Chapter 651: Sound the alarm, this is floating! 【Subscribe】

Chapter 651 Sounding the alarm, it's gone! 【Subscribe】

Lu Qingying came very quickly!

Although she is busy with the business of Babaozhai every day, but Wei Han sent a message to recruit, no matter how busy she is, she will drop everything to visit.

In fact, she has been visiting every once in a while over the years.

It's just that every time Wei Han is in retreat, most of the time it is Xiaoqing Xiaozi who contacts her, and is responsible for delivering some information and trading the Eight Treasure Glazed Pill.

Wuliang Peak, above the pavilion hanging upside down on the mountain

Wei Han personally made tea and received Lu Qingying.

It's been a long time since I saw her, but she looks more graceful and graceful, with a faint majesty of a superior person, and there is a charm of charm in every frown and smile.

"Senior brother rarely calls me here, isn't it just for tea?" Lu Qingying joked with a smile.

"It's nothing, I just want to collect some spiritual grass seeds." Wei Han said casually while drinking tea.

Since it is necessary to pick up the conventional alchemy technique again and meet the self-sufficient supply of elixir, the supply of spiritual grass must be solved.

Every kind of spiritual grass needed for the fourth-level elixir needs to be at least 5,000 to 10,000 years old to be sufficient.

The major holy lands have cultivated spiritual herb gardens all year round in various small secret realms, and occupy many treasured lands, so they can barely afford to support so many high-level monks. It must be difficult for casual monks to collect spiritual herbs to make alchemy of.

Babaozhai has developed well in recent years.

However, it is still impossible for them to collect fourth-order spiritual grass on a large scale, so Wei Han can only choose to let them collect spiritual grass seeds.

At that time, he can sprinkle the spiritual grass seeds in the medicine garden of the time-space magic circle, and it will be possible to cultivate the spiritual grass on a large scale at a speed of 2,000 times per hour.

"How many spiritual grass seeds do you want, senior brother, do you have a list?" Lu Qingying didn't ask any more questions, but directly agreed.

"Here!" Wei Han handed over a jade slip, on which were the common fourth-order alchemy herbs he collected from the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and some fifth-order spiritual grass seeds, the number of which was as many as several hundred.

"There is no limit to the number of seeds, as many as you want!" Wei Han casually said, "As for the fourth- and fifth-tier spiritual herbs that are not on the list, as long as you can collect seeds, you can also collect them for me, which is very useful! "


Lu Qingying nodded in agreement when she heard the words.

"Brother, don't worry." She promised with a soft smile, "These spiritual grass seeds are not difficult to collect. I will send a batch of them later, and I will tell you to collect them for a long time later."

"Well, thank you!" Wei Han smiled with satisfaction.

He still has great confidence in Babaozhai's ability to handle affairs.

As long as I explain it to you, Lu Qingying can naturally help him with it.

"Also!" Wei Han thought for a while, and said, "Give me a few more spiritual veins above the fourth rank, it doesn't matter if the price is higher."


Lu Qingying had a strange expression on her face.

Aren't the top spiritual veins in the entire Ten Thousand Stars Sea controlled by the major holy places?

With Wei Han's current status, there is no need to use the fourth-order spiritual veins to practice. Qingming Peak and Wuliang Peak hang upside down on the mountain, don't they have fifth-order spiritual veins?

"I'm looking for spiritual veins and I want to put them into cave-heaven tools for cultivating spiritual grass." Wei Han explained casually, and asked, "Why? Can't I buy them?"

"Of course I can buy it!" Lu Qingying smiled and said: "There are many things like spiritual veins in every sect, and there are also many monks who specialize in searching for spiritual veins on the seabed to sell them for profit. It will take away the spiritual veins of the loser's sect to make a profit, and you can still buy it on the black market if you want to buy it."

"A fourth-stage early-stage spirit vein can supply one to three early-stage Nascent Souls, plus a third-rate small sect to practice, so the price is about 23 million high-grade spirit stones!"

"In addition, if the grade is upgraded by one level, the price will often have to increase by more than 50%. I don't know what kind of spiritual vein do you want?"

Wei Han's eyes lit up when he heard this!

He originally just wanted to search for a few spiritual veins to fill up his spiritual energy in the Void Dharma Hall, and meet the growth needs of the spiritual grass by the way.

But who would have thought that this thing is not too expensive!

Although tens of millions of top-grade spirit stones are definitely shocking to ordinary people, to Wei Han, they are just tens of thousands of top-grade spirit stones.

Not to mention how rich his net worth is!

Just the gifts from various sects at the canonization ceremony, any one sold can be worth 100,000 to 80,000 top-quality spirit stones, and it is still very simple to buy a few spirit veins.

"How about this, first buy 20 fourth-order spirit veins, regardless of the grade!" Wei Han threw out a storage ring and said, "By the way, help me sell the things here on the black market to offset the purchase price." Spiritual resources!"


Lu Qingying casually agreed.

But after taking a look at the storage ring, she couldn't help but gasped.

There are hundreds of jade boxes inside, all kinds of fourth-tier precious medicines, spirit treasures, classics, orphan books, spiritual materials, and ores, all of which are priceless, enough for ordinary Nascent Soul monks to steal head.

"These are all gifts from various sects in the canonization ceremony. Whether they like it or not, the gifts they give should not be too shabby." Wei Han took a sip of tea and said with a light smile, "I have already put away the useful ones. , These are not needed for the time being, you should take them first."

Lu Qingying's face was weird when she heard the words!

So many precious things can’t be used? Thinking about it really makes people jealous.

And she didn't know that Wei Han really didn't like these things. Whether it was Lingbao or classics, he had better choices, so naturally he wouldn't care about these inferior products!

"There are only these two things, keep them secret!" Wei Han reminded casually, "After replacing these things with spirit stones and buying spirit veins, fill the excess into the treasure house of the Longevity Sect, and make life easier for the ancestors and the others."

"Thank you, brother!"

Lu Qingying hesitated to speak, but in the end she didn't say anything more.

She knew that Wei Han was a sentimental person. If it wasn't for the relatives of the Changsheng sect, she wouldn't have joined the Zixiao Holy Land in a high-profile way. After that, she deliberately didn't get too close to the Changsheng sect, but she just didn't want them to be targeted by her enemies.

In fact, Wei Han has always cared about Changshengzong!

Under his overt and covert care, everyone's life is so easy, and Lu Qingying naturally feels quite empathetic about it.

"Relying on senior brother's care, the sect is now thriving and developing rapidly, so you don't have to worry about it." Lu Qingying thought for a while and reminded: "However, the Demon Sect and the Loose Cultivator Alliance have become more rampant recently, and there may be turmoil in the future. Be careful yourself Some."


Wei Han's face darkened, and an alarm bell sounded in his heart.

He suddenly remembered that since he was promoted to the Nascent Soul stage and was promoted to the Holy Son, he has not paid attention to all the movements of the outside world, and his mentality has become lax from the previous cautiousness.

He is floating!

(end of this chapter)