Chapter 582: Fu Baobaizi, what a surprise! 【Subscribe】

Chapter 582 Fu Baobai, unexpected joy! 【Subscribe】

Refining Tier 3 Talisman

There are three common ways!

The first is to refine the top-quality spirit stones into jade tokens, and then perform the process of drawing symbols!

The second method is to use special ore materials to refine pieces of magic weapon iron embryos, and the third method is to directly process the third-order monster skin membrane to draw symbols.

The three methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, and all of them are suitable for inscribing Liujia Kunhuo Fubao.

It's just that materials are scarce in the deep sea nowadays, so Wei Han naturally took the lead in abandoning the second mode.

"The talisman blanks refined from the best spirit stones are powerful and costly. The disadvantage is that the internal energy is not gentle enough, and it is easy to cause an explosion!"

"The talisman blank made of third-tier monster skin is less powerful, but the cost is much lower, and the energy operation is gentle enough!"

Wei Han frowned and analyzed their pros and cons!

Finally decided to use top-grade spirit stones to refine talisman treasures.

Although it has big defects and high cost, who makes him have amazing financial resources and doesn't care about a little consumption? If you use monster skins as talisman blanks, you have to go through many processes such as peeling, resting, shaping, cutting, etc., which is really a waste of time.

"let's start!"

Wei Handuan sat on the training platform of the cave world, and with a wave of his hand, a mountain of top-quality spiritual stones appeared beside him. They were like bright crystals, and each one exuded amazing energy.


Wei Han raised his hand again, and the Samadhi Fentianhuo appeared in front of him.

It emitted scorching energy, almost burning the surrounding spiritual plants to ashes.


Wei Han ingested ten top-quality spirit stones with his spiritual consciousness, and threw them into the flames to burn them. The surface of these crystal stones gradually melted, and the majestic energy inside began to escape.

But the next moment, they were once again enveloped by divine consciousness.

Although it was the first time for Wei Han to refine this kind of talisman, with his strong spiritual sense, he was very handy in refining it, and even succeeded in refining it for the first time.

After more than ten breaths!

A talisman blank made of ten top-grade spirit stones was officially released. It is like a polished jade tablet, with a gorgeous streamer flowing inside. It looks beautiful and feels quite good.

Next, Wei Han only needs to carve runes on it.

"What a strong talisman!"

Wei Han's eyes suddenly lit up, and he realized that expensiveness does have its benefits.

One talisman blank consumes ten top-grade spirit stones, that is, 30,000 to 50,000 top-grade spirit stones. The cost alone is definitely thousands of times more expensive than a talisman blank made of a small piece of monster skin.

But this thing comes with the spiritual energy of 10 top-quality spirit stones inside!

After the characterization is completed, the power can be released continuously. It is definitely stronger in terms of durability and power. If its internal energy is burst out at once, it may be more than a hundred times stronger than the monster skin talisman.

"It's more expensive, anyway, I don't lack spirit stones!"

Gritting his teeth, Wei Han casually took out a turquoise jade talisman brush and began to draw.

This talisman pen is one of the gifts given by many big bosses at the teacher apprentice banquet last time. Its grade is as high as the peak of the third rank. It is rumored that it is made of a very rare fourth-rank Qingyan beast tail hair. It is absolutely priceless things.

With his master-level talisman-drawing skills, paired with a third-tier peak talisman pen, they will definitely complement each other like a fish in water.

Wei Han scratched his palm, used blood as ink, and then drew a detailed outline with a talisman brush.

One stroke after another was outlined on the jade tablet. Originally, the energy inside the jade tablet was not considered gentle, but he smoothed it out with the tip of the talisman, and then obediently hooked it together.

Finally, he forced out another drop of heart blood!


Bursts of light shone on the jade tablet, and then the light gradually faded.

The runes on the jade tablet exude a faint aura of yang, and it is obvious that this talisman has taken shape.


Wei Han threw it away casually.

The next moment, the treasure talisman jumped into the air, hanging high like the sun, emitting a yang aura to purify the surroundings.




The three thousand corpses on the edge of the cave world roared angrily.

They were crazily corrupted as if they had been splashed with sulfuric acid, and the yin energy on the corpse ground was also crazily expelled. Even if they were separated by hundreds of miles, they suffered a lot of injuries.


Wei Han clicked again, and the jade plaque exploded!

It didn't form a shock wave like a thunderball to sweep across all directions.

Instead, it burst out with a hundred times more dazzling light than before, which instantly made Wei Han's eyes sting and temporarily lost his visual function.

When he opened his eyes again and looked around, he saw that all three thousand corpses had been burned to the point of being inhuman, and their aura had also dropped a lot, and the surrounding corpse farms had been destroyed. How much Xuanyin sand can be restored to its original state.


Wei Han was very pleasantly surprised, he never expected that this kind of Liujia Kunhuo Talisman would be so powerful.

Perhaps because it was refined from top-grade spirit stones as blanks, its power has no effect on monks, but it is absolutely destructive to evil spirits and filthy forces.

And a talisman can be used ten times in a row!

If they explode all at once, its power will explode a hundred times, and the condensed purification power may be difficult for all demons below the fourth level to resist.

"If there are 10 coins, what about a hundred coins and a thousand coins?"

"Hehe, I'm afraid that no matter how fierce and weird it is, I can stop being cowardly, right?"

The corner of Wei Han's mouth curled into a slight smile, and his heart suddenly felt full of security.

Although the cost of a Liujiakunhuo talisman is very high, but I don’t lack spirit stones, so I set a small goal to refine 10,000 to 20,000 pieces first.

Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate to get busy again!

Wei Han, who has long been accustomed to multi-purpose alchemy, can refine the talisman treasures in batches with ease. Under the exquisite control of his powerful spiritual consciousness, the Samadhi Burning Heaven Fire keeps burning and smelting!

Piece after piece of talisman blanks are freshly baked quickly!

They piled up like a mountain in a short while, directly filling the training platform to the brim.

Over the years, Wei Han has disliked too many top-grade spirit stones, and has been asking Lu Qingying to collect top-grade spirit stones, so there are probably hundreds of thousands of top-grade spirit stones in his storage ring.

After refining it day and night for more than half a month!

He finally consumed 90% of the top-quality spirit stones in the storage ring, leaving tens of thousands of them as spares, and he refined all the rest into talisman blanks, which totaled as much as 36,000 yuan .

"More than 30,000 yuan?"

Wei Han clicked his tongue secretly, apparently he didn't expect such a result from his busy schedule.

However, it is easy to refine the blanks, but it is not easy to draw the inscriptions one by one. This is definitely a protracted project.

Fortunately, years of penance made Wei Han as calm as water, and he no longer cared about the passage of time.

After scanning around with his spiritual sense and finding that there was no movement outside, he picked up the talisman pen again and got busy, and the talisman treasures began to be continuously refined in batches.

(end of this chapter)