzhou Prefecture. Today, I came here to pay homage to my teacher. I hope you will inform me!"


A middle-aged swordsman left a sentence coldly, and didn't say anything more.

Obviously, there are quite a few people with such rich and powerful who come to apprentice, and they have long been familiar with it.

After a while, there was a boy with a thin face and a simple and honest face on the mountain, and he walked down quickly.

"The second-class handyman in the lower Changsheng Pavilion, I met you!" The boy gave a polite salute and said: "Since you are here to learn from the master, please go up the mountain with me."

"Yeah! Lead the way!"

Wei Han continued to play his lonely and arrogant local tyrant.

Follow the other party up the mountain along the Qingshiban mountain road.

The Changsheng Pavilion is picturesque. There are disciples wearing green clothes coming and going. There are men, women, old and young, and everyone looks hurried.

On a large training ground, there are hundreds of people practicing martial arts!

All kinds of shouts and shouts can be heard endlessly, which is full of style.

After half a ring, the two arrived at a hall.

"Please, my lord, this is the foreign affairs hall of our mountain gate."

The little servant introduced him politely, and walked through the lively crowd, leading Wei Han directly to a side hall.

Here, there is an old man in Tsing Yi who is busy sitting behind the desk. When he saw the two people coming in, he frowned slightly and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Thank you deacon!" The servant said cautiously, "This is a new apprentice."

"Oh?" Deacon Xie raised his eyes, sized Wei Han up a little, and said, "Look at your clothes, you should know the rules, so I won't say anything more. If you are a teacher, you only need to 30,000 taels can become an outer disciple, and 100,000 taels can become an inner disciple! If you learn art with a teacher, you can get 100,000 taels for the outer sect and 200,000 taels for the inner sect. Afterwards, you can eat, drink, and scatter on the mountain by yourself, understand? ?”

Wei Han did not expect such a difference!

It seems that Changsheng Pavilion doesn't care about someone teaching a teacher to learn art.

In other words, as long as you are willing to spend money, you can get started.

"The people in Xiaqingshan County are twenty-nine years old and have been practicing martial arts since childhood!" Wei Hanguo interrupted and said, "Now that he is at the peak of the blood refining realm, I don't know whether to choose the outer sect or the inner sect?"

"Nonsense!" Deacon Xie rolled his eyes angrily: "How can you waste time in the outer sect when you are at the peak of the blood refining realm? If you are a lot of age, you will naturally want to enter the inner sect!"

"Remind you, those who teach with a teacher cannot learn the best martial arts in their own school, and every time they choose a skill, they have to spend a lot of money to buy it. Are you sure you want to get started?"

Hey, is the co-authoring a scammer?

Wei Han nodded helplessly and said: "Sure, please trouble senior!"

After finishing speaking, he stuffed a few banknotes in the past.

Seeing this, Deacon Xie smiled slightly, took the opportunity to put away the bank note, and his eyes softened a lot: "Your boy is really sensible, let me tell you, you can never go wrong entering my Changsheng Pavilion, although you can't learn the best Martial arts, but as long as you have money, life here will be very comfortable!"

"Understood!" Wei Han smiled confidently: "My family has a small fortune, please trouble the deacon to give some pointers on where the money should be spent, I will be grateful!"

"Actually, it's nothing." Deacon Xie introduced cheerfully: "The expenses after entry are nothing more than basic necessities, food, housing, and transportation. There are various grades of living, from independent courtyards to public dormitories, from cafeterias to small stoves. , as long as you are willing to spend money, someone will run errands for you every day!"

"In addition, the inner sect has elders and deacons who give regular lectures every year. If you are willing to spend money, you will naturally have one-on-one guidance from experts!"

"There is also a choice of exercises. You'd better find Old Du in the Sutra Pavilion. He takes money to do things, and he will definitely recommend you better Tibetan goods! Other old things are not good. They are all greedy and a way to make money. There are too many, you have to be careful."

Deacon Xie may be doing it for the sake of money!

A burst of patient guidance and chatter also let Wei Han know a lot of inside stories about the sect.

These are all experiences, so precious!

After working for a long time!

Wei Han finally entered the door in a daze!

He paid 200,000 taels of entrance fees, 100,000 taels of 10-year accommodation fees in a first-class courtyard, and in the end he only got two sets of blue robes embroidered with the Changsheng Pavilion logo, and a worthless copper ID card!

"It's really dark!"

Wei Han was speechless for a while, and was finally taken to a courtyard by a young servant.

This is a row of courtyards located on the mountainside on the left side of the mountain. Each room is luxuriously and elegantly built. There are not only courtyard walls, but also rockeries, pavilions and pavilions. It is definitely a first-class good residence.

"Hey, 10,000 taels a year is quite worth it!" Wei Han commented cheerfully: "It seems that the Changsheng Pavilion has worked hard to attract young masters from rich and powerful families."

"Young master is right!" The young man said with a smile: "This is the second only to the courtyard of the elders in the mountain gate, and it is worth spending some money. Next, the villain will take you to familiarize yourself with the entire mountain gate. Do you want to rest for a day or two?"

"No, let's go shopping first!"

Wei Han casually threw a hundred taels of silver in the past!

The servant immediately laughed from ear to ear, and his attitude became more enthusiastic.

"Since the young master is interested, let's take a stroll inside the gate first, and then go to the Sutra Pavilion to choose exercises." The young servant enthusiastically introduced: "There are seven peaks in our Changsheng Pavilion, and there are more than a thousand disciples from the inner and outer sects. There are more than 80 elders and deacons, and 700 to 800 servants."

"There are many dining halls and dormitories inside the gate, as well as horse farms, martial arts training grounds, lecture halls, Tibetan sword pavilions, Tibetan sword pavilions, alchemy pavilions, internal affairs halls, external affairs halls, punishment halls, and Sihai halls, etc. Many buildings!"

"There is a small market at the foot of the third peak, where everything is sold. In addition, if the brother needs someone to run errands on weekdays, he only needs to ring the bell in the courtyard. There are handymen and servants waiting for orders day and night."

The boy chatted eloquently, and the two wandered around the mountain gate!

Wei Han was wearing a blue long gown issued by the sect, still wearing a jewel ring and holding a folding fan. He looked like a gentleman who was not short of money, but it also attracted many disciples to stop and watch.

"That's right, it's really a good place!" Wei Han nodded in satisfaction, and ordered, "Go, go to the Sutra Pavilion!"

"Yes, sir!" The servant immediately led the way.

Ask for a ticket

(end of this chapter)