Chapter 570: Huge bet, two peaks feud! 【Subscribe】

Chapter 570 Huge bet, feud between two peaks! 【Subscribe】

After some wrangling

The three masters finally agreed on a bet on the competition!

Qing Mingfeng and Broken Sword Peak each used 30% of their own share as a bet. Wei Han and Xuanyuan Ling fought fairly, and the winner took all and the loser admitted cowardly.

The two peaks have obviously made similar bets many times, and the three ancestors set the rules lightly, and there is no need for any contract when it comes to the division of huge benefits, just make a verbal agreement, and there is no need to even ask Wei Han and Xuanyuan Ling Opinion.

"Then, let's start!" Xuanyuan Ling couldn't bear it anymore, and sneered excitedly: "Today's battle, I want to wash away the shame of my peak! Boy, I heard that you have a good talent in swordsmanship, but it's a pity that you met me!"

"What's the matter? Broken Sword Peak has to say some harsh words before the competition?" Wei Han pretended to be surprised.


Jiang Yuan, Gu Mingyue and the others burst out laughing.

Xuanyuan Ling's face flushed with anger, and he shouted sharply: "What a sharp-mouthed thing, if I don't pull out all your teeth today, you will be great."


Wei Han raised his eyebrows slightly and remained unmoved.

Although Xuanyuan Ling, who looked like a teenager in front of him, was older than him, he was obviously just a flower bud grown in a greenhouse, and his temperament was not too deep, so a little stimulation would mess up his mentality.

If he can't torture this kind of opponent, Wei Han is really sorry for his hard work day and night.

"Let's go!"

Xu Suwan didn't say anything, just got up and walked to the martial arts arena.

Seeing this, everyone also got up to follow, and the uncle Jiang Yuan joked with his spiritual sense while walking: "Wei Han, if you can defeat him simply and neatly, I allow you to enter my peak treasury to choose three treasures." ,how?"

"Good! Thank you, Master."

Wei Han smiled and agreed.

After a while, a group of people arrived at the Holy Land Martial Arts Field.

This martial arts arena is located on the top of a mountain. The peak has been cut into flat ground by high-ranking monks, and it is paved with stone slabs engraved and protected by rune formations. Even Nascent Soul stage monks are not easy to cause damage here.

At the same time, the news of Wei Han and Xuanyuan Ling's offer to fight quickly spread everywhere!

Not only the disciples and elders of the peaks in the Zixiao Holy Land were very interested after hearing about this, but even the major forces in Sanxiu Immortal City and even the Litian Holy Land also came to watch the battle in person.

Xuanyuan Ling was anxious to go to war just now.

But at this moment, he waited quietly, neither anxious nor slow, obviously wanting to wait for more people to come to watch the battle, and then defeat Wei Han in full view.

With a young heart, he attaches great importance to winning and losing!

The discussion between the two is related to the reputation of the two holy places, as well as Qingming Peak and Broken Sword Peak, so he couldn't allow him to ignore it, so he just sat cross-legged on the ground and adjusted his breath silently.

Wei Han understates a lot!

He has already seen countless big scenes, and he is no longer the young and dazed young man he once was.

So even if the heads of the people around him were staring at him with countless eyes, he didn't feel stage fright at all, and he didn't even bother to adjust his breath, just kept silent in a boring manner.

If Wei Han was thrown into the crowd like this, no one would recognize him as Qingming Peak's recently famous swordsman, nor would he be recognized as a participant in this competition.

After half a sound!

Yu Fenglei, who had been silent all this time, finally became a little impatient. He looked around and found that there were a lot of spectators, so he pretended to smile heartily: "Okay, today is just a discussion between my Broken Sword Peak and Qingming Peak's direct disciples. The two peaks have always had a deep friendship, and it is very common for disciples to discuss each other, I hope you can learn from them!"

There were muffled laughter in the crowd.

A fart of deep friendship, it is clearly the grievances between the two peaks for many years.

Who doesn’t know that Qingming Peak and Broken Sword Peak have been fighting for thousands of years in the two holy lands. Since the ancestors of the previous generation, they have strangled each other to the death. This is a battle of face, so today is probably a good show!

Seeing this, Jiang Yuan pursed his lips and chuckled, and said loudly: "Hehe, you should all know that Broken Sword Peak was defeated by my disciple Mingyue a few years ago, and today Senior Brother Yu and his disciple Xuanyuanling came here to save face, so we just My nephew Wei Han will fight against it."

"Both of them are Jindan late-stage cultivation bases. This competition is fair and just. There is no falsehood. Qingming Peak and Broken Sword Peak agreed on a bet at the same time. Please bear witness!"

Yu Fenglei's nose almost crooked when he heard this.

He squinted his eyes and said unhappily: "Old Devil Jiang, what do you mean? You don't think I will break my promise and get fat, do you? Even if you lose this time, Yu will definitely not play tricks. You don't need to be grandstanding here."

"Hahaha!" Jiang Yuan laughed loudly: "Brother Yu misunderstood, Jiang was just talking too fast, forgive me! Who doesn't know that you, Senior Brother Yu, spit and hit nails, so it doesn't count if you can speak?"


Yu Fenglei was still upset after being thrown.

But the surrounding crowd exploded.

"Oh my god, 30% of the income from the source crystal veins? How could Liangfeng bet so much? Even if it is divided layer by layer, the income divided into Liangfeng's hands is sky-high!"

"Hehe, the source crystal vein is an old hen that lays golden eggs. It may be profitable in the next hundred years. If it comes down to three points, even the powerhouses of the gods will be jealous."

"Crazy, such a big bet is placed on two Jindan stage juniors?"

When everyone was in an uproar, they looked forward to this competition even more.

At the same time, as to who is stronger between Wei Han and Xuanyuan Ling, it is inevitable to speculate.

"Xuanyuan Ling has practiced for a hundred years and is already at the late stage of the golden core, and he has comprehended the second-grade cold wind sword intent. With his cultivation base, he can fight against the peak of the golden core without losing. There is absolutely no way he will lose!"

"Probably not? This Qingming Peak Wei Han's aura is dark and strong, obviously the foundation is very deep, even if it is stronger than Xuanyuan Ling, I am afraid that there will be a fierce battle this time."

"Fart, the victory of the sword cultivator lies in the sword intent. Xuanyuan Ling's second-grade extremely cold sword intent can freeze thousands of miles at every turn. How can the opponent stop it?"

"Hehe, it is rumored that Xu Tianzun, the new disciple, is also a peerless heavenly arrogance. He comprehends the sword intent in 30 breaths and has reached the fourth rank in a few years. Now he is probably not inferior to Xuanyuan Ling."

Everyone, you say what you say!

Some people are optimistic about Xuanyuan Ling, while others are optimistic about Wei Han.

However, there are still more people who are optimistic about Xuanyuan Ling on the whole. After all, he became famous at a young age, and he has defeated as many strong men as crucian carp crossing the river. From the perspective of record alone, Wei Han still does not have the advantage.

But the real sharp-eyed person is silent!

A series of obscure, powerful, and profound spiritual senses glanced silently from all directions, as if they wanted to see through Wei Han and Xuanyuan Ling, two outstanding figures in the younger generation.


Wei Han let out a mouthful of waste gas silently.

This is the first time he has encountered such a situation. In front of so many powerful people, many of his secrets may be easily exposed, so he must make a quick decision!

(end of this chapter)