Chapter 594: Kongtong Blood Melting Corpse Raising Technique! 【Subscribe】

Chapter 594 Kongtong Melting Blood and Raising Corpse Technique! 【Subscribe】

Want to advance the three thousand corpse refining

In fact, there are many methods, and Wei Han summed up more than a dozen of them after a little thought.

They either have to spend resources or spend time. If they want to quickly cultivate 3,000 fourth-tier gold-armored corpse kings, the price they need to pay is definitely not small.

After all, these are three thousand existences comparable to the Nascent Soul stage!

If you want to cultivate them by smashing resources, you need to collect astronomical numbers of natural materials and earth treasures, and it is not easy to find these materials in deep sea mining areas.

After much deliberation, Wei Han finally had only two choices left!

The first choice is to cultivate by conventional means, supply enough blood food and Xuanyin sand, and then throw them all into the time-space cycle to experience the baptism of time, allowing them to slowly metamorphose.

One year outside, one thousand years inside the big formation!

In this way, it only takes ten years for them to reach the realm of ten thousand years of corpse refining, and they can transform into a real fourth-order gold-armored corpse king by themselves without too much consumption.

But ten years is still too long!

If Wei Han had no other choice, he would have to endure it reluctantly, but he found a second option from the "Kongtong Manifestation of Corpse Raising" - the Kongtong Blood Melting Corpse Raising Technique!

This is the bottom-press secret technique of the whole scriptures.

It uses a special method to extract the blood essence of high-level monsters, and then condenses them into blood beads and injects them into the body of the corpse refiner, so as to speed up the evolution of the corpse refiner.

It is recorded in the classics that the blood beads refined by five fourth-level early monsters are enough to make a third-level peak silver corpse break through to the level of a fourth-level gold-armored corpse king.

"The blood essence of five fourth-level monsters evolved into a fourth-level gold-armored corpse king. This deal is very profitable, but I have three thousand corpses in my life. If I want to succeed in all the advancements, don't I have to hunt and kill 15,000 corpses?" Thousands of Tier 4 monsters?"

Wei Han couldn't help clicking his tongue secretly after a little calculation.

Although with his current methods, it is no longer difficult to kill the monster beasts at the beginning of the fourth level.

However, it is still a very large and exaggerated task to hunt and kill 15,000 fourth-order monsters. I am afraid that it will take decades to hunt and kill them in the endless sea all day long. After all, fourth-order monsters are not so easy to find.

"It's not difficult to purchase spirit stones. The number of monsters sold by hundreds of millions of monks in Wanxinghai every day is astonishing. It is not difficult to find a sufficient number of monsters if you are willing to spend money."

"It's just that fresh and complete corpses of monster beasts are needed to perform Kongtong's blood fusion and corpse raising technique. Isn't it too expensive to buy the whole monster beasts in order to extract their blood essence?"

Wei Han muttered to himself, feeling a little pained!

One of the most common corpses of a fourth-order early-stage monster has about 500 to 1,000 top-quality spirit stones, and 15,000 is tens of millions of top-quality spirit stones, which he cannot afford to consume given his wealth.

Although he can divide and resell the monster material after drawing the blood!

But this is too troublesome. Wei Han is a person who is very afraid of trouble, and subconsciously resists this extremely time-consuming and energy-consuming approach.

"It seems that I can only bleed myself!"

Wei Han sighed helplessly, and finally thought of the routine of pulling the wool out of the system.

This method is old-fashioned, but it works well!

Based on Wei Han's current cultivation of the Heavenly Dao Golden Elixir, the surging energy and blood in his body is no less than that of the monster beast at the beginning of the fourth stage, and even the essence of blood and energy is more concentrated, and every drop of blood contains terrifying energy.

If you use your own blood as the material to refine the blood beads, firstly, there is no cost at all, secondly, the effect will definitely be better, and finally, it can take advantage of the trend to deepen Wei Han's control over the natal refining corpse, which is killing three birds with one stone!

"Okay, let's do it!"

Wei Han leaped to the sky above the corpse farm.

At this moment, the three thousand refined corpses are recuperating in the copper coffin, and the corpse aura released from their breathing permeates the surroundings, forming layers of thick gray mist.

The ground is paved with Xuanyin sand, splashed with the blood of countless monsters!

Every inch of the place exudes an astonishing evil atmosphere, which is as terrifying as **** on earth.


With a wave of Wei Han's hand, the Jiuxiao Fenglei Sword disappeared in an instant.

In the next instant, it crossed a stone mountain dozens of miles away. The 100-meter-high stone mountain was cut off from the root in an instant, and he absorbed it with his spiritual consciousness.


Wei Han's Samadhi Burning Heaven Huo reappeared with a flick of his sleeve.

It wrapped, burned, melted, and purified the stone mountain, and in a short while refined it into a super large stone basin ten feet high and thirty feet wide!

After the refining was completed, Wei Han put several restrictions in it and refined it into a very ordinary container. Its only function is to store blood and ensure its activity.

After getting ready!

Wei Han landed on top of this giant stone basin, and then raised his hand to cut a blood vessel in his left hand.


A large amount of blood flowed into the stone basin like a fountain.

Every drop of them contains astonishing energy, which is comparable to the best elixir, and the fragrance of blood makes the corpse refiners want to move.

But Wei Han is still not satisfied!

"too slow!"

He shattered the robe casually, and then jumped into the stone basin.

Relying on the absolute control over his body, he began to control the blood flowing out from hair, pores, mouth, nose, Qiqiao and other places.

For a while, Wei Han almost became a blood man.

His blood kept flowing out of his body as if he didn't want money, and the blood in the stone basin accumulated more and more, and it covered the top of his head in a short while.

If it is a normal cultivator, even a body refining cultivator will not be able to bear such a blood loss.

But Wei Han didn't care, because whenever he lost more than 10% of his blood, the undead system would automatically transmit an invisible healing power, restoring his body to its full state in an instant.

So even if he lost tens of millions of catties of blood, it doesn't matter, the immortal body is so domineering, the system's wool is not for nothing, why spend money to buy monster blood?

"Kongtong blood fusion technique!"

Wei Han murmured, and began refining decisively.

While controlling the pores of his body to spurt blood continuously, he made mudras with his hands, controlling the blood around him to start to gather towards his palms.

A blood mark formed between his hands!

It is like a black hole, constantly absorbing the surrounding blood, and gradually condenses into blood beads after being swallowed and purified.

This kind of blood bead is solid like jade, and the whole body is blood red!

It even automatically appeared a large number of bird and beast runes on its surface, and a little bit of breath escaped inadvertently, which almost made the three thousand corpses go crazy.

Obviously, it has a fatal attraction for refining corpses.

If it weren't for the awe of Wei Han, the master, the three thousand refined corpses would have ferociously culled them to fight for a share of the food.

"Puff puff!"

Wei Han casually flicked a few blood beads that had just been condensed, which immediately attracted a rush of corpse refiners, and all kinds of roars and roars began to resound throughout the cave world.

(end of this chapter)