Chapter 2061 The Tomb Protector

Name:Myth Beyond Heaven Author:
Chapter 2061 The Tomb Protector


A tremor ran through the earth as Si Junyi approached the ruined temple, the air crackling with a sudden energy. From the shadows that clung to the broken pillars, figures emerged. Clad in dark grey robes, their faces obscured by ceremonial masks depicting skeletal visages, they stood shoulder-to-shoulder, forming a stoic barrier between Si Junyi and the temple.

The leader, his mask etched with intricate bone patterns, stepped forward. His voice, a dry rasp that seemed to emanate from the very stones, boomed across the desolate landscape. "Halt, trespasser! This sacred ground is under the protection of the Tomb Protectors Clan. No defiler enters the God Tomb!"

Si Junyi stopped, his crimson eyes narrowing at the figures. A sardonic smile played on his lips. "Tomb Protectors? How quaint. Have you forgotten your purpose in the face of oblivion? Or perhaps you serve a new master now, one content to see the legacy of the gods rot away?"

The leader's mask remained impassive. "We serve the balance, outsider. The God Tomb holds powers beyond your comprehension. Disturb its slumber, and you unleash a calamity that will consume all!"

Si Junyi threw back his head and laughed, a chilling sound that echoed through the ruins. "Calamity? You speak of calamity when the very essence of divinity lies dormant, waiting to be claimed! I am the inheritor of the God of Death, the rightful heir to this power. Step aside, or face the consequences."

A tense silence descended. The Tomb Protectors exchanged glances, their hands tightening around the hilts of their spectral blades. The weight of Si Junyi's presence, the aura of the unleashed Hell Asura just behind him, pressed down upon them.

The leader of the Tomb Protectors held Si Junyi's gaze for a beat longer. Then, to the surprise of both the Asura and Si Junyi himself, a hint of amusement flickered in his shadowed eyes.

"Inheritor of the God of Death?" His voice, though still dry, lacked the earlier urgency. "Very well. The God Tomb does not simply relinquish its secrets. It tests those who claim its power. You shall face the Trial of the Ancestors."

Si Junyi roared in defiance, his voice echoing through the chamber. "Silence! I will not be broken! The power of the God of Death is mine by right!"

But the whispers continued, insidious and relentless. The tomb, it seemed, wasn't interested in a fair fight. It was exploiting his deepest flaws, attempting to turn him into a puppet king, a harbinger of chaos wielding the power of the gods.

Si Junyi stumbled, his resolve wavering under the relentless assault. Just as he was on the verge of succumbing, a new voice cut through the din. A deep, resonant voice, filled with an ancient wisdom.

"The inheritor walks a tightrope. Power without control is a curse, not a blessing."

The voice wasn't coming from within his mind but from somewhere deep within the tomb itself. Whether it was a fragment of a god's consciousness or a guardian spirit remained a mystery.

But its words struck a chord within Si Junyi. He gritted his teeth, focusing on the voice, using it as an anchor against the tide of despair. Slowly, the whispers receded, the chamber returning to its eerie silence.

Si Junyi stood panting, sweat beading on his brow. The Trial had been a brutal test of his will, a stark reminder of the corrupting nature of power. He had emerged victorious for now, but the true challenge, he realized, lay not in conquering the tomb but in conquering himself.

Si Junyi emerged from the white light, blinking against the sudden gloom. The air hung heavy with the scent of dust and decay, a stark contrast to the ethereal glow of the Trial chamber. Gone were the ornate murals; instead, jagged obsidian walls pressed in on him, their surfaces etched with cryptic symbols that pulsed with a faint, malevolent light.

The cavernous space stretched before him, seemingly endless. The only sound was the ragged echo of his own breathing. He raised a hand, a ball of crimson flame erupting from his palm, casting flickering shadows across the treacherous landscape.

The trial may be over, but the true test, he knew, had just begun...