Chapter 2047 Dancing Dragons (1)

Name:Myth Beyond Heaven Author:
Chapter 2047 Dancing Dragons (1)

======== This chapter contains 18+ contents. ==========


The air within the octagonal chamber hung heavy with the scent of aged incense and divine stones. Yun Lintian sat perfectly still, his back ramrod straight and his palms resting on his knees. Despite his outward serenity, a tempest raged within him. Wisps of raw, untamed energy crackled around his form like miniature lightning bolts.

With each deep, measured breath, Yun Lintian drew in the surrounding spiritual energy. It swirled around him, a luminous current feeding into the insatiable vortex of his Divine Core.

The chamber pulsed with a soft luminescence as the spiritual energy condensed and solidified within him. Sweat beaded on Yun Lintian's forehead, trickling down his face as he pushed himself further, the very air vibrating with the strain of his exertion.

A moment later, the air calmed. Yun Lintian exhaled deeply and opened his eyes. In the past, his training had never been so forceful. Perhaps eager to improve his strength, he had bitten off more than he could chew.

"It's too slow," Yun Lintian muttered in disappointment. A month had passed here, yet his progress was stagnant at the second level of the Divine Emperor Realm. He estimated reaching the peak level would take him at least a hundred years.


Suddenly, the door creaked open, revealing a breathtaking figure – Long Qingxuan.

Yun Lintian's surprise was evident. "Qingxuan?" he stammered, bewildered by her sudden appearance.

Before he could voice another question, Long Qingxuan was upon him. With surprising strength, she pressed him back onto the cool jade platform, her own body landing heavily on top of him.

"What are you d—?" Yun Lintian's eyes widened in shock. The question died on his lips as Long Qingxuan sealed them with a kiss.

In that moment, they transcended the boundaries of practitioners, becoming two celestial dragons intertwined in a dance as ancient as time itself.

Yun Lintian's hands skimmed Long Qingxuan's porcelain skin. His mind swam with a sense of otherworldly ecstasy. The memory of her previously forceful arrival lingered, a stark contrast to the electric current now coursing through him. This time, their connection was a shared exploration, a dance fueled by mutual desire.

Unlike any woman he'd ever experienced, Long Qingxuan ignited a fire within him. Every touch sent shivers of exquisite pleasure cascading through him, a sensation he craved to savor.

The blinding light faded and chaos subsided at the final thrust. Their Dragon God Souls, once separate entities, now danced together in a harmonious ballet. They lay breathless, sweat clinging to their bodies, the remnants of the tumultuous encounter.

Yun Lintian, his heart still pounding a frantic rhythm, looked at the breathtaking scenery in front of him. His lustful desire reached its peak as he reached out to grab her bountiful peak, playing with the hardened tip.

"Ah!" A gasp escaped Long Qingxuan's lips, breaking the trance. Shame tinged her cheeks a rosy hue. "You..." she stammered, her voice a mere whisper against the thrumming energy surrounding them.

Yun Lintian chuckled a low rumble that resonated through his chest. "Shouldn't we?" he countered, a playful glint in his eyes. Witnessing her vulnerability, her human side so naked after the raw display of power, stirred a protectiveness in him that intertwined with a possessive desire.

Yun Lintian rolled over, positioning her beneath him. His gaze lingered on her graceful form. Undoubtedly, she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever encountered.

"You pushed me down twice. It's my turn this time." Yun Lintian grinned.

Before Long Qingxuan could react, Yun Lintian lowered his head and began to ravage her peaks. He then slowly slid down towards her lovely lavine and sweet valley.

"Ah..." Long Qingxuan moaned in pleasure as the warm sensation rushed to her head.

The second session began...